Tuya TS0201 temperature sensor

The reporting interval of my device varies based on the delta of the reported value. If no significant change is measured, no update is given. It can take hours. Try to warm up or cool the device and see what happens.

I have an additional line in mij config:

enable_quirks: true
custom_quirks_path etc etc

I’ll check the logs at home.


Logs are the same. Also Quirk not applied.

Still, device works great.

@TonkaNL Have you first paired your sensor with Tuya HUB? As @dmircea above was describing? I’ve no access to Tuya HUB. :frowning:

I installed quirk, left it few hours but not temperature nor humidity.

Logs of device: https://www.tomasek.cz/stuff/TZ3000_qaaysllp.TS0201.logs
Debug info: https://www.tomasek.cz/stuff/zha-d55fe5255ba1e51266b8fa7ee240e7d9-_TZ3000_qaaysllp_TS0201-83e2a019b3e99582b93f8c6e4bacb665.json.txt

Hi Jan,

I do not have a Tuya hub. I have a Conbee II and use ZHA.

I have some questions:

Do you have this device?


I have this device and it can only measure temp and humidity.

It’s a TZ3000_xr3htd96

And you are sure your custom quirks work? Do you have other custom quirks that work too?

I’ve this device

it is identified as _TZ3000_qaaysllp TS0201. I thought you have the same :frowning:

I’m not 100% sure that quirks works, but I’m sure that Home Assistant knows about them. It is mentioned in device details:
and it is also in logs (after I enabled debug):

[core-ssh config]$ grep quirk home-assistant.log |grep custom
2023-02-12 12:06:24.636 DEBUG (MainThread) [zhaquirks] Loading custom quirks from /config/custom_zha_quirks
2023-02-12 12:06:24.639 DEBUG (MainThread) [zhaquirks] Loading custom quirks module ts0201
2023-02-12 12:06:44.260 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks.registry] Found custom device replacement for a4:c1:38:82:fd:be:5d:e9: <class 'zhaquirks.tuya.ts011f_plug.Plug'>
2023-02-12 12:06:44.262 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks.registry] Found custom device replacement for a4:c1:38:e9:13:a8:3c:c8: <class 'zhaquirks.tuya.ts011f_plug.Plug'>
2023-02-12 12:06:44.268 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks.registry] Found custom device replacement for a4:c1:38:c9:c2:32:c5:c7: <class 'zhaquirks.tuya.ts011f_plug.Plug'>
2023-02-12 12:06:44.270 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks.registry] Found custom device replacement for a4:c1:38:d5:88:06:85:46: <class 'zhaquirks.tuya.ts011f_plug.Plug'>
2023-02-12 12:06:44.272 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks.registry] Found custom device replacement for a4:c1:38:41:f0:ed:26:28: <class 'zhaquirks.tuya.ts011f_plug.Plug'>
2023-02-12 12:06:44.288 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks.registry] Found custom device replacement for a4:c1:38:91:53:0c:3a:ab: <class 'zhaquirks.tuya.ts011f_plug.Plug'>
2023-02-12 12:06:44.290 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks.registry] Found custom device replacement for a4:c1:38:3d:68:0f:bf:d3: <class 'zhaquirks.tuya.ts000x.Switch_4G_GPP'>
2023-02-12 12:08:55.639 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks.registry] Found custom device replacement for b4:e3:f9:ff:fe:07:b1:98: <class 'ts0201.NeoTemperatureHumidtyIlluminanceSensor'>
2023-02-12 12:19:59.181 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks.registry] Found custom device replacement for b4:e3:f9:ff:fe:07:b1:98: <class 'ts0201.NeoTemperatureHumidtyIlluminanceSensor'>
2023-02-12 12:22:34.199 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks.registry] Found custom device replacement for b4:e3:f9:ff:fe:07:b1:98: <class 'ts0201.NeoTemperatureHumidtyIlluminanceSensor'>
2023-02-12 12:36:13.419 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks.registry] Found custom device replacement for b4:e3:f9:ff:fe:07:b1:98: <class 'ts0201.NeoTemperatureHumidtyIlluminanceSensor'>

But device is not reporting temp/humidity, only lux. :frowning:


In my ZHA integration, it does not show that the custom quirk is working.

But the temperature and humidity are reported. Perhaps try again without the custom quirk?

Hi @semik,

I have found on the GitHUB here a way to make this sensor report temperature and humidity without using a Tuya hub.

In short you go to Settings → Device & Services → Integrations → ZHA → Devices → Your sensor, then press the 3 dots, select “Manage zigbee device” → Clusters
Under dropdown box “Attributes of the selected cluster”:

  1. Select item no 1 from the list below (‘manufacturer (id: 0x0004)’)
  2. Press briefly the reset button on top of your device
  4. Make sure some value is populated in the “Value” box above (takes roughly a second or so)

Repeat steps 1. to 5. for all the items in the list below:

  1. ‘manufacturer (id: 0x0004)’
  2. ‘zcl_version (id 0x0000)’
  3. ‘app_version (id 0x0001)’
  4. ‘model (id 0x0005)’
  5. ‘power_source (id 0x0007)’
  6. ‘attr_reporting_status (id 0xfffe)’

After this my device started to report the temperature and humidity values.

I hope this helps you!


There are quite a few sensors which identify as TS0201.
This zigbee one is “TS0201 by _TZ3000_xr3htd96”:

(I think this is the same as the one in posts from @TonkaNL and @ha-username above - its branded as Aubess.)
When mine work they report in 0.1°C steps but only at 30 minute intervals. More importantly one of them regularly goes to sleep.
(Maybe they are OK if you use a Tuya hub, and maybe OK with a quirk. But as a beginner I have no experience with quirks.)

However the wifi ones that look the same are pretty good:

And they are very cheap (£7.99 from eBay in the UK).
But they’re a pain to set up especially if you try the Local Tuya integration!
And obviously zigbee is much more preferrable than wifi (as I have recently learnt :grinning:).

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I have the exact one above but also the round ones. Somehow, they report the temperature randomly, perhaps only on big swings, but I am frequently 4h+ without any temperature data from some of them, both round and rectangle ones.


Round again:

Rectangle, but usually it also has hour-long gaps:

Nexus 433Mhz sensor, not recommended, just for comparison:

I would recommend to stay away from any ‘cheap’ zigbee sensors if possible, I’d hoped they would be more reliable than 433Mhz + OpenMQTTGateway.

Not sure about WiFi ones, but it would be cheap to add a DHT11 sensor to an ESP8266 module running somewhere (we all have a few of them) and get more reliable data.

EDIT: same as @TonkaNL, the quirks do not seem to get applied but the ZigBee devices seem to work, randomly. Perhaps there’s some setting that would tell the sensor how often it should update, once it’s seen online.

Hi @ha-username what is the exact number of your round ones?
Is it TS0201 by _TZ3000_yd2e749y?

TS0201 by _TZ3000_dowj6gyi is the first one
TS0601 by _TZE200_a8sdabtg is the second one
TS0201 by _TZ3000_xr3htd96 is the third one

EDIT: seems that the shape is not an indication of the model number

Old thread but still applies.

I have exactly similar issues with Tuya TS0201.
Not very reliable, intermittent readings.

I have good experience with 433MHz eg freezer


Or fridge (few days long graph)

When Zigbee Tuya TS0201 has intermittent readouts

The question is: Which sensor is more reliable Any recommendations?
433MHz “Nexus” sensors are pretty good. But the “code” needs to be changes to yaml file everytime battery is replaced (not a big issue as they seem to last long)

So I have stumbled across a fix for my installation that may help others aswell. My ZigBee radio is on home assistants sky connect and I had a notification stating that my radio channels weren’t on the same channel and they needed to be changed, so I changed both channels to 20 and now all my sensors are reporting much more frequently.

I don’t know why, I honestly and just bumbling my way through my install as I have no real coding experience but have an interest in automation so I accidentally solved my issue and I hope this helps others too.

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I bought 3 of those. They are TS0201 _Tz3000_xr3htd96. One is more or less DoA, it will only light up its led when I firmly squeeze the sides. Not the button, the sides. The other two are fine. They update regularly on 5 minute intervals for a couple of days now. Using ZHA.

Sorry, im a noob but what do you mean by “both channels”? Tried to change the Chanel of my ZigBee stick to 20, but it didn’t improve.
Using a different stick though.

My solution is change the chanell in Z2M.

Best is to install the custom firmware by following the instructions here. This sensor can be used as ZigBee or BLE and with BLE update frequency can be as low as 15 seconds.

Does this firmware work with any of the TS0201 sensors? We know there are a lot of them. I have the one from @semik’s post with the LCD: TZ3000_qaaysllp TS0201.

I have a Danfoss Ally Room Sensor which appears to be a badge-engineered TS0201. Some details from the zigbee2mqtt database.db file:


Description is: Temperature & humidity sensor with display but it doesn’t have a display …

Temperature updates around every 30 minutes (possibly quicker if it is changing rapidly). Humidity updates around every 30 minutes.

In its current configuration it is little more than a pathetic ornament! Disappointing for a Danfoss branded product.

Wish Ruuvi made a Zigbee version of their RuuviTag or RuuviTag Pro. They report every few seconds, with air pressure and motion, too. However, without meshing like Zigbee the range can be less.

I just wanted to share that I was able to get the TZ3000_qaaysllp TS0201 integration working through Smarththings with the help of this dev. He was able to connect the dots between the functioning ZHA device handler and his smartthings edge drivers. I now have this reporting to smartthings and HA quickly and more accurately than the device itself (bogus battery readings on LCD - always low).

I will likely switch to SkyConnect soon, so this may be moot for me if I can remove the samsung hub, but hopefully it helps others!

[Disregard the discrepancy in the HA screenshot’s data. Taken several minutes apart.]
