Tuya devices are slow to react - no changes to HA

what brand of devices?

I was suffering from long delays. Don’t know if it’s coincidental but since disabling ipv6 through Supervisor->System->IP Address the responsiveness is much better. Around 3 seconds as opposed to the 2-10 minutes before.


same here, I have bought philips motion sensor and aqara door sensor. enough is enough!

I already have a Sonoff Zigbee CC2531 USB-stick in my Raspberry Pi 4, I’m simply switching to pure Zigbee, in this case the last 3 devices were Box Dimmers (untested but on Black Friday sale). Last batch were a couple of similar ones, been running them successfully for a few weeks (link).

Edit: It made it sound a little like I’m promoting HA/CC2531 Zigbee but I’m not really - I have spent a HUGE amount of time, effort and family SHAME to be where I am today (a system working pretty well but far from perfect - rotary dimmers are NOT SMOOTH and sometimes buttons/remotes will bind to lights/outlets and sometimes not).

Just went through my dashboard and changed all the cloud sensores (i.e. sensor.ty0027203424a1601c9cf2_2) to local sensors (i.e. sensor.lt_power) after it showed solar production throughout the night because updates takes hours or don’t happen at all.

Seems to be responding like normal again, could anyone else check/verify ?
edit: verfied in Tuya lights/switches delay in updating states, is it only me? - #41 by Kertz1954

Indeed. I overlayed local and cloud sensor today and they are a perfect match.

And today i switched from tuya custom to the official tuya 2.0 integration, only to find out there are still problems. :frowning: I added a tuya motion sensor. It works fine in the app, status gets refreshed in the tuya iot platform, but now it’s the connection between the tuya iot platform and home assistant that’s not finished yet and statusses do not get updated in Home assistant. There’s a notification on the tuya page of the HA site about this. :frowning:

Yes, the original problem (Tuya device statuses being delayed and/or lost) has been solved. There are however other problems (for me Brightness stopped working since HA core-2021.11.5) that I suggest be discussed elsewhere.

I have though since moved on from Tuya, replaced all devices with non-Tuya Zigbee ones, removed all Tuya accounts, apps and integrations and is now selling my Tuya devices.

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The issue was solved but now reappeared. Anybody experiencing problems too?


I removed all of the sensors and will deactivate my tuya account today. Enough is enough…

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Thanks. I realized that I only have 2 outdoor plugs that still use the Tuya firmware. I tasmotized the first of those today. There is only one more plug left to do then I’m out of Tuya too :grinning:

The issue came back here on my home assistant.

Having the same issue that seems to have started yesterday.

I am using the Tuya V2 integration.

Same issue here, very slow response for my Tuya bulbs when turn on/off and delay in showing status in HA. Will start to replace the bulbs with my new Athom bulbs which come flashed with Tasmota

Same. Can turn some switches on/off via HA, while others cannot, but the status doesn’t update in HA.
Already have my USB flasher stuff, just need to find time to tasmotize.

Having this issue too. On 2021.12.1.

I am also seeing this in logs:

Logger: tuya_iot
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tuya_iot/openmq.py:161
First occurred: 15 December 2021, 19:39:47 (15 occurrences)
Last logged: 14:13:12

error while get mqtt config

Googling it suggest that step 6 on (tuya-home-assistant/platform_configuration.md at 1d7da1ee43a2ebfc9ad47eccff453828ffe529f9 · tuya/tuya-home-assistant · GitHub) was missed. But it’s definitely configured on my IOT setup.

Having similar issues as well for the past 3 days.

Lights switched on-off from dashboard but no actual change, delayed response from devices - switches, light bulbs - even some lightbulbs turning on randomly, devices appearing as unavailable.

I am associating it roughly around the time when I updated to latest HA version - Dec update.

Yes, it’s completely broken. I now only have the cloud sensors “for fun” to laugh at how ridiculous they are. All my actual data has been switched to local sensors. Here you can see the extend of the desync: (blue is wrong cloud value, purple is correct local value)

This is appears to be a recurring problem: