(UK) Light Switch

The Shelly has a CE mark on it. Not sure about the Xiaomi switches.

Is shelly a Chinese company I.e. xiaomi?
On their product spec it doesn’t say any British standard .

I think the Shelly is made by an Eastern European company if I remember correctly.

EDIT: Just checked again and they are Bulgarian.

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I ended up going with Shelly 1, Ordered a load of them and now i’ve got Shelly’s all over the house :smiley: Works flawlessly with a normal on/off wall switch, the response time from turning it on or off from the app is amazing its so fast.

With having neutral all over the house now it has helped so much with choices and things i can do. I’ve only just installed the shelly 1 behind the light backboxes a few hours ago, so will search through the forum now on how to add them into home assistant im assuming it shouldnt be too hard, unless i guess if i have to flash them then might take me some time longer.

I would like to thank all you guys who contributed and helped me make my decision.

P.S i’ve just noticed these shelly’s can act as a Wifi AP anyone used this feature any good? (Not that i need it but just wondering lol)

Im pretty sure they only act as AP before they connect to your WiFi so that you can connect to them for initial setup. I don’t think they act as a general ap after that. Unless something has changed with the firmware recently.

I think they support MQTT out of the box so you don’t even need to flash them to a different firmware. Rob from TheHookUp has done some videos about the Shelly, definitely worth checking out.

If you dont have a neutral you can use these.

work really well and easy to setup once you have your z-wave network working

I’ve got one of these and now that it’s setup, it does work well but I find z-wave unnecessarily complicated. It allows you to set max brightness, dim on and off speeds etc but messing with this made me break one and it wouldn’t work properly even after factory reset. Fortunately Amazon replaced it and so I set it up and now just leave it well alone!

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@mikeoh @jjtyper Does this work for non dimmable leds I.e. GU10 leds?

Yes, I have had no issues so far using this with none dimmable leds.

Right that’s good. I suppose the light switch does not toggle when you turn the lights on/off remotely right?

Correct but if someone uses the light switch HA is updated that the light is on.

Shelly1 is the easiest option

You mean if you toggle the light switch manually the state is updated in HA?

Do these (Xiaomi) need a neutral though?
I am hoping that its possible to put 2x Two gangs over a 4gang switch I have… Even if it needs a different adapter mount printed.

They make a no neutral version

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I might be late to the party here but may I suggest what I’ve done?

It’s probably not the cheapest option but I’m using fibaro dimmer modules (can be had for £40-£45) and a z-wave stick in a Pi running Hassio. I then use three-way retractive switches and faceplates from Click Scolmore (an excellent UK company) which total about £4 altogether.

This setup gives me both an easy-to-use physical rocker dimmer switch, plus zwave control, and I even programmed scenes into mine so certain click combinations trigger other lights like my Hue bulbs.

Really easy and intuitive for the missus and guests to use, but loads of customisation options for network control. AND you can wire them in both neutral and non-neutral wire configurations. Equally good is for a two-switch setup you only need one dimmer module (and two switch/faceplate combinations), making it ostensibly cheaper than most other smart home options. Highly recommended!

EDIT: If you’re not worried about dimming, you can use the fibaro two-switch module and do two on/off switches at once - even cheaper. You’ll need a neutral wire for this option though, and you would switch out the three-way retractive switch for a single pole retractive switch instead.


Yes that is correct

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And can the aeotec dimmer be used to control 3 gang light switch I am a little confused when they say 3 way is that the same as 3 gang?

Yes that’s correct it updates depending on the switch state as well. I’ve not flashed it with no other firmware it’s all factory firmware.

The response from the moment you toggle on HA to when the light turns off is instant no delay