Tuya (Smartlife) smart plug auto-toggle itself

Hi !
I’m not sure I’m in at the right spot to ask this but since yesterday, without any obvious related changes, the frontend toggle of my 2 smart plugs ( this one : https://www.amazon.fr/gp/product/B07SLS2V74/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 ) is auto toggleing itself after touching it.

Don’t know if I’m explaining it well. For example the switch if OFF, I click on it, the switch became ON, my lamp is ON and then, the switch came back to OFF and my lamp is still ON. If I click on it again, nothing happen on the lamp but the switch do the same, ON for 2 secon dans back to OFF.
If I click on it 2 times quickly I can turn my lamp ON / OFF but the switch if acting the same, switching to OFF after 2 seconds, without really turning OFF my lamp.

Fire the service itself do the same, it turns ON the switch and 2-3 seconds later, came back to OFF :frowning:

Strange thing is the both on Smartlife App and Google Home app, the plug is acting normaly, showing it real state and not toggleing itself automaticaly…

Hope I’m a litte bit clear :confused:
What do you thing I can do ?

Thanks all.

There was a problem with the Tuya cloud integration but a fix was released in home assistant v0.98.

What version are you on?

Thanks for answer.
I’m using the latest : 0.98.2 :frowning:

I’ve just tried to remove and put back the code in configuration.yaml just to see but without any improvement.

# SmartLife
  username: !secret smartlife_username
  password: !secret smartlife_pwd
  country_code: "33"
  platform: "smart_life"

I have the same issue on 0.98.2 ,was fixed in 0.98.1.


Oh ! Good to know, thanks for feeback.

I had to go down to 98.1 98.2 is broken yours again

How do you rollback an installation ?
I think it can be fixed quickly, maybe in 0.98.3. If it was fixed in 0.98.1, it’ll be quick.

Edit : find my answer for downgrading : https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/installation/updating/

Still the same issue for me on 0.98.3.

Having the same problem. Had it on 0.98.2 and also now on 0.98.3.

Having the same problem too

Same here, current version of Hassio, just updated today. Teh following fixed the issue for me.

If you feel comfortable and If you have devices that are a couple of months old or older, try Tuya-convert and flash tasmota firmware so you are not depending on the Tuya cloud and platform anymore.

FYI If you have recent devices, they might have a patch that breaks tuya-convert.

I can’t even get the smart life to work, If I have the smartlife platform statement in I get the following error message after a restart

Invalid config
The following components and platforms could not be set up:

Please check your config.

However if I remove the platform statement I get no errors, could this be a country thing?

with the config being :

  username: [email protected]
  password: mypassword
  country_code: "44"
  platform: "smart_life"

Just looked at mine (working) and I don’t have quotation marks around the country_code value.

country_code: 1
platform: smart_life

Thanks Scope for pointing this out. I’ve actually tried it with and without the quotes and get the same issue regardless.

running latest version of HA 0.100.3

Best Regards

The only other thing I can think of is to try the “other side.” Add one of your devices to the TuyaSmart app instead of Smart Life and see if HA can pick it up that way.

Thanks Scope, yeah tried it on both apps and still get the config error.
I’ve also tried changing the country code just to make sure its not a UK issue.
If I remove the platform all works but no smartlife appliances show only the tuya specific ones.

It’s really odd, all I can think of atm is perhaps I have some other integrations conflicting.

I have this problem too, did you ever get it resolved?

Lately it’s been acting up for me again. You toggle it and then it flips back, showing an incorrect state.