Tuya v2 does not refresh states of entities

Same here, my Tuya power plugs don’t update the state anymore.
Annoying and needs to get fixed ASAP or I will switch to another solution!

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Same here. Nice if you have Tuya devices in a thermostat application. Either temperature will be tropical or its freezing. Already had frozen water pipes. Thank you Tuya!

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Same here, its irritating

try add device status notification in Tuya IoT Platform.

Tuya - Home Assistant

the same here, Tuya does not report status chaging, on 2 light bulbs and one smart switch

volvio a fallar…

cree una tarea de automatización que recarga el componente de integración cada 15mín, y hasta el momento me está funcionando.

This isn’t a bad idea as a work around, what did you enter at “Config entry id” ?
I just made it reload my area’s within Home Assistant.

Could you please explain how ot do this auto refresh?


Create a new automation, trigger is a time pattern of 15min.
For the action call the service ‘Home Assistant Core Integration: Reload config entry’ and then you need to find the entity id of a Tuya device.
You can find that in the entities list under config.
Pick your device/entity and look at the settings and there should be a field for the ID.

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with the recend update of HA it seems the problem disappeared, maybe they fix it.

My Tuya switch state starting working today after update to Home Assistant 2021.12.6

Will see how long this lasts.

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Mine started working again a few days ago but i’m seeing today it is not working again.

My automation works again but I did notice that the state is not updated automaticly in Lovelace.
I had to refresh the interface and then it reflected the correct state.

my entities dont refresh as well and i can’t control the color of the starlight i liked tuya v1 better hoping for a fix soon

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could you copy your configuration entry of this in here.

My tuya v2 devices are again not working properly anymore and i would like to give this a try.

Thank you!

I’m not using it but something like this should work:

- id: '1641323397540'
  alias: Reload Tuya every 15 mins
  description: ''
  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: '15'
  condition: []
  - service: homeassistant.reload_config_entry
      entry_id: switch.badkamer_socket_1
  mode: single

it’s a shame that we still have issues with state updating…

yup just came here to report the same. State does not update on lovelace for tuya plugs

I just update to the lastest version and it seems to be solved.

Core : 2012-12.10
Supervisor : 2021.12.2
HA OS : 7.2