doing that makes the whole Est column “Cancelled”, hmmm… would it be easier to have:
‘if (x.estimated =/= ‘00:00’ {“Cancelled”} else {x.estimated}’
doing that makes the whole Est column “Cancelled”, hmmm… would it be easier to have:
‘if (x.estimated =/= ‘00:00’ {“Cancelled”} else {x.estimated}’
Sorry flip the order:
if (x.estimated) { x.estimated } else { “Cancelled” }
Ah! Simples, why didn’t I think of that.
Ok, will test it on a couple of cancelled trains/lines and see how we go.
I wonder why the transportapi doesnt return number of coaches?
My train home is often shortformed so it would be great to be able to get an alert when it has e.g. 2 carriages instead of the normal 4.
You can see the number of coaches returned in XML using this service, but its beyond my ability to extract it I think:
I wonder if anyone might be able to help. In order for me to use the UK transport API I have to append “&source_config=dws_staff” to force the api to use a different source for the data as normal data is not available for the Tyne and Wear Metro. Is there any way I can add this tag into the home assistant component?
Anyone else experience the Christmas edge case where flex-table-card has an error and stops the whole page (any other cards on the page) from loading ? Basically happens when no trains are running!
“No card type found”
Same here…
For some other poor lost soul trying to understand the stupid complexities of Lovelace formatting, this works if you paste it in a “manual card”:
type: conditional
- entity: sensor.next_train_to_lbg
state_not: No departures
type: 'custom:flex-table-card'
title: Trains to London Bridge
icon: 'mdi:train'
include: sensor.next_train_to_lbg
- name: Time
attr_as_list: next_trains
modify: x.scheduled
- name: Time
attr_as_list: next_trains
modify: x.scheduled
- name: Est
attr_as_list: next_trains
modify: x.estimated
- name: Status
attr_as_list: next_trains
prefix: '<style> cc { color: red; } </style>'
modify: >-
if (x.status == "LATE") { "<cc>" + x.status + "</cc>" } else { x.status
- name: Delay
attr_as_list: next_trains
modify: >-
if (x.estimated ) { (parseInt(x.estimated) * 60 +
parseInt((x.estimated).slice(3,5))) - (parseInt(x.scheduled) * 60 +
parseInt((x.scheduled).slice(3,5))) } else { " " }
suffix: m
align: right
From memory I got around this with: UK Transport component
So basically when no trains are running the Vertical-Stacked-Card renders nothing, but the flex-table-card keeps plodding along - the idea is if the render fails, then only that Card fails to load, rather than your whole tab failing to load
I have read through the thread and there was brief mention of an “arrival time” function but I couldn’t see if anything was done about this.
Has anyone implemented anything like that function?
Anyway I can avoid this? thanks
I’m pulling my hair out over this
Using the below in configuration.yaml the sensor is returning state ‘unknown’.
- platform: uk_transport
app_id: MYIDHERE
app_key: MYKEYHERE
- mode: bus
origin: 0500SHILD002
destination: 0500CCITY321
I’ve sent both of the Atco codes to uk/bus/stop/{atcocode}/live.json and they both return info correctly with status 200, but yet HA shows Unknown.
Does anyone have any clue why this doesn’t work?
I could be wrong but I wonder if this is because the object starts with a number.
Awesome thanks for sharing this worked for me also
So im just adding this component now but i cannot get any sensor to show up.
This is whats in my config.yaml
- platform: uk_transport
app_id: 8*****d4
app_key: bc655fe00dd3**********9266636c34
scan_interval: 300
- mode: train
origin: WYB
destination: WAT
Most integrations ive added i also add something above like below but its not mentioned anywhere.
Ive restarted HA many times now but when i go to check the states list i dont have any “sensor.next_train” etc Any thoughts? Im not even seeing an error in the log.
I solved the “undefinedundefinedundefined” issue when reporting on estimated arrival time. Here is the code.
- name: Est.
attr_as_list: next_trains
modify: "x.estimated == null ? 'unk' : x.estimated"
My bus scheduling sensor has been working perfect for some time. Seems there has been a change to the way the api works and none of the scheme previously usedc works.
Is an update planned or is this an error on my end. Any help would be appreciated.
"atcocode": "035085420001",
"smscode": "wokdgwd",
"request_time": "2020-11-09T13:46:21+00:00",
"name": "Sunderland Close",
"stop_name": "Sunderland Close",
"bearing": "NW",
"indicator": "adj",
"locality": "Woodley",
"location": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
"departures": {
"13": [
"mode": "bus",
"line": "13",
"line_name": "13",
"direction": "Reading Station",
"operator": "",
"date": "2020-11-09",
"expected_departure_date": "2020-11-09",
"aimed_departure_time": "14:15",
"expected_departure_time": "14:15",
"best_departure_estimate": "14:15",
"status": {
"cancellation": {
"value": false,
"reason": null
"source": "NextBuses",
"dir": null,
"operator_name": null,
"id": null
"mode": "bus",
"line": "13",
"line_name": "13",
"direction": "Reading Station",
"operator": "",
"date": "2020-11-09",
"expected_departure_date": "2020-11-09",
"aimed_departure_time": "14:45",
"expected_departure_time": "14:45",
"best_departure_estimate": "14:45",
"status": {
"cancellation": {
"value": false,
"reason": null
"source": "NextBuses",
"dir": null,
"operator_name": null,
"id": null
"mode": "bus",
"line": "13",
"line_name": "13",
"direction": "Reading Station",
"operator": "_noc_RBUS",
"date": "2020-11-09",
"expected_departure_date": null,
"aimed_departure_time": "15:15",
"expected_departure_time": null,
"best_departure_estimate": "15:15",
"status": {
"cancellation": {
"value": false,
"reason": null
"source": "NextBuses",
"dir": null,
"operator_name": null,
"id": null
"source": "NextBuses"
I don’t see any announcements about breaking changes on
On the website you can check the bus code info I recall, so check that
Thanks for the response. See the response above. The generated schema does not work with Hassio anymore.
I cannot see how that differs from ?