Tuya integration Broken 02/2024?

This $Hit sucks. All the more reason to get rid of ALL Chinese cloud CRAP.

I had 2 dozen devices in Tuya iOT - 6 months and you lose everything while some idiot reviews your request for extension? No thanks. I’m now migrating them all to local plugs.

Just all wait for Wednesday :slight_smile:
You add Tuya and you just need your user from the Smart Life (or Tuya Smart) app and all your devices are in HA, boom.

Except it half works for me. I set this up the other day.

I got all my devices, I was very pleased. Because this dev account expiring every other month was pain in the ***.

Oh…don’t get me wrong, all my devices immediately showed up, but using them has been very unreliable:

I started a move from Tuya WiFi to Tuya Zigbee a few month ago, I’ll continue the process I think :slight_smile:

I also had an issue with Tuya existing integration after upgrading to 2024.2. After entering correct User Code it did not provide me with a QR code. I downgraded and upgraded again to end up with the same issue. I tried this 3 time because if you don’t learn the first time then why not. lol Anyway I decided to delete my integration of Tuya and add the integration again and it worked as specified. I guess they forgot to let you know that you might have to do that. As a side note. some integrations will fail because names may have changed on a few items. That is just an FYI.

Does not work for me. Whenever I enter the code I get “Unknown error occurred” message. I have rebooted the HA machine several times. Also tried the Smart Life integration beta and get the same thing :frowning_face: Any ideas?

My alarm control unit does not work with Tuya local but only with Tuya cloud. Since this morning it has been asking me to re-enter the security code, but when I do it gives me an error and I can’t reconnect anything, this after the home assistant core update.
if I try to reconfigure after entering the code the error comes out
Invalid hex color: rgb(32, 33, 36)
and it doesn’t display the qr code

I had the same error last night, it was because I was not using the default theme, I use NOCTIS as a theme and for some reason it freaked out…I change the theme back to default them and i tried to reconfigure tuya again, this time it gave me the QR code… after it reconfigured I set the theme back to my preferred theme NOCTIS.

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I have the same problem when try to generate the QR code.
Invalid hex color: rgb(32, 33, 36)

I set the Home Assistant theme and the qrcode appeared and everything was back to normal


So what are we supposed to do if there is no QR code? There don’t seem to be any consistent answers. Some things seem to work for some people and not for others. Have restarted, relinked in Tuya, etc.

Where does this code come from? Is it from some outside website and if so, what is the site (it may be blocked on my network)?


Hi all,

I have a problem with the tuya integration, i followed all steps to get it working after the update and all went well… except:

My motion sensors dont turn off anymore, only if i reload the integration they seem to go to initializing state but then it happens again, does someone encountered this also? or happened to have a fix for it?

i had this problem to, i was using opera browser, tried edge and i got my qr

Thank you Dimi27 for that suggestion - I switched browsers and Chrome did give me the QR.

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Had the same issue. Once I deleted the tuya integration and then installed the integration again it worked properly.

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I am not understanding something, I have upgraded Home Assistant and am on 2024.2.1

Tuya has provided an easier and improved login method for Home Assistant users.

Having a developer account with Tuya is no longer required; instead, you can scan a QR code with your Tuya Smart or Smart Life app to authenticate it with Home Assistant.

After updating to this release, Home Assistant will ask you to re-authenticate your Tuya Smart or Smart Life account using this new method.

I have checked in Settings → Repairs and I have: There are currently no repairs available

Have I missed something?


This also fixed it for me. The QR code was blank with my usual theme.