Tube's ZB Coordinators and Routers (was Zigbee router on steroids?)

Thank you - ill do that tonight and try again.

I tried as you advised but that didnā€™t work for Z2M. I used the ZHA integration and it worked fine so I guess its an issue with the Z2M configuration. I was on the fence on using ZHA as I had used Z2M before successfully but I guess this sealed the deal! Iā€™ll just use ZHA.

The pan_id is a unique identifier for the network packets, so they always find their way home to the coordinator. If you change your z2m startup configuration.yaml to a one time value GENERATE this will generate a unique value and replace it in the config.

  pan_id: GENERATE

I see youā€™ve tried this but maybe there was something going on with the one time initial setup, Iā€™m running my z2m instances in Docker so the folder locations might be different. You inject a default configuration.yaml for initial startup and then it writes the working copy to its data folder.

Locations are:

  • [root of install]/configuration.yaml # <---- one time startup config
  • [root of install]/data/configuration.yaml # <---- running instance config

The one time config only takes effect if you have deleted the [root of install]/data/configuration.yaml

Iā€™ve got Tubes POE coordinator working like this alongside some others for testing, all of them of separate zigbee2mqtt containers. Templated out its takes very little configuration to spin up multiple instances.

If Iā€™m using an existing coordinator with Home Assistant ā€¦ What steps would I have to do to migrate to these devices ā€¦

Much appreciated

Home Assistant/ZHA has coordinator migration built in now.

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I did not know that ! Ok cool let me get one of your devices now !

Hi, After hours of trying and searching through this thread, I give up and ask somebody for his or her time.

I have the tubes ZB Poe coordinator EFR32.
Itā€™s regognized in ZHA, can be set up, I can pair a couple of ikea devices I have. (Tradfri, Symfonisk)
Battery levels are shown for all.
However only the tradfri button shows input events in the log for the device in ZHA. The shortcut and Symfonisk do not log anything.

So I figured I try Zigbee2Mqtt. Because I know Symfonisk works with that.
I removed ZHA.
Ignored the ZHA in integrations.
installed zigbee2mqtt


server: mqtt://core-mosquitto
       port: tcp://

to the zigbee2mqtt config.

And it keeps crashing with:

[16:39:16] INFO: Preparing to startā€¦
[16:39:16] INFO: Socat not enabled
[16:39:17] INFO: Starting Zigbee2MQTTā€¦
Zigbee2MQTT:info 2022-12-09 16:39:22: Logging to console and directory: ā€˜/config/zigbee2mqtt/log/2022-12-09.16-39-22ā€™ filename: log.txt
Zigbee2MQTT:info 2022-12-09 16:39:23: Starting Zigbee2MQTT version 1.28.4 (commit #unknown)
Zigbee2MQTT:info 2022-12-09 16:39:23: Starting zigbee-herdsman (0.14.76)
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2022-12-09 16:39:23: Error while starting zigbee-herdsman
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2022-12-09 16:39:23: Failed to start zigbee
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2022-12-09 16:39:23: Check Zigbee2MQTT fails to start | Zigbee2MQTT for possible solutions
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2022-12-09 16:39:23: Exitingā€¦
Zigbee2MQTT:error 2022-12-09 16:39:23: Error: spawn udevadm ENOENT
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:283:19)
at onErrorNT (node:internal/child_process:478:16)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21)

What can I do? Thank you for your help

you need to specify that itā€™s a ezsp coordinator. Iā€™m not 100% familiar with that set up as I donā€™t advise using Z2M with efr32 coordinators due to it ā€œexperimentalā€ nature.

  port: tcp://
  adapter: ezsp

not the double serial either.

Thank you very much for your help!
I could get it to run.
Could get devices paired up.
The Symfonisk dial even sent data now, the button and switch both also worked.
The shortcut button still didnā€™t.

However it seems very unstable. The devices keep getting disconnected and re-paired, even though range is not a problem (2m through one wooden wall). Also the batties of two devices went from 100 to 20% in an hourā€¦

Disabled Zigbee2Mqtt, went back to ZHA. Re-paired the devices. None of the buttons works not even the one which worked at first. Only the switch works.
I must say, I thought this would be easier.

edit. Noticed that if I remove a device and re-pair it, HA/ZHA remembers it, because I can see the same log, for the device. Even if I give it another name. However, nothing new happens in the log. Also there are only two entities for the switch, battery and identify. Battery even gets updated. But. There is no action entity anymore.

My secondd POE device arrive this week, many thanks.

I have a q if I may ?

Am using the first one with Z2M in my outhouse, it is working perfectly, absolutely rock solid.

I bought the second to replace a Sonoff stick and ZHA in the main house where I have many more (approx 70 ) zigbee devices

What I canā€™t work out is how to run a second instance of Z2M in the house on my HASSOS NUC or can I add POE Tubes 2 as a second serial device in my existing Z2M add on ?

Can I run 2 x Z2M instances via the HASSOS or do I need to pair the second stick with ZHM ?

Apologies for the rather basic questions

Others may know more detail than me. but you could use the dev instance of z2m for the second install. I think there may also be a way to fork the z2m addon and add another instance but Iā€™m not really up to speed on that.

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Only one coordinator per z2m instance.

As @tube0013 suggests, the easiest way to get two instances via HAOS is to install the z2m edge version: image

Make sure you change the config folder and base topic:

IIRC, setting the base topic in the addon config page as shown above didnā€™t work on first startup. Pretty sure I had to change it in the z2m configuration.yaml. It took a little futzing, I should have taken better notes, but it does work and wasnā€™t really difficult.

If youā€™re worried about running a ā€œdevā€ instance, just disable auto update and only update when the stable version is updated. The dev and master branches are usually in sync at the beginning of the month.


Hi Can anyone help me im trying to update the esp firmware on the tubezb-cc2652p2-eth old style.
There are no buttons to press, or jumpers like the new ones, so i tried a OTA update, this then changed the look of the gateway screen when i log in.
Then itried doing it through home assistant by updating the yaml, both trys still say version Firmware: 1.16.2 (Apr 6 2021, 09:53:56 when i look in home assistant.
How do i know if its updated?
ESP Flasher wont see the device , i dont have access to the boot button.

you can get the esp32 into boot mode using the pins as shown here:

if you have the updated esphome web frontend (new look) then the device was successfully update. Iā€™m not sure if HA shows the current/correct esphome version for the entity.

Hi. Thanks.

It looks like this now, so it must have updated. Weird how it shows the firmware version as this though.
Were can I find the changlog?

Iā€™m pretty sure the version shown in HA is an esphome bug/issue.

as far as changelog, donā€™t really have one, you can look at the older yaml files still in the repo.

Broadly, some toggles were changed to buttons, a zeroconf component was added for yet to be done update to how ZHA auto-discovery works with tubeszb devices and the Serial Server was updated to a new version that I commissioned someone to work on so that it could finally work reliable with current esphome versions.

next change I anticipate is moving to the IDF framework now that it supports ethernet in esphome.

Hi. I removed the esp integration for the old device and renamed the yaml to something different. Restarted HA , then it discovered a new esp which now shows the current FW version and new config.

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I just received the CC2652P2 Based Zigbee to PoE Coordinator 2022
I just wanted to ask what steps I should take next. Do I need to flash the coordinator and router firmwares, or does the device come ready to use?

Also, my previous Zigbee network was setup on a Conbee II usb stick. Is there a guide how to migrate the network over to Zigbee2MQTT, or should I just reset and start a new? I donā€™t have many devices.

I am not sure if Z2M can do a migration from conbee to cc2652 yet. maybe someone else on here knows for sure.

however you can use the zigpy-cli tool to run a backup and then restore to the cc2652. tweak your z2m config to point to the new coordinator, and remove any conbee specific settings.