Tube's ZB Coordinators and Routers (was Zigbee router on steroids?)

I’m hoping this is the right place to post this. I recently purchased the USB-only CC2652 coordinator and set it up. I migrated from a USB HubZ controller and everything seemed ok at first. A few hours later, several devices stopped reporting and my first attempt was to restart HomeAssistant. During reboot, the ZHA integration failed to load.

I restored from backup and restored my HubZ backup as well and got everything back online. I just attempted to migrate again and I’m running into the same issue. Reloading the controller from Integrations worked fine, but actually restarting HA once again broke the integration.

The logs below make me think it is still trying to use the HubZ for ZHA, but I’m not entirely sure. Any help or guidance would be appreciated.

Error setting up entry HubZ Smart Home Controller - /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_HubZ_Smart_Home_Controller_312001E0-if01-port0, s/n: 312001E0 - Silicon Labs - 10C4:8A2A for zha

7:40:41 AM – (ERROR) components/zha/core/

Couldn’t start ZNP = Texas Instruments Z-Stack ZNP protocol: CC253x, CC26x2, CC13x2 coordinator (attempt 1 of 3)

7:40:41 AM – (WARNING) Zigbee Home Automation - message first occurred at 7:40:12 AM and shows up 3 times

[0x83DD:3:0x0006]: ‘async_initialize’ stage failed: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘request_callback_rsp’

7:40:01 AM – (WARNING) Zigbee Home Automation - message first occurred at 7:39:55 AM and shows up 81 times

[547089218288] ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘request_callback_rsp’

7:39:58 AM – (ERROR) Home Assistant WebSocket API

Discarding _save_attribute event

7:39:54 AM – (WARNING) components/zha/core/channels/ - message first occurred at 7:39:52 AM and shows up 13 times

Update: Removing the ZHA integration and rebooting the RPi notifies me that a new device was found. I am shown two options for ZHA, one with the TubeZB and one with the HUBZ. Restoring the backup to the TubeZB Coordinator brings back all my devices and seems to be fine after restarting HA, but since I removed the old ZHA first, they’d all need to be renamed and placed in rooms, etc…

I can use this as a last resort, but I’d much prefer the migration and keeping all my devices intact. For now, I’ve restored from a backup.

hmm, that should work, but it is still set to your old port.

could try reconfigure current radio, and pick zigpy-znp and the new serial port.

I’ll give that a try when I get home, thanks. But with my last update, I’m thinking this is more an issue with the migration rather than the device, so I’ll probably do some more searching and put this into another thread rather than clutter up this one.

I’d advice an issue over on GH (HA Core), it will get the right eyes on it.

Great, I’ll do that if your suggestion doesn’t work. I appreciate it.

I can tell you though, in the short time it was working, the new coordinator from you was amazing!

Update for anyone interested: I opened a ticket but nothing really came out of it after a week, so I ended up just killing the ZHA integration I had on the combo stick and rebuilt it with the new coordinator. Took a few hours I didn’t want to spend, but things are working much better now.

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I purchased a cc2652 poe 2022 late last year, but only got the PoE router last weekend to plug everything in. I’m flummoxed. The controller pops up right away in Home Assistant, and I’ve added the ESPHome entity without any issues. I can navigate to the web UI, and I’ve done the OTA update to ESPHome. The ZHA automation is discovered, but when I go to configure it, I get “Failed to connect”. I’ve tried joining with the device in my network closet, and 15’ away from it. I’ve tried joining with the antenna connected and disconnect (both near and far). Every time, I get the same logs from the device:

|01:01:08|[D]|[streamserver:074]|New client connected from|
|01:01:08|[D]|[binary_sensor:036]|'TubesZB Serial Connected': Sending state ON|
|01:01:13|[D]|[streamserver:102]|Client disconnected|
|01:01:13|[D]|[binary_sensor:036]|'TubesZB Serial Connected': Sending state OFF|

I’m running Home Assistant 2023.1.7 on Supervisor 2023.01.1. I can’t find anything in the logs that indicates success or failure from the HA side.


are you able to get the debug from Home Assistant for when you attempt to add ZHA? please Direct message me or email me via. the contact link on the store site and I can help you work through this.

I noticed in the latest zigbee2mqtt version there’s a mention of a CC2652 firmware update. I bought my tubeszb_cc2652p2_poe_2022 coordinator late April 2022 and has been running fine stock ever since. Has this latest update been tested on this device? I am considering updating everything despite the old if it ain’t broke don’t fix it adage.

I’ve been following the release through the dev cycle and also some new issues coming in to the z-stack repo. In general I will wait a few weeks after a new release to make sure more issues don’t start popping up as more people adopt. there are already some that are popping up this week.

But the launchpad variant in the z-stack github repo will work. I would also recommend updating the esphome esp32 fw to the current release in my github as zigbee firmware flashing reliability is much better.

SOLVED: Managed to get the coordinator connect to HA via ZHA by following this guide

For the Specifying the Port Specific Settings: Enter socket://ip_or_localdns_name:6638 and Port Speed of 115200 and Software Flow Control.

Dear All,

I am new to the whole smart home world so please bear with me.

I have:

  1. Tube’s ZB CC2652P2 ethernet coordinator.
  2. Aqara air quality monitor.
  3. Home Assistant run on Synology NAS.

The coordinator has LAN and power via mini USB port, I assigned a fixed IP to it.

When trying to add it to Home Assitant as a Zigbee Home Automation it does not detect the coordinator. I manually select ZNP, then it asks for a serial device path. What do I put here?

The Aqara sensor should be able to connect to the Tube’s ZB coordinator out of the box?

The Aqara sensir shows searching for network icon in the top right and that disappears (does not show the connected icon before it disappears).

Do I need to do anything with the coordinator?

Can I access the coordiantor via its IP and some port?
Network discovery app sees the coordinator as:

‘ tubezb-cc2652p2-ethusb-2022._tubeszb._tcp.local.


baud_rate = 115200
data_flow_control = software
name = TubesZB
radio_type = znp
version = 1.0 ‘

I would really appreciate your shedding some light on this for me!

Thank you!

I have the tube_zb_gw_cc2652p2_v4_poe purchased Aug 2021. Round case. Are there any good reasons to update the firmware? I haven’t touched it since I bought it. Do both the esp32 and CC2652 need to be updated?

If I do update, is the only way to follow these instructions? I can’t do anything ota?


For the round version you’ll want to use the files here - not in the current 2022 folder:

Upgrading is your decision. The ESP32 can be updated OTA via the browser page. the CC2652 needs to be triggered to bootloader mode via the web, and the program used to update it.

Trying to set up Zigbee2mqtt to work with Tube’s ethernet coordinator.

HA is running on my Synology NAS.

I installed Mosquitto MQTT broker on the NAS.

When setting up Zigbee2MQTT following this part of the Youtube guide, it tells me to enter the device name.

Not this guide is based on the CC2652P USB stick being plugged into the NAS and it’s supposed to be called something like TTYACM0 . When I list devices on the NAS, I cannot find anything similar.

I read this documentation and it says I should edit the configuration.yaml file but I am not sure I can get far enough to have that file on Synology Docker.

Thank you for any help!

Here is what my Zigbee2MQTT config looks like. I run it as an Add-On in Home Assistant OS. YMMV, of course. Make sure you change the TCP/IP address to be that of your Tube Ethernet Zigbee Coordinator.

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also see:

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Thanks @tube0013 .

Yes, that’s the guide I had referred to in my post saying that I saw how it says I need to modify the configuration.yaml to point to the IP … but I don’t get far enough to have a configuration.yaml file ready.

I’ll have to read more into this how this can be done on Synology.

Hey mate,

I’ve been running one of these (CC2652P2 based Zigbee to Ethernet/USB Serial Coordinator – TubesZB) since July 2021, and have recently seen there are firmware updates for them.

How do we update them? When I check to documentation on GitHub it says “Binaries and yaml configs for the devices are under the individual product pages” but I dont see anything there. EDIT: Its not the store page, its the individual product pages on github, my apologies.

And I’m assuming that the CC2652 wont be matter compatible, is that correct?

I’m moving house soon and am toying with the idea of updating my Zigbee hub to something with matter support


The CC2652 will be able to do Thread/Matter but currently it does not have a path toward concurrent zigbee and thread like the Silicon Labs EFR32 radios do. My assumption is if this branch makes it into the mainline OpenThread repo, it may open the door for other radios to be able to do concurrent zigbee and thread

So in time the the ability may come, but right now if you have a cc2652 if you want to get into thread/matter it’s probably best to just get an additional device. For OpenThread, this can be another cc2652, and EFR32 or Noric NRF module and probably others, all have RCP firmware that works.

I was reading the Matter & Thread blog post this morning (here - Matter & Thread: where we’re at - Home Assistant). It talks about updating firmware via browser, is that something that is going to be possible for your ethernet based zigbee devices?

If it is an option it would be great to see.

I’m going to explore it. Right now it’s only for efr32 based radios. It may be possible to work with the cc2652 but it’s outsode my skills so hopeful the lead dev Puddly does it :grinning:

I’ll definitely look at getting it working with my efr32 coords. The tool used on the backend the silicon-labs-universal-flasher does work with them including over the network.