Udevd[529]: bind failed: Address in use

Using Windows 10 desktop app…

I just want to say that after I deleted the db and let it rebuild, my problem with the Conbee 2 is gone. Maybe it helps some of you.

I’m getting this on a Proxmox VM. I don’t use Deconz.

use this guys tutorila

i got mine working again with no issues

Same problem. Only end point devices are connected, not the active devices (Bulb, smart plug). Futher, I cannot add new devices. When I try to add a switch or sensor, the READY button for scan is disabled and I cannot start searching procedure.

You can’t tell me something isn’t wrong. Reloaded from backup and as soon as I upgraded to 5.11… the system doesn’t reboot. Running VM like everyone else having issue. Hope this can be fixed I figured out soon.

I just bought my first raspberry pi 4. Get this exact error and cant reach the webserver at x.x.x.x:8123.

My primary system is running on NUC so I am don’t know if the installer is broken or I am doing something wrong. I followed the guide to the point, you cant really do anything wrong.

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I fixed my problem. I paired again the first router (smart plug) nearer to the Conbee 2 and everything started to work again. Now every device is connected again.

Hello, i think that os not completed true. Yesterday i needed to restart and after that this “warning” appears. It cannot bem ignored, after this error my home assistant dont start and give me a panic error. When this problem Will bem solved?

After updating the CC2531 is not working anymore. Get failed to set DTR/RTS.
I use Zigbee2MQTT really shitty. Now my wife wants the old setup back with original apps because lights don’t work now…

I had a similar problem with CC2531/Zigbee2MQTT failing inside VirtualBox VM. I had my CC2531 mapped as a serial port. I remapped it as USB device (which required changing the device path in Zigbee2MQTT as well) and it started working again.

My suspicion is that the udev rules recently changed, which resulted in the device being assigned to the “audio” group instead of “dialout”. Zigbee2MQTT is probably not be a member of “audio” group and thus would not have permission to access the CC2531 device.

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I also use VirtualBox with my NUC. I still had another CC2531 and when I used it everything worked again. If I change to the old one it does not work…

So strange. And right after installing the updates it all went wrong.

How did you repaired?

Just another me too with the same error. My USB audio stopped working, other USB devices seem to be ok. Going to try to roll back and never update again (lol).

Edit : nevermind, it appears my default audio device reverted to HDMI - (I didn’t change anything but update) which isn’t connected so I had to tell paplay explicitly which device to use - “ pactl list ” in terminal to find the sink alias/name (in case anyone is googling, it’s not documented anywhere and I’ll shut up now).

I love how the “TLDR” answer says “nothing to see here” but my HA is seriously broken with this error.

I’ll try the supervisor repair, but the TLDR should be removed from the first post.

I amended my start post after reading that back:

EDIT: To be clear. It was not me that has selected “the solution”. Frenck did do that himself. I still have the error and weird problems after posting this. Also following this with great interest.

I can understand that if you have a problem with your Home Assistant instance and you see this error, you think this error has something to do with it.
I did the same. But my problem had nothing to do with it. My database was broken. After I deleted it everything was working fine again.
And the error in this topic was still on the screen of my vm.

This weekend I did a clean install for a friend. Even with a clean install this error appeared.
And that Home Assistant instance was working perfectly fine.

So I think Frenck is right (of course he is, he is one of the developers :wink:)
So if you have this error and a problem with your Home Assistant instance try to ignore this error and look further than this error. :muscle:t2:

Only to stop the feeling of an dangerous case. This message means nothing. It will be gone soon as the new Audio Plugin update is out. It’s only a warning which shows if an older HA Core (< 2021.02) is startup or the old Audio Plugin because they use the old in-container udev and not the new Host udev.

The udev message is may not related to, but i identified my shutdown lag of 220 sec:

With this config entry HA restart need long time!

Feb 15 16:14:43 homeassistant dockerd[327]: time="2021-02-15T16:14:43.667177443Z" level=info msg="Container eb59b5ec4f8f640b1d69514b096cfb214f3178bcec28c1839be02345d93aa3e3 failed to exit within 220 seconds of signal 15 - using the force"

## EnOcean Config USB300 DB
  device: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-EnOcean_GmbH_EnOcean_USB_300_DB_FT3B4REQ-if00-port0

I have a Home Assistant instance in a Proxmox VM running which was built with https://github.com/whiskerz007/proxmox_hassos_install

Question: what can I do so I can see what is happening when the VM is booting, and while Home Assistant is starting? Do you have any tips which logs to examine, which log settings to set in Home Assistant, etc?

At the moment I only know how to take a look in the Home Assistant log after everything started. I don’t know for example how to examine the Linux system log in the VM.