UK alarm, wired, exposes motion sensors

Just in case anyone will need it, her sis my automation for parsing push notification from new HomeControl 2.0 app. I’ve installed it on an old android phone and I’m using Tasked to catch it and relay to Homeassistant. You will need to create a number of input_booleans for each zone:

- alias: Tasker event receiver for Pyronix
    platform: event
    event_type: 'tasker'
      app: ''
  condition: >-
    {{ is match('#YOUR_ALARM_ID@(.*)\: ((remote )?(dis)?armed( by)?)\:', ignorecase=True) }}
    params: >-
      {{ | lower | regex_findall_index('\:\d\d \*([\w\s]+)\: (?:(?:remote )?([\w]+)(?: by)?)\: ([\w\s]+)') }}
    - service: "input_boolean.turn_{{ 'on' if params[1] == 'armed' else 'off' }}"
        entity_id: "input_boolean.pyronix_{{ params[0]|regex_replace(' ', '_') }}"

The Euro46 and Enforcer both allow a keyswitch input to Arm/Disarm the system along side fobs codes etc. whilst not secure, i set/unset my alarm through HA using Unifi to ping phone presence and Life360 to determine presence ans an ESP01 & relay within a group, so if all 4 things are away (2 phones, 2 Life360) my wife and I, then the alarm sets, when one entity returns the system unsets. I also have an ESP8266 D1 mini that takes a few wireless Zwave devices and trips a relay into the alarm. so allows some cheap wireless extras, Whilst not a majorly secure method, we never used to set the alarm prior to the intergration… worst thing is im a security installer by trade :frowning:

@tom_l Ive tried and failed many time creating my own board so I’m really interested in yours. It looks like the link to your write-up doesn’t work. Could you please share or link to your OSH Park project (I searched but couldn’t find it)?

It’s a 4 your old project. I’ve moved on from doing it that way. Twice.

The PCB is here: OSH Park ~

where are you stuck, and what do you want to achieve.
Im no expert in programming but i know alarms

Thanks! Out of interest interest how do you do it now?

I’m currently using this connected to an ESP32 to read the resistance and voltage of my house PIR sensors. It works well but ideally I’d like to have the ESP32, voltage dividers and relay all on one board.

I use an ESP32 Ethernet board with MCP23017 i/o expanders.

I have Pyronix Alarm and i only relay to HomeAssistant the state of my alarm (on/off).
My firt idea was tu use Shelly Uny, but i don’t know wich pin of Pyronix change status low/hight and
I I found your solution interesting.
Could you please help me with tasker (i don’t know how to relay notification to home assistant) and how to integrate it with home assistant?
thank you

Hi Fabio

I use the following setups:

Esp home on a ESP01 with a relay Board with the following Code, This triggers a relay attached to the ESP01, but you can use any D1 Mini and relay (bit of a waste as there ore lots of pins) The relay is wire into a Zone n the System (i have a euro46, but the same can be achieved on an Enforcer), the Zone is set to keyswitch (keyswitch zone allows you to set unset with a keyswitch, you just choose the area you want the input to set


name: keyswitch

platform: ESP8266

board: esp01_1m


ssid: "myssid

password: “mypassword”





Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails


ssid: “keyswitch”

password: “keyswitch”


Enable logging


Enable Home Assistant API



key: ggfhjhkkjjklkjlklkj


password: “mypassword”


  • platform: gpio

pin: GPIO0

name: “keyswitch”

inverted: no

  • platform: gpio

pin: GPIO1

name: “keyswitch1”

inverted: no

Then I have 2x Bluetooth tags, you could use mobiles, but that caused issues as the wife doesnt always have her bluetooth on and I use 2x ESP32 in ESPHome with the following Code


name: bluetooth-tracker


board: esp32dev


type: arduino

Enable logging


Enable Home Assistant API



password: “my key”


ssid: !secret wifi_ssid

password: !secret wifi_password

Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails


ssid: “Bluetooth-Tracker”

password: “r2sMbqF9issn”




interval: 30ms


Replace with the MAC address of your device.

  • mac_address: CB:4A:1D:6B:9E:A0

id: map_os_CB_4A_1D_6B_9E_A0


  • platform: template

id: white_button_nut

name: “Not Used”


delayed_off: 10ms

  • platform: ble_presence

mac_address: CB:3b:1D:6B:9E:A4

name: “Map-OS Yellow 2 CB:3b:1D:6B:9E:A4”

I used a 2nd one for the 2nd tag as it was easier, i was having trouble with 2 tags on 1 device for some reason

Then I created a Node Red flow to trigger the relay if both tags had left the property, it is a bit slow setting but generally now on return the pickup is quite quick most times…

I then get a notification in HomeControl2.0

If you want more detailed info then let me know, and I can help with the programming of the Pyronix panel if you want i work with them a lot

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From: keith crooks <[email protected]>
To: Fabio via Home Assistant Community <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2023 19:15:03 +0100
Subject: Re: [Home Assistant Community] [Hardware] UK alarm, wired, exposes motion sensors
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Hi Fabio
I have just had my Pyronix Alarm installed and am interested in getting it set up in Home Assistant - I see that you say that you have managed to relay state of your alarm - Please could you share with me how you did it.
Thank you

Hi Stephen. At the moment the project is stopped. I'm waiting for the technician because i haven't the code for maintenance mode ...
I have some ideas: connect shelly UNI to the PIR in parallel so i know the state of the PIR
The second step connect shelly UNI in the jumper of the main board to get the status of Alarm (Armed/Disarmed per zone)
But in this moment it's only teory ...
I will keep you updated
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