Unable to access http://hassio.local:8123

I installed Hassbian but unable to reach http://hassio.local:8123 any suggestions?

I have raspberry pi 3 B+ with hassbian running, samba too but no hass.io. Any help is much appreciated.

Ran command sudo systemctl restart [email protected] but no luck.

did you try its IP address

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I did indeed but did not work.

can you ssh into it try a reboot form the command line.

if new install did you wait the 20min+ just checking

I donā€™t understand why I need to reboot from ssh if I am still in my wifi network. I waited that much time till it came up. It did for a while last Saturday but then it stopped working.

They arenā€™t running hassio, so there is no ā€˜20 minā€™ wait

Are you sure it would be hassio.local since, you know, you didnā€™t install hassio?

Why not just use the IP address?

When you use the ā€˜nameā€™ of it, you are relying on your router to resolve the name to the IP, but in a lot of cases the router does not support the protocols needed.

Just use the IP address and port to browse to.

Following the hassbian installation docs you should use http://hassbian.local:8123 or the ip address of course

I tried also with the IP address. I understand that if I have RPi3 B+ I can only install Hassbian. With Hassbian the HA runs in a virtual environment from Hassbian image. The question is what is the command to invoke that environment? Iā€™m sure Iā€™m doing something wrong here. Trying to figure out what it is. I was expecting to have the virtual environment to come up in my chrome browser when I browsed to HTTP://myIP:8123

Which I did indeed. Up until last Saturday but then I ā€œlostā€ it. Question: could it be that in attempting to connect to Google home assistant I entered some lines of code in my configuration.yaml that caused this issue?
I made sure the line: config: is in it too.

If the problem started after you changed your config you should check the log and post your config.

You should read the logs and see why it is failingā€¦no amount of ā€˜restartingā€™ the service is going to bring up Home Assistant if the config has errors

What happens when you run from the command prompt?
sudo systemctl status [email protected] -l

Do you see a line the that refers to the configuration.yaml file re. an error?

When I restart HA I get:

Failed to restart home-assistant.service: Unit home-assistant.service not found.

Very strange. I can go to the /home/homeassistant directory and see no files. Not sure if it is supposed to be empty though.

Iā€™m really curious if you even went through the directions.


Have you ā€˜installedā€™ the service yet, per the instructions?

Well, the ā€˜configā€™ directory is a hidden directory, as notated by the . before it. ls -la should show you ALL files/directories inside that directory.

But if you havenā€™t actually followed the directions, there may not be anything there anyway.

Got good news but at the same time I got puzzled by it. It worked when I tried IE instead of Chrome. Someone please help me understand why. Any configuration setting somewhere? Anyhow, I just donā€™t see the tabs across with the Addon. Perhaps that virtual environment does not show the same layout like if I had hassio running from the docker?!

Because you are NOT running hassio, you will not see any hassio tab or any addons, or anything related to hassio, because you arenā€™t running hassio.

If you want hassio addons and the hassio tab, you HAVE to run hassio.

I suspected I wasnā€™t running it because of all the videos I watched so far, donā€™t look the same to what I have. Nonetheless, how can I invoke the virtual environment then? Just point me to find material so I can delve into it. A link to some site, YouTube.

Thank you in advance


Hi Gino (iā€™m italian too)ā€¦did you solve your problems?
I have Raspberry Pi 3 b+ and i cannot connect to HA per browser (i use safari).
I cannot find any solutionsā€¦in another topic another RP3b+ user had to buy 3 model (the old one) to use correctly HAā€¦i wouldā€™t do the same if itā€™s possible.
Pleaseā€¦if u canā€¦help me!!!

You read the directions right? Along with the warning?

The recently released Raspberry Pi 3 model B+ is not yet supported.

Are you trying to use hassio or hassbian?

If you have a 3b+ you have to use hassbian, or run raspbian and install home assistant in a python environment.

Either way, you would not access hassio.local, because you arenā€™t running hassio.

Same problem here.

Nw RP B+

Cannot start om my.IP:8123 or hassbian.local:8123

Not on Ipad with Crome nor PC Win7 with Crome of IE

I do see it with Fing and can ping it