Tuya smart ir

Have anybody tried to put esphome (with ir transmitter and climate configuration) on this device?
People who use esphome say that if you turn on the air conditioner with usual ir remote you will see that air conditioner is working in home assistant. This is some kind of reverse communication.

Are you able to share your Lovelace code for this. I just in mist of setting this type of thing up to would be nice to see how you did it.

I am able to toggle my first setup and so far mine looks like this but would like to take it too your level.

Just to walk on the safe side, the UFO-R1 works with tuya-convert or we need to flash it? Thank you!


Can you explain it better? I have a IR that uses tuya app, but i cant even see it on HA.

Whats the tap to run automation?

Tuya convert not working for the same UFO-R1. Did you follow any special step ?

When I bought them, tuya-convert still worked. If they have been upgraded to the latest firmware, tuya-convert will not work anymore.

Yes that would be a +1 from me

You saved me so much time

Any update on an integration that doesn’t rely on scenes?

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Is there a chance this will make it to Tuya V2 integration (with local operation eventually) ?


How? Or isn’t it working with V2 Integration?

Thx a lot

Worked after restart :grinning: :ok_hand: :+1:

Do you mean, through scenes ?

yes. LocalTuya I’ve not tested.

Hi, I know it’s been a while but I just found this thread with the same problem.

Did you get it working?

In the Tuya app you go to the scene tab, then + to add a new scene. The top option is “Launch Tap-to-run” which basically creates a button for a particular scene you want. If you’re trying to control an IR device from home assistant you can create a new “scene” button for each action you want.

For me that is to turn my artificial fireplace on or off.

Once you have created them, and reload the Tuya integration in Home Assistant the new “scenes” should appear in the scenes configuration list.

You can then use them similar to a call-service in scripts, or automations to carry out whatever you have set up in the Tuya App under that scene/button.

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Did the Smart Tap To Run scenes show up in your HA ? See, for me, they never show up with the Tuya integration (although my devices do!)

I’m hopping one day they will make the IR available via Local Tuya.
SmartLife app + scene for each button can work (I’m using it atm), I know. But, disconnect your device from the internet and the nightmare starts. You can’t do anything.

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Thanks! This will work for me currently. A lot of steps but definitely worked!

did you ever get the scene of Tuya to show up on HA? My device shows but the IR scenes do not!

Yes the scenes should appear in your HA, have you created them as tap-to-run scenes? if not, try to create one tap-to-run scene and check if it appears in your HA