🏎️ Ultra Vehicle Card - A simple and clean way to show your vehicle's information!

iPhone 14 UVC

Hi everyone,

I’d like to introduce my first Home Assistant project, the Ultra Vehicle Card! This is a custom card designed to display information about both Electric Vehicles (EVs), Fuel Vehicles and Hybrids in a clean and modern way. I couldn’t find a card that allowed me to quickly have a vehicle view that was clean and modern while using a simple interface to edit, so I made one :slight_smile: !

The card offers the following features:

  • EV • Fuel • Hybrid
    Full support for all vehicle types including EV, Fuel and Hybrid Vehicles.

  • Custom Icon Grid
    Display any entity from Home Assistant in an dynamic Icon Grid.

  • Custom Colors
    Customize almost every aspect of the card using custom color pickers.

  • Any Vehicle
    Car, Boat, Plane or Train. Use our card to display info from any vehicle.

  • Animations
    We animate the card when your engine is on or your vehicle is charging.

  • Template State
    Use complex templates to show active an inactive icon states.

  • Multiple Layouts
    Adjust the card layout the way your want it!

I’m really happy with how this card turned out and I hope you find it useful as well. I’m always open to feedback and suggestions, so please let me know what you think!

I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

WJD Designs




Hi, I am working on a similar project, but specifically for mercedes cars with mercedes integration. I will be releasing a new version with translations into other languages… Check out my github for inspiration :love_you_gesture:


Very nice! My config is GUI though which will be the best part and of course not as extensive as yours since I am dealing with multiple models/brands. I wanted a simple way to display where people didn’t need to use code. Your implementation looks awesome congrats!

Very nice. Too bad it’s only for Mercedes.

Yeah, the exception for me is that all entities are from one component/device. So you only need one single sensor and the others are automatically generated into a pre-selected card. Or the user can customize his own lovelace card for each sub card… Everything is set via the UI editor.

I worked with the available data I have, surely if someone has another component, it can be easily modified for their needs. The vehicle data is generally similar…

What is the structure of vehicle sensor (sensor.licence_plate) from mercedes integration? Perhaps it would be possible to create custom sensor and put state and attributes from outher integrations to mimic one and use the card this way?

This is the way I used to automatically get the entities associated with a vehicle.

  • Start by defining the filters for different types of sensors and devices. These filters will include prefix and suffix patterns that match the entity IDs you’re interested in.
    vehicle-info-card/src/const.ts at e06f76fc0ebafe8a71b8636e83fb979fa2725502 · ngocjohn/vehicle-info-card · GitHub

  • Fetch All Entities using the Home Assistant WebSocket API to fetch a list of all registered entities. This provides a comprehensive view of all entities currently available in the Home Assistant setup.

  • Identify the specific device id from config entity, that single sensor…

  • Once the specific device is identified, filter out the entities associated with the device using its device_id. This narrows down the list to only those entities that belong to the device of interest.

  • Match Entities Using Filters - Iterate over the predefined filters and match the filtered device entities based on the prefix and suffix patterns.

  • Store the matched entity IDs along with their original names in a structured object. This object can then be returned or used for further processing, ensuring that all relevant entity IDs are easily accessible.

@WJD very nice project, I very like it!

  • introduce a Lock/Unlock button
  • introduce a Opened/Closed indication for doors
  • introduce a Warning for flat tyres, or an indication of them all
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HUGE update just posted adding Hybrid vehicles to the card as well as charge limit and vehicle status areas. Lots more goodies too!

Ultra Vehicle Card

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I will be adding a link function to those icons soon as well as a Open/Close or On/Off state to select unique icons for. Since UI and ease of use is concerned this will take me a second to follow good design. Right now you can add icons using the icon grid and it will light up your primary HA color if open/on state.

Here’s my variations on the card. I’ve implemented my own set of buttons on the bottom through a vertical layout card, the reason being that I wanted some of the tap actions to require a confirmation (like unlocking the doors). There are two versions, one for my “Garage” page, and a smaller one for the main dashboard. The margin and padding gets rendered different on mobile, I don’t know why but I’ve left it alone.

type: custom:stack-in-card
mode: vertical
  - title: Setareh
    image_url: /local/teslamodel3transparent.png
    vehicle_type: EV
    unit_type: mi
    level_entity: sensor.tesla_battery_level
    range_entity: sensor.tesla_real_world_expected_battery_range_mi
    charging_status_entity: binary_sensor.setareh_charging
    location_entity: device_tracker.setareh_location_tracker
    mileage_entity: sensor.tesla_odometer_mi
    show_level: true
    show_range: true
    show_location: true
    show_mileage: true
    show_car_state: true
    show_charge_limit: true
    icon_grid_entities: []
    custom_icons: {}
    hybrid_display_order: fuel_first
    car_state_entity: sensor.tesla_state
    charge_limit_entity: sensor.tesla_charge_limit_soc
    type: custom:ultra-vehicle-card
    battery_level_entity: sensor.tesla_battery_level
    battery_range_entity: sensor.tesla_real_world_expected_battery_range_mi
    fuel_level_entity: ''
    fuel_range_entity: ''
    show_battery: true
    show_battery_range: true
    show_fuel: true
    show_fuel_range: true
    cardBackgroundColor: ''
    barBackgroundColor: '#000000'
    barFillColor: '#7F000B'
    limitIndicatorColor: '#c2c2c2'
    iconActiveColor: ''
    iconInactiveColor: ''
    show_charging: true
    barBorderColor: '#2e2e2e'
      style: |
        ha-card {
          border-width: 0px;
          border-radius: 5px;
          height: 100%;
        .vehicle-name {
          font-size: 1.2em !important;
          font-weight: bold;
          padding-top: 0px !important;
          margin-top: 8px !important;
          margin-bottom: 8px !important;
        .vehicle-card-content {
          padding: 1px 16px 8px 16px !important;
        .vehicle-image-container {
          margin: 10px 0px -100px 0px !important;
        .vehicle-image {
          height: 50% !important;
  - type: custom:stack-in-card
    mode: horizontal
      - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
        entity: lock.setareh_doors
        layout: vertical
        primary_info: none
        secondary_info: none
          action: toggle
          confirm: ' '
        fill_container: false
        icon_color: green
          style: |
            :host {
              --mush-badge-size: 1.2em;
              --mush-badge-icon-size: 1.7em;
              {% if is_state('lock.setareh_doors','locked') %}
              --card-mod-icon: mdi:car-door-lock;
              {% else %}
              --card-mod-icon: mdi:car-door-lock-open;
              /* --card-mod-icon-color: orange; */
              {% endif %}
            ha-card {
              border-width: 0px;
      - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
        entity: cover.setareh_windows
        layout: vertical
        primary_info: none
        secondary_info: none
          action: toggle
          confirm: ' '
        fill_container: false
          style: |
            :host {
              --mush-badge-size: 1.82m;
              --mush-badge-icon-size: 1.7em;
              {% if is_state('cover.setareh_windows','closed') %}
              --card-mod-icon: mdi:window-closed;
              {% else %}
              --card-mod-icon: mdi:window-open;
              /* --card-mod-icon-color: orange; */
              {% endif %}
            ha-card {
              border-width: 0px;
      - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
        entity: switch.setareh_sentry_mode
        layout: vertical
        primary_info: none
        secondary_info: none
          action: toggle
        fill_container: false
        icon_color: red
          style: |
            :host {
              --mush-badge-size: 1.2em;
              --mush-badge-icon-size: 1.7em;
            ha-card {
              border-width: 0px;
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        icon: mdi:ev-station
        icon_color: '{{ ''green'' if states(''sensor.openevse_station_status'') == ''active'' }}'
        layout: vertical
          action: call-service
          service: switch.toggle
            entity_id: switch.openevse_sleep_mode_new
          style: |
            :host {
              --mush-badge-size: 1.82m;
              --mush-badge-icon-size: 1.7em;
            ha-card {
              border-width: 0px;
      style: |
        ha-card {
          padding: 0px 4px 4px 4px;
  style: |
    ha-card {
      border-width: 0px;
      height: 100%;


type: custom:stack-in-card
mode: vertical
  - title: Setareh
    image_url: /local/teslamodel3transparent.png
    vehicle_type: EV
    unit_type: mi
    level_entity: sensor.tesla_battery_level
    range_entity: sensor.tesla_real_world_expected_battery_range_mi
    charging_status_entity: binary_sensor.setareh_charging
    location_entity: device_tracker.setareh_location_tracker
    mileage_entity: sensor.tesla_odometer_mi
    show_level: true
    show_range: true
    show_location: true
    show_mileage: false
    show_car_state: false
    show_charge_limit: true
    icon_grid_entities: []
    custom_icons: {}
    hybrid_display_order: fuel_first
    car_state_entity: sensor.tesla_state
    charge_limit_entity: sensor.tesla_charge_limit_soc
    type: custom:ultra-vehicle-card
    battery_level_entity: sensor.tesla_battery_level
    battery_range_entity: sensor.tesla_real_world_expected_battery_range_mi
    fuel_level_entity: ''
    fuel_range_entity: ''
    show_battery: true
    show_battery_range: true
    show_fuel: true
    show_fuel_range: true
    cardBackgroundColor: ''
    barBackgroundColor: '#000000'
    barFillColor: '#7F000B'
    limitIndicatorColor: '#c2c2c2'
    iconActiveColor: ''
    iconInactiveColor: ''
    show_charging: true
    barBorderColor: '#2e2e2e'
      style: |
        ha-card {
          border-width: 0px;
          height: 100%;
        .vehicle-card-content {
          padding: 0px 16px 0px 16px !important;
        .vehicle-name {
          font-size: 1.2em !important;
          font-weight: normal;
          padding-top: 0px !important;
          margin-top: 8px !important;
          margin-bottom: 8px !important;
        .vehicle-image-container {
          /* margin: 0px 0px 0px 0px !important; */
          margin-bottom: 0px !important;
        .vehicle-image {
          /* height: 60% !important; */
        .level-text {
          font-size: 0.8em !important;
          font-weight: normal !important;
  - type: custom:stack-in-card
    mode: horizontal
      - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
        entity: lock.setareh_doors
        layout: vertical
        primary_info: none
        secondary_info: none
          action: toggle
          confirm: ' '
        fill_container: false
          style: |
            :host {
              --mush-icon-size: 1.5em;
              --mush-icon-symbol-size: 1em;
              --mush-badge-size: 1.2em;
              --mush-badge-icon-size: 1.7em;
              {% if is_state('lock.setareh_doors','locked') %}
              --card-mod-icon: mdi:car-door-lock;
              {% else %}
              --card-mod-icon: mdi:car-door-lock-open;
              /* --card-mod-icon-color: orange; */
              {% endif %}
            ha-card {
              border-width: 0px;
      - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
        entity: climate.setareh_hvac_climate_system
        layout: vertical
        primary_info: none
        secondary_info: none
          action: toggle
        fill_container: false
          style: |
            :host {
              --mush-icon-size: 1.5em;
              --mush-icon-symbol-size: 1em;
              --mush-badge-size: 1.82m;
              --mush-badge-icon-size: 1.7em;
            ha-card {
              border-width: 0px;
      - type: custom:mushroom-entity-card
        entity: switch.setareh_sentry_mode
        layout: vertical
        primary_info: none
        secondary_info: none
        icon_color: red
          action: toggle
        fill_container: false
          style: |
            :host {
              --mush-icon-size: 1.5em;
              --mush-icon-symbol-size: 1em;
              --mush-badge-size: 1.2em;
              --mush-badge-icon-size: 1.7em;
              {% if is_state('switch.setareh_sentry_mode','on') %}

              {% endif %}
            ha-card {
              border-width: 0px;
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        icon: mdi:ev-station
        icon_color: '{{ ''green'' if states(''sensor.openevse_station_status'') == ''active'' }}'
        layout: vertical
          action: call-service
          service: switch.toggle
            entity_id: switch.openevse_sleep_mode_new
          style: |
            :host {
              --mush-icon-size: 1.5em;
              --mush-icon-symbol-size: 1em;
              --mush-badge-size: 1.82m;
              --mush-badge-icon-size: 1.7em;
            ha-card {
              border-width: 0px;
      style: |
        ha-card {
          margin: -8px 4px 0px 4px;
          padding: 0px 4px 0px 4px;
  style: |
    ha-card {
      border-width: 0px;
      height: 100%;
  grid_columns: 2
  grid_rows: 4

@WJD thanks from my side for this project too. I’ve migrated from my custom picture entity card to yours.

I browsed a little and don’t know if anybody mentioned this already: I am missing an option to display another numeric/state entity, like service interval of the car (20000km or 400 days to go for an instance).

So, in my picture entity card I had it like this:

It would be nice if I could add another entity like Location or Mileage Entity - maybe below or beside them.


Thank you very much, its amazing and the setup workflow is outstanding! Great Work ! :slight_smile:

Here are some wishes / ideas for features:

  • AdBlue Level
  • Buttons to Control Car (Lock/Unlock Car / Start Flashing & Honking)
  • Inspection Dates (Oil) in Kilometers and Days
  • Service Dates in Kilometers and Days
  • Outside Temperature
  • Refuel Distance
  • Vehicle Moving check (binary_sensor (on/off))

Maybe you can also create some placeholder Fields where we can just put any entity we want to be displayed :slight_smile:
And it would be cool if we can change the Icons and Icons color based on entity status <3


Very nice. Where do you found the picture. I have a white model 3 highland

This is great! Its a fantastic way of showing car information. My only request would be mapping the door status to a graphic such as the example below. If the door is opened either change that door to a different color or show it as opened.

Very nice. Thank you for the card. It let’s me show things off for my wife a little bit. :slight_smile:

Hi, very nice card.

One question:
I‘d like to change the border-radius of the card so that it better fits the look of my other cards on my dashboard. Card.mod doesn‘t seem to work… is there another way to do so?

Edit: mistake at my side. Card mod is just working

Awesome card. I hate to ask a dumb question but how do you gather all the sensor data from the car and put into HA? I have a Honda and don’t know how to communicate with it.

Thanks for your help,

Log into your Tesla account via the desktop website. One of the images there on the dashboard is pretty high resolution and provides transparency. I had to fiddle with it (for me using GIMP) to get the transparency to work correctly after I resized and cropped it.

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My odometer is at 20300 km, but the card says it’s 20.3 k km, how can I change that?

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