Turn your LoctekMotion/FlexiSpot standing desk into a smart desk!

I wasn’t able to use the chip so even though its a bit overkill, I used two relays to emulate the two switches of the desk. The relays are in parallel of the standard manual switches so I can either use my relays to trigger up and down movement or the manual switches :
I also have an Ultrasonic sensor and using a bit of automation I can asked the relay to turn off once I reached a certain height (sitted or standing). All of those position are then controled using a streamdeck

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Wow, thats a sophisticated way to solve that problem. A bit too much work for me for the moment, but hey, great work.

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Has anyone already got it to work with the Flexispot E7 Pro? The height of the desk is displayed correctly. Unfortunately, it cannot be moved and there is no other functionality either