Twilio Voice Calls Language other than English


I’ve set up twilio in my home assistant information.

- name: twilio_test_call
   platform: twilio_call
   from_number: +44XXXXXXXXXX

     - service: notify.twilio_test_call
        message: 'some random text here'
           - '+39XXXXXXX'

Is there a way to make twilio voice speak a language other than English?

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I must learn to search better…

Found the solution here.


would you be kind enough to share the steps of how you changed the language of twilio?

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sure @gojonny,

First of all I changed the original script made by @GrahamS to better suite my needs so all credit goes to him.

In the following steps I assume that you already have twilio configured otherwise refer to official documentation.

First Enable Python Scripts in your configuration.yaml.
Then put in your python script folder.
and finally test if all is working with a script like the following

    - service: python_script.custom_twilio
        delay: '1'
        loop: '2'
        voice: 'alice'
        language: 'it-IT'
        speed: 'slow'
        message: 'vediamo se questo funziona'
        phone: '+39347XXXXXXX'

One last thing in edit the last line'notify', 'twilio_test_call', data)

and change ‘twilio_test_call’ to the notifier you have set up.

That’s all let me know if you need further assistance.


the twilio script gives me the error shown below in the attached photo

there is something wrong, (I state that the twilio service works regularly but in English). I want to summarize the steps I made following your advice:
I added the line to the configurtation.yaml:


my notifier is written like this:


  - name: twilio_home
    platform: twilio_call
    from_number: +39331xxxxx

inside config I created a folder called “python_scripts” and I inserted the file “”,
I modified the last line of the content as you suggested.

in some passages I am certainly wrong


call the service with parameters.

Just made a test on my env and it’s working flawlessly.

Hi, ok I managed to start the script. but the problem remains that the item is in English although the parameter is “it-IT” at this point I have to ask you two questions: 1) but from the script I posted I still have to change some parameters on the language? 2) you must have a paid version instead of the one
trial version? the voice that answers me repeats a sentence about upgrade and not the one indicated by me. sorry if I’m wasting your time but I’d be happy if you help me. Hi Giovanni

@gojonny I guess it’s number 2. I have a paid account.

Solved, I just had to make a deposit on twilio. the point of the situation if I start the script the entry is in Italian, if I start the automation the entry is in English how can I integrate the custom script just created?

You need to change your automation.

you have two ways, the first way would be to call the script in the automation for example:

- alias: 'FakeCall'
    platform: time
    at: '12:57:00'
    - service: script.turn_on
        entity_id: script.twilio_custom_call

Or you can move the logic in the automation with something like this:

- alias: 'FakeCall'
    platform: time
    at: '12:57:00'
    - service: python_script.custom_twilio
        delay: '1'
        loop: '2'
        voice: 'alice'
        language: 'it-IT'
        speed: 'slow'
        message: 'vediamo se questo funziona'
        phone: '+39347XXXXXXX'

great works I used option 2 by adding it to my automations. Thanks again

I’ll report here for future visitors. It’s enough to change the default language/voice in Twilio :wink: .

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Grazie mille Max… così è stato velocissimo. Grazie a tutti ragazzi.

Thank you, works great for me except for special characters.