Tuya actions get's stuck

With the latest HA 2021.12.3 (issue also with previous versions), sometimes toggling switches in HA do not obey properly. The tuya app works every time. I turn on the lights in HA and then when i turn off it doesn’t obey. If i reload the integration then it gets the correct state and i can turn off.

I am thinking of adding an automation to reload automation after every action…

Anybody experiencing the same?

Yes, I’m seeing similar behaviour. It doesn’t happen all the time so it hard to pin down a pattern.

I have the same issue. Seems like a new bug in HA.

I added this automation to reload the config on each action. Up to now it works ok. I will let you know how it goes. if you have something better to propose please tell me:

alias: Reload Tuya
description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: light.living_room_led_front
    from: 'off'
    to: 'on'
  - platform: state
    entity_id: light.living_room_led_front
    from: 'on'
    to: 'off'
condition: []
  - service: homeassistant.reload_config_entry
      entity_id: light.living_room_led_front
mode: single
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just a correction on the above. i found it more reliable to reload config entry than reload the entities.

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In the last update 2021.12.6 there seems to be an update on tuya-iot-py-sdk to 0.6.6. test see if that solves this issue. I have the same issue. is was pretty stable (reset once a week) but now it’s often.
I reverted back to local Tuya on some of the plugs. But the TGBcwww bulbs do not work with local Tuya.

lets hope this last update will be more stable.

just read the release and github notes, it seems that .6 fixes the issues. i will update asap and report back.

i see better response and quick updates of tuya states with the latest 2021.12.6. will see how it goes.

2021.12.6 seems to fix it. Tested with all three of my Tuya devices.

This morning it failed on me again. I switched a plug on in HA, it turned on, in HA it slided back to the off position after a second but the plug was on. To turn it off I had to slide it on in HA and back off, then the pug turned off. Reloading Tuya integration did not work. Restarting HA worked. lets see how it holds. I am on 2021.12.6.

:frowning: 4 hours after it all got stuck again…

can you add your experience to their github issues?