Tuya IoT account expired - unstable operation

I allowed my Tuya account to expire and the integration still works fine.

I believe we only need the account to retrieve the DeviceID’s and Tokens. Once you have those you no longer need the account.

Ah, ok. So what happens if/when you add more devices after your account expires?

I am not sure. I vaguely recall seeing that worked automatically. I guess we can always sign up once more.

Cheers. Thanks for the reply. Guess I’ll just have to wait it out and see what happens.

I only have a few devices. I was just looking at flashing with Tasmota, seems the devices I have are not able to anymore except possible 1 power strip I have. Another is also a led strip, but I can just find something to replace the controller on that if need be.

yeah having issue to extend… in my case it allow me to extend 5 months only… TUYA is getting annoyed

Whenever Tuya based devices are getting reset (happens if i.e. there has been a power or internet outage), or in case you have to re-pair devices for whatsoever reason the Tokens of those devices will change. Without a valid account, how do you retrieve the new/updated Tokens?

I haven’t noticed changing device-ids. I had one device without power for 5 days. When it came back I reloaded the Tuya integration and they came back perfectly.

Time will tell. Overall the biggest problem I’m seeing here is the lack of documentation from HomeAssistant.

The Tuya device IDs remain the same. TuyaLocal uses this device ID and local ID, and these are persistent after power cycles.

The developer account would be needed to add new devices to an existing Tuya account.

Unfortunately as for LocalTuya (note, I speak for LocalTuya only) this is not entirely true.

The Device-ID (also called “Virtual ID”) indeed does not change anymore. This is correct.

We obviously have a naming discrepancy here about the definiton for “key”:

  • Andrew names it “Tokens” (my reply was directed to his post #10 and so I picked that naming up).
  • Russ Tech names it “local ID”.
  • LocalTuya names it “Local Key”.
  • tuya-cli wizard simply names it “key”.

The “Tokens”/“local ID”/“Local key”/“key” is changing after an extended power or internet outage and after every re-pairing of a Tuya based device. Additionally a “key” is generated when adding a new Tuya based device.

A active/valid “Virtual ID” is needed for logging-in into the developer account when running:
tuya-cli wizard
in addition to the saved API credentials for that account.

$ tuya-cli wizard

? Do you want to use these saved API credentials? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx eu Yes
? Provide a 'virtual ID' of a device currently registered in the app: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    name: 'My Tuya Light Switch',
    id: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
    key: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

When changing or adding a Tuya device to TuyaLocal, a valid “Device-ID” and the referring valid “Local Key” is needed to complete the procedure successfully:

Hey guys, lol I just noticed a funny thing.
I, like many of you have an expired subscription, and have been getting the “Permission denied” error upon calling the API enpoint for

General Devices management > Get the device information

I applied for renewal but after 24+ hours still noting.

Little did I know, that there is another API under

General Devices management > Get Device Information

Notice the missing “the”. That API works even though my subscription is still expired and I was able to get the Local Key.

Hope this helps!


I don’t know where to find this.

My integration stopped working after 30 days working perfectly.
After 3 days of Googling I found this topic. There is no error in the logging. The sensors just show the status of Unknown. I don’t understand why I would need to pay or extend my developer contract for a local cloud service for a simple smart home solution.

this has stopped working. I’m not paying $25000 for 8 lightbulbs just to get the local id that’s ludicrous


Same problem here! Managed to extend the trial but the integration wont work and there are no errors in the log.

Got it to work!!

After flipping around on the forum searching for a sulotion and multiple restarts of both core and frontend I did a hard reboot on the HA instance and suddenly everything started to work again.

No clue why ie the root cause is still a mystery.

Yesterday I noticed that my Trust light bulbs were no longer following automation. When I checked all devices had disappeared from the Tuya integration. No error message, I tried looking at debug logs but found nothing.

After an hour or so of trying to navigate the Tuya IoT website, I see my 1-month trial subscription has expired and I cannot subscribe for another trial, but I can beg them to let me use it for 6 months. Even if they approve this 6-month extesion, what then? $25000 to integrate my light bulbs?

I guess the writing is on the wall for Tuya products with HA unless Tuya comes up with some basic package that equates to a few dollars per year. Incidentally, I saw no reminder email that the trial had expired.


Link to extension trial for 6 month



So bassicly it means that everyone that use TUYA device can throw it in the bin if the use this. Or atleast use it some time.

Found out it stopped working and using it since christmas, indeed 30days.
Now i need to swap the 12 devices to other zigbee or zwave brand to use

Thanks! I didn’t saw that button for extend the period :))
After filling the application, the service was extended with 6 months (maximum).

I also ran into this IoT expired issue and clicked a good part of this Friday afternoon through endless web pages … until I found this one of Tuya explaining the process:


So yes, the 6 months extension is the way to go. And, although not promised to last for ever, it can be extended after that again. Extension request should be honored in 1 (working) day.

Fine with me if they would ask a fair fee for home users that would limit the number of API calls.
What could be considered as fair would be different for each of us ofcourse.