Tube's ZB Coordinators and Routers (was Zigbee router on steroids?)

Silicon Labs EZSP (EmberZNet Serial Protocol) is still experimental in Zigbee2MQTT so it should work but if it does not then do not expect expedited solutions as not even the developers are using it in their own production environments. Help is via →

@tube0013 @Hedda Thanks to you both for the additional background. My question should have been “do you know of the plan for zigbee2mqtt to support ERF32 gateways” :slight_smile: I appreciate the direction!

Is anyone else struggling with the 2022.3 update? I have an EFR32-PRO from tubes but like many other on GitHub, ZHA is practically DOA and downgrading doesn’t help. Can’t register devices, can’t send commands to existing devices, states not updating etc.

enable debug logging and post those some where. the GH issue looks to have a lot of different problems in it.

Debug logging for ZHA? The recommended logger config for that includes HAcore which means there a lot of unrelated stuff but happy to upload it all somewhere.

Or is there a way to get the coordinator log?

bellows for efr32/ezsp radios
zigpy-znp for TI radios

post to a paste site, link here… plase.

  default: info
    homeassistant.components.zha: debug
    bellows: debug
    zigpy: debug
    zigpy_znp: debug
    zhaquirks: debug


Edit: Removed for privacy. Noteworthy error posted below, thanks tube.

It’s interference.

PHY_CCA_FAIL_COUNT Keeps going up that means the coordinator is not sending due to interference.

Any changes in physical environment. New stuff?

Hmm, I had solar installed last week. The inverter is maybe 12m away from the coordinator through 3 walls but does have a wifi antenna.

I had no issues after the solar was installed, the issues began after a brief power outage a week later.

I can remove the wifi antenna from the inverter so I will test that in a few days. Thanks

Edit. Moved the coordinator 2 inches to the left and instantly gained back control of my lights and front door lock. Aqara motion senators still unavailable but will troubleshoot that after the weekend as I had to run out the door. Thank you.

Don’t think it’s the solar, just other gear near the coordinator.

Happy to roll out a new PoE CC2652 Design today!

Does the same as the old, with a new smaller case/package. Modular design to easily swap out the Olimex ESP32-PoE board, or Soon pop the zigbee module into a companion serial-USB board.


For anyone who wants wall mounting clips for the V2 coordinators (the round ones)

Cool, would those also fit the routers?

Should fit any of the round cases.

New design looks great! I have an older circular design from late last year and it’s been working flawlessly.

Thanks, should increase WAF. May even accelerate the 3d printer purchase.

What would be the consequences if I were to add the ethernet connected cc2652 tube gateway to my test instance of HA?
It’s already setup and working on my prod instance.
@tube0013 thoughts?

With z2m I think you an just share the same MQTT server between prod and test and you have all the same entities in both.

If you want to run separate networks and have 2 coordinators you just have to be sure you use the IP address of the different coordinators.

Sorry for lack of details in my last post. I’m using zha and only want one network.

Really asking because of the zigbee issues I’ve seen with the latest HA release.
I was hoping to set it up on my test instance to see the impact there. I doubt that it could be done safely but figured it couldn’t hurt to ask.

I have never used ZHA but what led me to z2m include

  1. the decoupling of zigbee from ha, which is directly related to your recent problems

  2. the responsiveness of the devs, including to new devices.

I am not saying zha is terminally ill, but z2m has never let me down.

Okay, yeah no way to do that currently.

There were a few changes to the libs used by zha in the new release. There are a number of fixes in zigpy and quirks that the devs have been working on this weekend which hopefully with make it in a .x release (some were in .1) In the end the changes should be more good than bad, just due to the the wide variety of devices a few issues were not found during the beta.