Ugh, this is one of the reasons why it’s so hard to trust Home Assistant. Things just randomly break and then it’s a hassle to figure out how to get them working again. Starting to feel like it’s not worth the effort
Homeassistant has nothing to do with this. Who knows how Tuya’s infrastructure works and what “upgrades” they made to it. That is what happens when we rely on 3rd party services.
It’s really not worth it. I was so excited when I discovered home assistant and, really, the concept is awesome- I did some pretty cool custom things with it. But if your not constantly babying it and working on it, it’s just not reliable at all. Like dude above said, that’s what happens when you rely on 3rd party services. I’ve gotten to the point that my Tuya lights are really the only thing I use HA for anymore because I just don’t have the time to keep other stuff running (which defeats the principle of home automation anyhow since I’ve put in more hours making stuff work than I will ever save in 100 lifetimes) and this is the 3rd or 4th Tuya HA failure in a year. I think this is my cue to move my automations back to the Tuya app and shut my server down for good.