Tuya devices stopped working

I’ve been using several Tuya devices for about a year without issue. Today they stopped responding in Home Assistant. They dont show state changes and I cant flip the switches.

-I can control the devices through the Tuya app
-I can control the devices through Alexa

I cant think of any recent changes I’ve made that would affect Tuya.

I did my original setup following these instructions:

I tried deleting the integration and redoing the above. Everything seems to work just fine. But when I’m finished my devices just aren’t there. Everything else in HA is unchanged.

When I bring up the Tuya integration page it says “Depends on the Cloud”. I dont recall that text before.

Maybe I should move to local tuya. One thing that concerns me is I have one thermometer that is Tuya. That is not listed in what works with local tuya on hacs. They do mention it works with “climates”, does that include a thermometer?

IN 2024.2 they replaced the Tuya integration with a new one. I’m running the beta on one of my HA’s, and did have to scan a qr-code in the Smart Life app to link it to HA. Worth a try ?

I think I remember something about having a free subscription and that it needed to be renewed from time to time. Did you log in to your tuya dev account?

Thanks for the suggestion. Dont think thats it. I am able to login to my Tuya developer account with no issues. (And I can see my devices there. All seemed kosher from what the instructions indicated).

Got it!

What a pain. This is certainly easier than the original Tuya but what a pain that I had to go through this. Classic Home Assistant.

This resolved the problem. I used option 1. But it was not smooth. After installing the integration it took me to some random website. Neatmo? I futzed around for a while and when I launched smart life integration a second time it worked. Good luck.

This was helpful:

same issue here and deleting and re adding has done nothing no devices showing:(

Hi, just wondering if you solved this as I have EXACTLY the same. Dev account ok, can see the entities in there, works in app, works with Alexa, checked the account linking to app in Dev account, re-added the integration and it shows none of my devices. Did you resolve? Thanks!

TUYA - what did you do…
Anyone interessted in all my Tuya Devices?
This is really ahhhhhhhh
They stoped working.

I faced the issue where my Tuya was working when setting up. Then moved to other floor and went unresponsive in HA. Tuya app was working fine. Then I tried disabling BT on my phone to make sure the App was not using BT. App stopped working. WiFi setup did work on the Tuya devices but…

It turned out that they did not connect correctly to the 2.4 WiFi on the current floor of the house. Why, I don’t know.

After creating a new 2.4ghz only WiFi network I connected the Tuya switches to it. They now work like a charm in HA again. Did also confirm that the app now also works without BT turned on.

Hope this helps someone with similar issues.

This has to be said: nothing to do with HA, everything with Tuya.

  • Yes, they have devices for everything
  • And yes, they are cheap and easy to get
  • Also, many before you came to the realization that integrating them - and keeping them running - into HA can be a PITA

Luckily I have only a few of them and I ditched those.

Good morning, all of the sudden I have following message for my tuya camera:

Tried in native tuya integration with no success (same message), tried local tuya - can not connect a camera.

Any idea / hint please :pray: TIA.

Anybody could help? Trying to find a solution for few days with no joy…