Tuya Irrigation Integration

hi, I have the same model, were you able to integrate it?

Hi, could you explain to me where to find this information?
id: gateway wifi to bt
key: gateway witi to bt
ip: gateway witi to bt
protocol: 3.4
id: WT08W

i use the how to guide . using the tuya iot developement site

So does this mean that there is currently no solution for devices that require the HomGar app instead of the Tuya Smart Life app?

I don’t see any portal for HomGar where I would be able to get the required local_key. And I didn’t find any workaround to connect the device to the Tuya portal.

If anyone with a HomGar device got it working, please describe how!

Hi all. I can get this to connect to the Diivoo WT-03, but it only turns the valve off (when it’s off). The valve will not respond to turning it “On”. Anyone get a fix for this?

I found the problem! the irrigation time has to be set higher than 0 minutes. But it will default to 0 after each use. Is there any way to set the default irrigation time so it won’t reset to 0?


Hi Adrian, what exact repo/integration are you using? I bought that same 2 zone sprinkler but can’t seem to get it integrated and working through HA

Tuya Local, not to be confused with Local Tuya:

Does this valve work with ESPHome bluetooth to wifi proxy? My garden does not have good bluetooth coverage buy wifi works just fine. Can I use this proxy?

Thank you!

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Is there any chance to get this Device working with Tuya Local?

“model”: “YS_SM_WV”,
“name”: “Remote Water Valve”,
“product_name”: “远程水阀”,



Hi Friends,

Can anyone tell me if Home Assistant can control this type of 2 zone wifi irrigation timer ?

I can see that it’s compatible with the Tuya app, but I’m not sure if HA can control it.

I hope someone can help :pray:

Just bought a Diivoo WT-13W 4 port valwe, and found this thread. When i look at Amazon it seems they have different “gateway-hubs” included. This one had the rectangular one and referred to the Homgar-app. I will return it, since it´s still new. Instead I now bought a 2port one with the square shaped hub, referring to Smart Life-app witch is the Tuya-app. I will receive it tomorrow, and hopefully it works. But I will also test it with the 4-port one. Maby the hub works with both valves?

Got this answer from DIIWOO support:
There are two types of water timer in our store, a WiFi RFID version and a WiFi Bluetooth version. The WiFi RFID version is managed using the HomGar APP, while the WiFi Bluetooth version requires control through the Smart Life APP.

Got the new one for “Smart life app” with 2 outlets, and it works great with tuya. Got 2 buttons in Home assistant to turn the water on/off.
Tested to pair the new hub with the other 4 port walve, but they are not compatible.

Hello, I’m going to buy this product:

Could someone help me to understand how it can be integrated in HA? This thread contains 74 messages and many many questions and answers.

Thank you in advance

Just bought a Nous L11 and I thought, as home assistant supports Tuya, this would be a breeze. It is far from it.
Let’s get this out of the way: I want to use the bluetooth on my raspberry pi 4 running home assistant to control this, just like my ios phone does. Can I do it or do I need to buy a gateway?
Other than that, I could not find support for this device anywhere. Where do I start?

Same issue for me, have not found a solution

I did the same, did not work for me.

I am using https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B0C286VKY3
with Tuya Local by make-all

I tried several ways to enter the details. I tried the device ID of the gateway with local key of the GW and the device id of the valve.

I tried the same with UUIDs.

I swapped gateway and valve IDs, no change.

I don’t understand how this could have worked for other people. I also don’t understand how this could work while I have no chance to enter the valve/sub-device local key.

LocalTuya obviously does not work because it cannot handle Gateways, I guess ?

I don’t think this will work. I bought that one, too, and it only works with the HomGar app and not Tuya, and there is no integration of HomGar with HomeAssistant

This was already mentioned like two posts above yours, Tuya Irrigation Integration - #75 by Gigante69

I don’t think there is a way, buddy.