Tube's ZB Coordinators and Routers (was Zigbee router on steroids?)

can we take this to DM? you will need to identify the USB.

use /dev/serial/by-id and you should see something with 971207DO in the name.

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Sorry for the late response! Busy days! :sweat_smile:

I havenā€™t been able to test it yet, but will try debug and test more next week. My spare Zigbee dongle has been working ok in the meantime, so I guess that is also why I havenā€™t been as quick to fix the big boss PoE coordinator. Will get back to you with the results.

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@tube0013 Thanks for providing the beta firmware and update files!
To make it work for my tubeszb-cc2652-eth_usb coordinator I only needed to replace name: tubezb-cc2652p2-ethusb-2022 by name: tube-zb-gw-cc2652p2-v2 in the yaml file.

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First off Iā€™d like to say thanks. Iā€™ve had your CC2652P2 ZB PoE Coordinator V2 for almost a year now and its probably the most stable Smart Home gadget I have, absolutely rock solid.

My question is, since this device has an Olimex ESP32-POE inside, can this device serve double duty as both a Zigbee Coordinator and a Bluetooth Proxy?


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There has been quite a bit of traffic about bluetooth proxy being a pretty heavy usage hit for an esp32. Tales of stuff randomly going offline. I would be careful of interfering with my zigbee usage.

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it can be enabled if you use the newest yaml I have posted which allows the use of the most recent esphome releases (finally). I wonā€™t support it as I echo what @nickrout says but if you want to explore it on your own no one is going to stop you.

I only have 3 Zigbee devices currently, so there isnā€™t much traffic at the moment. If the BT Proxy works out Iā€™ll install some dedicated hardware.


Hi, I recently got one of the new cc2652-poe-2022ā€™s, and while the initial setup worked well, Iā€™m struggling with some devices.

Initially I had a devil of a time getting Aqara devices to pair. I chalked it up to Aqara being somewhat janky in general, but now my Sengled E1C-NB7 plugs arenā€™t working at all (pair, but fail to interview, and are left in a partially connected, but not functional state).

This issue has details including a herdsman log: Sengled E1C-NB7 smart plug fails to interview Ā· Issue #14524 Ā· Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt Ā· GitHub

So far Iā€™ve updated the CC2652 to the most recent zstack (20220928), and I updated the ESP to the latest version linked in your documentation. Both updates seemed to go fine, and the CC2652 made and restored backups fine.

Iā€™m on channel 11, which an energy scan shows to be a low energy channel in my house, and all my devices are close (the plugs in question are less than 15ā€™ from the device).

Any idea from the logs on what I should look at next? Does it seem to be a coordinator issue, a Z2M issue, or a device issue?

Thanks - Sam

hmm. those plugs are generally pretty well supported (I have like 8 of them) You mention the energy scan looks okay at the coordinator, but what about where the plug is? Iā€™ve seen something as silly as a logitech wireless keyboard usb module take out a whole zigbee network due to itā€™s proximity to the coordinator. it also was intermittent as the it channel hopped, so the energy scan didnā€™t show anything as it was scanning when it was on different channels.

It should be noted that not all Zigbee devices are compatible with all Zigbee channels. If possible, I always try to stick with Zigbee channels 15, 20, and 25. These are least likely to conflict with 2.4GHz WiFi, assuming youā€™ve chosen WiFi channels 1, 6, and/or 11 with a 20MHz channel width to avoid interference with the aforementioned Zigbee channels.



I will never understand why Z2Mā€™s default is 11


Hmm, thanks, Iā€™ll run the energy scan again and try to move to a more commonly used channel. I believe 15 was fairly low energy as well, so it could be a good candidate. I also realized I should probably change my Z2M network key, so picking a better channel and rebuilding the network is probably a reasonable next step, especially since Iā€™m now hearing several reports of these plugs working fine for people.

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Well, moving to channel 25 seems to have helped. One of the units was still very reluctant to join, and now one of my Sengled bulbs doesnā€™t want to rejoin either, but I do have basic functionality from the Sengled plugs now.

They still do not report power (just getting null) but Iā€™ll leave the network for a while to settle and hopefully they start to report.

Thanks for the help!

EDIT: For future searchers, this was indeed the problem. Once on channel 25 all my devices ended up working. It took a little while in operation for the Sengled bulbs to start sending power data, and for the last bulb to pair up, but once the network ā€œsettledā€ for a day then everything was working as expected.

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Is there any way to dim/disable the LEDs on the POE 2022 devices? Quite bright at night. I also assume the vents are needed for heat dissipation, and shouldnā€™t be blocked?

If you block them, you may need to unblock them to let the magic smoke completely out. :slight_smile:

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they are part of the Olimex hardware and are not controllable. you can cover with electrical tape or a dark nail polish.

They get hot, and the slots are required for venting the heat.

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Or something like this perhaps (depends where the leds are, I donā€™t have this board.)

Sounds good! Iā€™ll keep them well ventilated, and just put a little dark paint pen on the LEDs to significantly dim them.

I am having some serious trouble getting Z2M running with the POE device. I have historically had it working on a QNAP server with a USB Conbee II and hoping to move over to the network device to allow me to move the device away from my server. I have brought up a new VM on a new server in Proxmox and installed HAOS on there and added the MQTT and Z2M addons.

When I start Z2M I get an error message 502: Bad Gateway and in my logs I get:

[12:11:33] INFO: Preparing to start... [12:11:33] INFO: Socat not enabled [12:11:33] INFO: Starting Zigbee2MQTT... Zigbee2MQTT:info 2022-11-23 12:11:35: Logging to console and directory: '/config/zigbee2mqtt/log/2022-11-23.12-11-35' filename: log.txt Zigbee2MQTT:info 2022-11-23 12:11:35: Starting Zigbee2MQTT version 1.28.2 (commit #unknown) Zigbee2MQTT:info 2022-11-23 12:11:35: Starting zigbee-herdsman (0.14.68) Zigbee2MQTT:error 2022-11-23 12:12:44: Error while starting zigbee-herdsman Zigbee2MQTT:error 2022-11-23 12:12:44: Failed to start zigbee Zigbee2MQTT:error 2022-11-23 12:12:44: Check for possible solutions Zigbee2MQTT:error 2022-11-23 12:12:44: Exiting... Zigbee2MQTT:error 2022-11-23 12:12:44: Error: network commissioning timed out - most likely network with the same panId or extendedPanId already exists nearby at ZnpAdapterManager.beginCommissioning (/app/node_modules/zigbee-herdsman/src/adapter/z-stack/adapter/manager.ts:347:23) at ZnpAdapterManager.start (/app/node_modules/zigbee-herdsman/src/adapter/z-stack/adapter/manager.ts:92:17) at Controller.start (/app/node_modules/zigbee-herdsman/src/controller/controller.ts:132:29) at Zigbee.start (/app/lib/zigbee.ts:58:27) at Controller.start (/app/lib/controller.ts:101:27) at start (/app/index.js:109:5)

Now I have done a fair bit of reading and initially I thought that maybe my old setup was interfering with the new device so I added the following to my Z2M configuration:

mqtt: server: mqtt://core-mosquitto:1883 user: mqtt password: password serial: port: tcp://ipofPOE:6638 advanced: log_level: debug pan_id: GENERATE ext_pan_id: - 105 - 114 - 113 - 53 - 46 - 105 - 111 - 32 channel: 24 network_key: GENERATE

this didnt work so I thought well ill shutdown the QNAP server to prevent power to the conbee, uninstall Z2M in HAOS, reboot the TubesZB and then try again but alas tna.

I had a go at changing my pan_id to ā€˜pan_id: 6755ā€™ last night but continue to get the same error.

I can see in the device log that Z2M is connecting to the TubeZB so the connection details are good to that at least.

I have also connected to my MQTT broker with MQTT-Explorer and that is working although I cant determine whether Z2M is connecting to it as I canā€™t see anything in the logs.

I should add that I have flashed the TubesZB stick with the firmware recommended in the Z2M instructions.

Any help or ideas would be great!

undo the antenna and try, or unplug nearby mains powered routers.