Unable to load schema from 'http://schemas.home-assistant.io/integration-automation': No content.YAML(768)

Same error here, what is the actual reason for this, is there one guru who can solve this the proper way. Think it deserves attention of the developers.
And is there a problem when this is in your templates sensors? Or does it all function and can be edited only that ugly error is there? Or does it have repercussions?

So far, the editing has not been affected. The features that I use still seem to work. It’s rather annoying for sure.

Attempting to roll back to previous version (5.5.6) to see if it’s the new version or something else.

I think it says itself, it is looking for all entities script in http://schemas.home-assistant.io/configuration but when you do a search for this internet folder, there is none. So I guess that is what triggers this error, visual studio is looking at the wrong place, guess that should be fixable.

Just “downgraded” to 5.5.6 and the error message is not present.
So it would appear that the problem is related to the 5.5.7 release of the VS Code Server add-on

No idea how-to downgrade, and it seems to me the best solution is solving the reason why this occurs. Before you make a new version public. Guess the developers know what they changed and then know where the fault lies.

Can you describe how to downgrade, I tried following these instructions and it did not work – How to downgrade addons? - #20 by krystof.k

I use the backup add-on. Restoring the previous version’s installation was easy. If you don’t have backups installed at your intallation, you may be stuck with 5.5.7.

What exactly didn’t work?
I don’t know where to look for the releases on github. A link to the release packages would be good to know.

Another thing, last night, the installation auto-updated and it was back to 5.5.7! Turned that switch off this am and restored the version 5.5.6.

That’s because you probably have automatic update enbled. Go to addons, select studio server and disable that.
I have auto-update disabled for all addons. I like to read changelog BEFORE i update anything. And even so i hit the mine a few times…

I have the ultimate version and the problem persist

i have it to :
Unable to load schema from ‘http://schemas.home-assistant.io/configuration’: No content.YAML(768)

File not found: /usr/local/lib/code-server/lib/vscode/extensions/keesschollaart.vscode-home-assistant-1.35.1/jinja-language-configuration.json

Apparently, this issue is related to an extension that VS Code server uses. It is "Home Assistant Config Helper v1.35.0 " as a built-in feature. The version listed here works and is part of the 5.5.6 release of VS Code Server. The most recent version of VS Code Server, 5.5.7, has “Home Assistant Config Helper v1.35.1” as the default, which is the most recent release.

Restoring the VS Code Server to 5.5.6 eliminates the problem. I do not know how to “downgrade” the helper in the VS Code server or even if that is possible, so the restoration mechanism works for me.


I’ve just noticed this error popping up in my VS Code within HA as well. It doesn’t seem to be affecting performance - but is annoying.

Today I installed Studio Code Server and got the same error message

See this: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/unable-to-load-schema-from-http-schemas-home-assistant-io-integration-automation-no-content-yaml-768/557688/27?u=cbpetrovic

Do we have any idea when the actual issue will be fixed so we can not have to pin versions or disable updates?

Well the restore was a complete drama, all kind of errors, in the log, no restore to v5.5.6, and a bricked Visual code server.
For me a restore was a bigger error than the error given all the time, but I tried it cause it did throw that error all the time, and it did no longer fill in entities with autofill as a consequence.

Still this error in V5.5.7 has now been mentioned several times here but not repaired, only got a message that the person who made the integration was not the one to fix this, so why there is this error and who will solve it is unclear?

Latest update, removed VCS completely, reinstalled it V5.5.7 error still there, did a roll back on the newly installed V5.5.7, which did work without the previous errors in the log, and now I am free of those weird remarks and have a running V5.5.6 without errors, plan to keep ignoring the future updates for a while till someone comes up with a sollution.

Dame it! Up to now I ignorred the issue but I have just noticed, that all files which show the error does not get tracked agymore. Basically the error occures to all the files once you open then up and once there is the issue it stops tracking.

I just finished a big recoding session where I put 90% of my frontend into yaml. At the same time I made a lot of changes to the general yaml code. By routine I wanted to save everything into Azure and notices that more than half of the code is missing. First I thought it is a git problem but now I am stuck and nothing works anymore!

My absolute nightmare just came true.

If you are still running 5.5.7 maybe this will help.
If you go to the visual studio marketplace for the Home Assistant Config Helper where you can download previous versions of the Home Assistant Config Helper (V1.35.0) the format of the package is .vsix. This will open the overview page. Click on the Version History tab, choose V1.35.0 to download. Also, this problem has been reported as issue #2602

Once done, go to your VS Code Server click on the Extensions icon, then click on the ‘…’ in the upper right corner of the title bar of the extension pane to get at ‘Views And More Actions…’ then scroll down to ‘Install from VSIX…’ clicking on this option opens another pane where you now click on “choose local” to open a selection window on your machine. Navigate to the folder where the file is stored and continue.

In my installation of VS Code Server (5.5.6), the Helper is listed as 1.35.0, after having done all the above, without error/incident things are “normal”. That is, I do not get the error.


I was able to install the extension this way, but the studio still loads built-in 1.35.1. So I modified the version in extension.vsixmanifest and extension/package.json in the old extension to 1.35.2 (using 7-Zip and Notepad++) and then installed this “new” version.

Here is “new” version of extension

I also had trouble uploading the extension via my local PC, so I uploaded it to /share first via samba.