Yeah figured would not be a normal install, but looks nice in the rack in my home:)
I guess I’m going to have to learn how to creat my own addon, get docker to install make and gcc, get the hit from there repo, compile, and expose the Pi hardware to that addon.
Have a look here, garethcheyne/HomeAssistant ( add this to your Addons, and run the script, I have it work. It needs a lot of work, but it is working.
This is totally a work in progress, and in no way is ready for any sort of production env.
Thanks for the work that you did on creating this plugin. I also struggled to get the initial steps to complete, and kept on getting a message about not being able to find I ended up just going through the install process using the Add On, and then installing this one to run the OLED software. Looking forward to future development on it!
So the code that is being used is from UCTRONIC, and the have F set for temperature unit, but for the life of me I cant see where that is, and being able to change it to C.
Would also be very cool if we could have like a Home Assistant flash screen, that shows, with there logo etc.
If you or someone with design skill wants to create a Home Assistant Banner black and white bitmap (128 pixels wide x 32 pixels tall), I can encode it and add it to the rotation.
Nice work @dcwalter. I have added a few images to the img directory. Also to note, that the Memory, and Disk screen seen to be pushed left, compared to CPU Screen.
One thing I forgot about was the CPU Usage, grep -bn1 | grep load | awk ‘{printf “%.2f”, $(NF-2)}’", “r” does not seem to work in HA Pi.