🏎️ Ultra Vehicle Card - A simple and clean way to show your vehicle's information!

Thank you very much, its amazing and the setup workflow is outstanding! Great Work ! :slight_smile:

Here are some wishes / ideas for features:

  • AdBlue Level
  • Buttons to Control Car (Lock/Unlock Car / Start Flashing & Honking)
  • Inspection Dates (Oil) in Kilometers and Days
  • Service Dates in Kilometers and Days
  • Outside Temperature
  • Refuel Distance
  • Vehicle Moving check (binary_sensor (on/off))

Maybe you can also create some placeholder Fields where we can just put any entity we want to be displayed :slight_smile:
And it would be cool if we can change the Icons and Icons color based on entity status <3


Very nice. Where do you found the picture. I have a white model 3 highland

This is great! Its a fantastic way of showing car information. My only request would be mapping the door status to a graphic such as the example below. If the door is opened either change that door to a different color or show it as opened.

Very nice. Thank you for the card. It let’s me show things off for my wife a little bit. :slight_smile:

Hi, very nice card.

One question:
I‘d like to change the border-radius of the card so that it better fits the look of my other cards on my dashboard. Card.mod doesn‘t seem to work… is there another way to do so?

Edit: mistake at my side. Card mod is just working

Awesome card. I hate to ask a dumb question but how do you gather all the sensor data from the car and put into HA? I have a Honda and don’t know how to communicate with it.

Thanks for your help,

Log into your Tesla account via the desktop website. One of the images there on the dashboard is pretty high resolution and provides transparency. I had to fiddle with it (for me using GIMP) to get the transparency to work correctly after I resized and cropped it.

My odometer is at 20300 km, but the card says it’s 20.3 k km, how can I change that?

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Does anyone know of a Chrysler Uconnect integration for HA? I’ve searched around but I don’t think it exists.

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When adding a hybrid vehicle, the fuel amount is displayed in % instead of liters. How can I change that?

Anyone? It’s quite annoying to have a full tank of 60 liters and it’s showing 60% full.

same issue here with liters shown as percentage

2 posts were split to a new topic: New Vehicle Status Card

Hi, is this card still maintained?
IS HEV cars supported?

If you have any suggestions post it on our Github page or to our Discord :slight_smile:

The gauges only use sensors with percentage BUT you could make a helper sensor that converts the math to make it percentage. We had a user in our Discord that did that.

Most of these are now added to the card, thanks for the ideas!

I’d love to have the card background and text change dynamically based on theme. For eg, i have day and night variations on my dashboards but this card doesnt follow the theme.

My workaround is to put this in a conditional card, which works, but it doesnt always render properly and means i need two of this card instead of one.

I have this card and love it. My entity for engine status on my Mercedes has numbers 0,1,2,3 for ignition states. That doesn’t work for turning the card on/off when its charging. I made a sensor entity that when the charge draw is > 1 kw it outputs charging, and idle when 0. I tried to use this entity as my status entity. That doesn’t work either. I tried On and Off, on off. What trigger words are the card looking for to trigger the charging status? I had this working about 6 months ago and cant remember what I was told to have as the trigger “words” for the entity. Thanks in advance. If Im over thinking it, please let me know what I’m doing wrong.

Tnx for all the work on this card so far!
Has anyone already tried this for a BMW_i3? and wants to share the yaml file?
The i3 has different charging_state sensors, a binary_sensor and a normal_sensor so i am wondering what the difference is.
And the overal ‘car status’ is not something that the i3 seems to have. It does have some binary sensors for all windows and lids, and they are all attributes for a single sensor. Not sure yet how to work with those.
We could make some example configs for each make/model car in the github once it works?