Unable to install HASSIO on Pi3B+

I have tried with and without USB but I am not able to get hassio installed for some reason :frowning:

I am using the latest version - hassos_rpi3-1.11.img.gz

I tried the fing app and I dont see the IP.
hassio goes in loop with the following error :

That is not an issue with networking. The device is failing. Either SDCard or power supply, or you have a bad Pi.

I am using a 3amps power supply and its a new pi. i was able to run rasperian on it without issues.
Really out of options on what to try next :frowning:

Are you sure it’s a 3b+ and not just a 3b?

Yaa its a pi3B+


Hi, I have exactly the same experience. Has anybody successfully installed hassio on a 3B+ ?

Sure, lots of people have. It was released in July with 3b+ support.

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I have tried different adapter… 8gb and 32gb SD cards, tried Ethernet and wifi…

Anything else I can try ?

try an older version.

I have tried hassos_rpi3-1.10.img.gz and it’s the same issue.
Not sure if my pi has a problem… I will try on an older pi and let you know… thanks for your inputs :slight_smile:

Any luck? Did you get it working ?

Nope. I have tried the 64 bit version as well.


I tried hassos_rpi3-1.11.img.gz 32bit and 64bit + hassos_rpi3-1.10.img.gz + hassos_rpi3-1.9.img.gz and all have the same error :


I have an old pi1 and I tried hassos_rpi-1.11.img.gz and it worked perfectly fine.

Any idea why it is failing only on pi3b+

Sorry, no idea.

Finally got installation done on Pi 3B+

Seems like 3B+ is more sensitive to the state/quality of the sd card. Used another card and running perfectly.

Thats good news… Which SD card are you using now? I have tried with sandisk ultra class10.

The Sandisk Ultra is exactly what I could not get to work. I had a old Lexar 16GB lying around, it worked first time.

Thanks… :slight_smile: I got it working with Kingston SD card… seems like a problem with sandisk SD card. Tried with 3brand new sandisk SD card and it did not work…