Udevd[529]: bind failed: Address in use

In fact - sometimes - noticing nothing is something - nothing seemed to error…

I also noticed that if I restart the whole node - the problem goes away - restart the VM nothing fixes itself.

I have also the feeling it is USB related. In my case it could be the Conbee II stick, a GSM modem stick or an USB external drive

My slow reboots disappeared when I installed Home Assistant 2021.5. See 2021.5: Stability, performance, triggers, color modes! - #14 by mchangsp

So this worked for me - I’ve only got a UPS connected to my server via USB, nothing else (yet) so resetting the udev controls using the following cleared these bind errors (which for some reason were also stopping any connection, on either LAN port):

udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger

Add sudo in before the udevadm commands as necessary.