Tube's ZB Coordinators and Routers (was Zigbee router on steroids?)

Thank you for your response. Have I to do this via esp web interface?

If you have a Ethernet coordinator, this will not apply

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I have the coordinator with the usb power supply, not with POE

It’s not connected to a USB port so, disabling USB autosuspend will not help. Sorry

I can’t understand. My coordinator has usb power supply.

“autosuspend” is computer setting. Not a Coordinator setting. It is a way computers put USB devices to sleep to conserve power. Your coordinator is not connected to a computer USB port. Therefore this setting is of no use to you.


Oh, i get it. It’s strange, because I can see the coordinator as online from Unifi Controller. It seems like the coordinator is not sending any data to zigbee2mqtt. I am pretty sure that the zigbee antenna stops working.

Are you using the IP address or mdns address of the coordinator in zigbee2mqtt?

The IP address is more stable. See:


I use the IP address

Hi @tube0013 ,
I received my PoE Coordinator last week, and migrated to it a few days ago. Things have generally been working great, however I have a few battery devices that did not rejoin, so I removed them to re-pair, however I am unable to re-pair any of them! I have a couple Sonoff temperature sensors and a Ikea Tradfri motion sensor. I put them in to pairing mode, and permit joining on Zigbee2MQTT however nothing happens. I cannot see anything in any logs relating to them. They were working flawlessly with my old USB coordinator, I just cannot seem to re-pair them with the new coordinator.
Can you please advise?
Many thanks

Permitting joins on the coordinator or routers in zigbee is a “passive” process, meaning all they do is listen for new devices. it’s up to the joining device to initiate the pairing. I would check the batteries on the devices you aren’t able to join – maybe even leaving them out for a few minutes before putting them back in to the devices. I would also try enabling joins on a mains powered router closer to where they will live to see if that helps.

Just tried this and no luck. For testing, I also deleted a mains light bulb to try and re-pair, and it is also not pairing? It seems I cannot pair anything now?

that’s frustrating. and zigbee can be frustrating at times. I don’t use Z2M much but have you tried restarting both it and the coordinator? - are other device on the network still working as expected?

other is in this thread or on discord may have other suggestions as well.

Yes I’ve shut down and rebooted both. Is there any form of reset worth trying on the coordinator? All other devices are working perfectly. I’m scared to delete any other devices in case I can’t re-pair them!

as long as you have a valid backup from z2m in your config folder, you could try a full reset of the coordinator. or even update to the most recent 20211217 firmware release which will do the erase in the process.

ok, will try the firmware update. Can I use the OTA update method on the coordinator’s webpage? Could you also confiirm which firmware file I need please? Just want to make sure I don’t mess it up!

instructions are here:

you’ll want the Launchpad variant of the FW.

The OTA box in the web interface is solely for the ESP32/ESPHome firmware. you’ll need the external flashing program cc2538-bsl for the zigbee FW update, be sure to disable Z2M while doing this. and check their docs for anything you need before doing it (and be certain you have a current backup of the stick settings so you won’t need to rejoin devices).

Thanks, will give it a try and come back.
I’ve looked at the zigpy-znp tools, and couldn’t figure out the correct syntax for pointing to the Lan coordinator. I did it for my old USB stick coordinator as it created a com port in windows but how do I do it for the IP address do you know please?
Googling didn’t really bring anything up either!

-p socket://ip:6638

-p doesn’t work, and omitting -p produces loads of errors? I tried that before and got the same thing.