Tuya Integration - "Permission deny" error

Hi All,

Still as a relative newbie, I originally setup a HA install on a Pi using an SD card, but after using that for a number of months, I’ve decided to move over to a Pi4 with an SSD instead (based on the general consensus that it’s only a matter of time before all SD cards give up).

My issue is that I’m hitting a “Login error (1106): permission deny” error and I can’t figure out why.

I’ve bought a new Pi4 and SSD, installed the latest HA build, restored a backup from my existing / previous build, then updated everything (I’d not updated anything for a whilst in the pursuit of stability) to the latest versions. With this, the new Pi is now running;

Home Assistant Core 2022.6.4
Home Assistant Supervisor 2022.05.3
Home Assistant OS 8.1

… and I’m basically (at this stage) only really needing to use “a” Tuya integration, and a Broadlink integration.

Having migrated my existing build to the new Pi though, I can’t seem to get the Tuya integration to work; giving me this “Login error (1106): permission deny error.”

I know the email address and password I’m using are valid, as they allow me to login to the Tuya Developer portal, and I can see all of my devices within the Tuya Project in the Dev Poral - using the access ID and secret from this project, copied / pasted.

I’m conscious I’ve read that the Tuya integration has now been made part of the HA Core Build, so is different from when I installed it on my “existing / original” HA instance so maybe I’m doing something wrong … but I’ve followed instructions Googled / via YouTube and appear to be doing everything per instruction so far as I can tell.

I can’t seem to see anything on the subject from searching the forum here, nor other resources.

Does anyone have any advice on this permission error?


Hi, @cliffwright

Oddly enough, the Tuya integrations does NOT use the IoT portal credentials, but the SmartLife app credentials.

You still need the key/secret from the IoT portal, just use the email/pass from the mobile app and it should work fine.


Hmm … odd. I did know it was the app password, but I’d previously set both my IoT developer account and my app account to be the same password to avoid me making any mistakes.

That said, I’ve just gone into the (Tuya) app, reset the password - back to the same thing as it was, and then tried again, and HA now works.

Very odd …

Appreciate your help :slight_smile:


Had the same issue, and it was also just the password.


This solved it for me, thanks :slight_smile:

i got the same error, also when I try to use the "Get the device information’ call in the api explorer in the tuya iot cloud

But when I try another “Get Device Information” call in the api explorer tree, it works!

so got some devices working now through localtuya and getting the local key via the api explorer

this worked for me too.

worked for me also, thx !

THanks @Nedevski - that login/pass was miss leading. Thanks for clarifying it’s the SmartLife app creds; that solved my problem as well.

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The username field is actually your email address and not the Smart Life app username. I believe that the username therefore is the API portal username, while the password is the Smart Life App password.

Rather confusing, but I got in.

Finally sorted my issue by a simple password reset.

I had this issue: My FIX: Remove the 4 Gosund Type CZ Plugs from Smart Life and add them back. I believe my issue started when I set Smart Life to turn off a plug that controled a motor after running 15 minutes. Then Smart Life took them out of Tuya integration.

Hi, thanks, changing password from Tuya IoT to Smart Life App was working

Solved it for me too. Thank you.

Indeed entering the app password works. I have also noticed in other threads that the password has to be up to 11 characters (unverified). thanks!

Had same error. Just changing password in SmartLife app and entering these credentials in the Tuya-integration in HA, did the job.

in my case i changed passwords in iot.tuya and tuya.app and change region to correct. Thanks

aaahh, THANK YOU :laughing:

I recently integrated SmartLife with Home-Assistant, weird process. Here’s a 1-minute summary of my multi-hour journey.

Part 1
If you don’t have a Tuya account, create it at https://www.tuya.com/
Select Iot Platform and create a Cloud Project
Under “Authorization Key”, find your Access ID and Access Secret

Part 2
Retrieve your SmarLife Userid and Password. If you can’t remember them, reset them.

Part 3
Open Home-Assistant, Add Integration, Tuya, and fill fields with
Tuya Access ID, Tuya Access Secret, SmartLife Userid, SmartLife Password

That’s everything to the best of my recollection, i welcome corrections.