Turning a dimmer down to lowest via UI slider should keep the light on not switch off

@ih8gates let me clarify, the changes I am suggesting are just within the web based GUI front end not via any automation etc.

It’s just about impossible to use the dimmer slider and set a low value without it turning off the light and the dimmer slider dissapearing.

Try it :wink:

I so seldom use the UI that I hadn’t considered that. I focus on automating things and voice control.

But I think what you’re asking for is a UI improvement for the dimmer slider, then. Not a rework of the behavior of light components. Especially if you’re on a mobile device.


@ih8gates correct! Thanks. So do I get your vote? :wink:

It’s this UI:

Well, not as it’s currently worded…

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@ih8gates ok. Updated the original post. Ok ?

Done. I tweaked your title.

But, hell - you didn’t even vote for it. It had zero before my vote.

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Ha! I tried but with the mobile version of this site the vote button didn’t work for me.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

I agree with this request, because with the GUI it is almost impossible to set the lamps to the lowest dimming level. Before you know it, they are switched off. There should be a clear distinction between lowest dimming level and switching off.

Totally agree. Can’t get the lowest level via GUI. If there’s a switch already, there’s no need of additional switch off in slider.

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have a look at @andrey 's CustomUI.
https://github.com/andrey-git/home-assistant-custom-ui/blob/master/docs/features.md#features-available-for-light-and-cover-domains-only seems to do what your looking for:

off_when_min: false


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Dimming to off is a bug in my opinion. In which system should I place a bug report for the this? It is probably GUI related. Not sure where to report bugs for that.

Best way to solve this is probably with an option to set this behavior. Maybe as follows:
dim to off: [true|false]
or as the previous poster said in the custom ui
off_when_min: false

This will be changed in the upcoming version 0.80.

why would that be, it was already taken care of… too bad because it is used as a most needed feature here…see 2 posts above.
Hope this change will not deprive us of that feature ? off_when_min: false

Why? That’s what this thread is all about, setting low light is currently close to impossible.

wouldn’t know why, no issues here. and even if there where issues, setting off_when_min: false would do exactly as you want. Already available. No need for extra limitations.



Brightness 1 and 2, no issues at all.
Please don’t kill this functionality

I believe off_when_min is a part of Custom UI, not HA proper

correct, but thats no big deal isn’t it? regular HA is coherent with real life dimmers that go all the way to Off, Hue and Tradfri here. If you don’t want that, there’s an option to customize it.
If this will be cut, users wont have a choice anylonger, which is never optimal.

I’ve posted a suggestion in the repo Remove turn_off from brightness slider by amelchio · Pull Request #1715 · home-assistant/frontend · GitHub
if must be, to add an option to HA natively.
Hope that could be possible.

You have not made it clear why you cannot just press the power toggle that is also present in your screenshot?

well, of course I can. That is not my point at all.
Just as its truly possible to slide all the way down to brightness = 1…

I should not have to, since I really like to slide all the way down to Off.

Compare it with a volume know on a amplifier. Imagine having to turn that off for the sound to go to 0, since turning it to its lowest position would still provide sound. Would be quite unacceptable in the Audio world…

The thing is, with the proposed change, HA is deprived of a just that global functionality (slider from 0 -255).
Users that want a safeguard can already do so, albeit in customize, not native HA, I know. But it is possible and very easy. Users could also be pointed to that solution (and thus making this change unnessecary)
Offering both worlds to both groups of users.

Taking that out now by limiting slider from 1-255, is limiting global functionality that for many users mimic true life, since their hardware dimmers (can) do the same.

If this is put forward, and I fear it is, given the latest in the Github discussion on this, could I ask to at least make in an option to customize it again, and not create this breaking change in custom-ui, for users who have carefully set that up? Hope @andrey knows what will happen with the displayed sliders when the lights are in a position (off) the sliders can’t display.

thanks for considering.

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I have to disagree, it is very hard, if not impossible, to slide all the way down to 1