Most dimmers I have used have a feature that when they are turned down to the lowest value then the light stays on but at the lowest brightness, a further click then being needed to swi VGtch the light off.
I’ve noticed that the HA UI seems to currently actually switch the light off and the dimmer slider dissapears, this screen:
I wonder if what should happen is that moving the dimmer slider all the way to the left doesn’t turn the light of but leaves it at the lowest brightness, we can then still also use the button on the top right to switch off.
I’ve got a couple situations where I intentionally exploit the fact that a zero-percent dim turns off a lamp. Helps get around the fact that you can’t optionally pass data to a service. For example, light.turn_off breaks if you pass it a brightness - even if it’s zero.
I so seldom use the UI that I hadn’t considered that. I focus on automating things and voice control.
But I think what you’re asking for is a UI improvement for the dimmer slider, then. Not a rework of the behavior of light components. Especially if you’re on a mobile device.
I agree with this request, because with the GUI it is almost impossible to set the lamps to the lowest dimming level. Before you know it, they are switched off. There should be a clear distinction between lowest dimming level and switching off.
Dimming to off is a bug in my opinion. In which system should I place a bug report for the this? It is probably GUI related. Not sure where to report bugs for that.
Best way to solve this is probably with an option to set this behavior. Maybe as follows: dim to off: [true|false]
or as the previous poster said in the custom ui off_when_min: false
why would that be, it was already taken care of… too bad because it is used as a most needed feature here…see 2 posts above.
Hope this change will not deprive us of that feature ? off_when_min: false
wouldn’t know why, no issues here. and even if there where issues, setting off_when_min: false would do exactly as you want. Already available. No need for extra limitations.
Brightness 1 and 2, no issues at all.
Please don’t kill this functionality
correct, but thats no big deal isn’t it? regular HA is coherent with real life dimmers that go all the way to Off, Hue and Tradfri here. If you don’t want that, there’s an option to customize it.
If this will be cut, users wont have a choice anylonger, which is never optimal.