Unable to get Google Assistant to work

Hi there,
I am currently trying to link my Homeassistant instance with Google Assistant to controll some lights and more. I followed the official docs on how to configure this. My problem now is that i get an “Could not reach [test]Homeassistant” error when i try to add my homeassistant to the google home app.

I found this thread where some other guys have a simular problem so i thought this could maybe be solved by filling out the directory information in the google action (description, logo, name and mail, privacy policy) . The problem is that I am not able to upload a Logo (which is required). All i get after selecting my logo in the upload popup is a loading bar at 100% and nothing is happening. In the browser debug console i can see lots of 503 (Service Unavailable) returns after selecting the image.

Is anyone having the same issue?

I’ve tried different image formats with diferent resolutions and different file sizes on differnt devices on three different browsers from different networks in different google action projects and on multipe days… I contacted google support with this information and all they said is to try different browsers and clear cache.

I constantly get the “could not reach home assistant right now” message from Google home. Did you ever resolve this issue?

I’d had enough and gave up and haven’t tried it since. I’m sorry.