Unable to load the panel source: /api/hassio/app/entrypoint.js

Create separate threads with specific problems, where you include docker logs for the supervisor, how you run it, what was done leading up to the problem, and if you have tried to do anything after to correct it, include that as well.

These kind of “Catch-all” threads with generic problems, are not helping anyone IMO :slight_smile:

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I don’t think it seems generic to any of us.
Access to the system is denied with the same error message. Sometimes a reboot brings it back, usually you have to reload the system and start over.
I wouldn’t know how to find docker logs. Don’t know if there are any on hassio.os.

Posts here are from all installation methods, on many different hardware’s.

On what criteria should different threads be created?

I guess I don’t know how find a “specific problem” to post about beyond the entrypoint.js error.


  • thankfully my system hasn’t exhibited the problem for a few months.

Probably doesn’t work for everyone, but tried almost everything to get my HA back after it suddenly stopped working. The only thing that fixed it for me was leaving the ‘bridge’ network on the supervisor and rejoin the bridge network again.

Thank you. Exactly what I needed. Was almost ripping my hair off.
This solved problem. I didn’t even need to recreate container. It jumped right into correct IP.
Now everything is working again.

(I have Portainer on top of OpenMediaVault. [qemux86-64-homeassistant:0.107.7] )

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If you are a noob and didn’t install any ssh plugin, is there any other way to solve this on home-assistant on a Pi4 then by just pulling the plug?

I get this about every month now, I do regularly update…

You can install a relay on the power source of the Pi, with auto on function after a few seconds. You would trigger the relay from HA to cut the power on the Pi.

Isn’t that the reason why Home Automation has been invented?

Interesting idea! What sort of relays have this functionality?

Any Sonoff switch running Tasmota. Invert relay and set PulseTime.

Maybe I am barking up the wrong tree here. I had the issue seen in the first post:
“Unable to load the panel source: /api/hassio/app/entrypoint.js”

So I googled and found this long thread and I see that there are a lot of posts starting from Feb/March. So I thought this could be when a lot of people started working from home. I then realized I had connected my VPN to work and after disconnecting, the homeassistant page loaded automatically.

This was a solution for me. Maybe helps someone else.


This works flawlessly.
You saved a lot of my time.

I found this issue happened when my 16GB SD card became full.
Not sure why its full but I used SD clone software to clone it and then restore to 32 GB SD, powered RasPi3 back on with 32 Gb and all the issues I was having were gone. I only had 2 snapshopts. I am not sure what was consuming the space but it was an easy fix with out a reinstall and reconfigure.

Maybe there is a problem with your database not being purged correctly, so it slowly fills out your SD (I’m just theorizing, if this is the problem I don’t know how to solve it)

It happened to me before but now it is happening again after updating Supervizor.
Running HA on a Pi 2.
Wanted to upgrade to 0.107 but can’t currently access the pages…Restarting or stopping from HA also doesn’t work…

Many thanks, worked like a charm after migrating from Hassio OS (0.112.4) to supervised Raspbian Linux 10 (buster) 5.4.51-v7+ with Home Assistant 0.118.4 (Supervisor 2020.12.2) installed by instruction.

Originally, after copying over contents of the supervisor dir into /usr/share/hassio/ , supervisor couldn’t open with the app/entrypoint.js error, complaining on Can't read /data/addons/git/53caca22 and 4 other such addons. So I did the steps, and prior to starting up the supervisor service I deleted the dirs under hassio/addons/git/ .

Then, after thinking about 20 minutes, home assistant started, and supervisor worked fine right away, same as most addons/integrations, including Sonoff-LAN, zigbee-mqtt, mosquito-mqtt, mpd. Surprisingly, all the switches, sensors and automations just worked. The only issue was with Lovelace vertical-stack entry (removed that).

This was a long journey, I couldn’t get to finishing the migration for about 3 months.

Other useful commands were:

ha supervisor info
ha supervisor logs
docker logs hassio_supervisor
# show docker containers and IPs
docker inspect -f '{{.Name}} - {{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' $(docker ps -aq)
sudo shutdown -r now

the following worked

sudo su
docker pull homeassistant/amd64-hassio-supervisor:latest
docker tag homeassistant/amd64-hassio-supervisor:latest homeassistant/amd64-hassio-supervisor:latest
systemctl stop hassio-supervisor.service
systemctl start hassio-supervisor.service
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Same error and same fix for me incase anyone else comes across this.

ha core rebuild


perfect thnx :slight_smile:

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This is the third time I have the same problem.
My PI model 4 crashes at least once a week. And until now only during the night

This is the third time I had exactly the same strange “semi crash”

  • No automation was done this morning

  • But I could connect from my PC to my PI and I could login. In the overview menu, I could even manually set some lights.

  • But I could not open any other menu than “overview”. I received the next error message when trying to open other menus. For the logging menu, Red-one menu, supervisor menu …

Error received: Unable to load the panel source: /api/hassio/app/entrypoint.js

When I tried to read the temperature sensors, It shows indefinitely “loading state history”


  • So I powered off/on my PI

  • After reboot, I could see in the “history” that the temperature measurements stopped at 01:40 this nights.

The measurements stopped for my KNX AND for for my Zwave devices.

  • After reboot, the log file is always empty. Which means it’s difficult to find the reason. It should be better if the log file retains the information for 5 days (doing an append)

I confirm, ha core rebuild fixed the issue !

For silly poeple like me who did not activated SSH : just plug a screen & keyboard on you device.
User is root without password.

This morning my RPI4 has crashed again.
No connection possible with Supervisor, nor with Samba
So I did a power off/on.

Some minutes later, while I was investigating the log files, I had again this problem. I could only open the overview menu and I could even turn lights on/off. Opening other menus were giving the known error "/api/hassio/app/entrypoint.js

So a second power off/power on in not even one hour.

I typed “ha core rebuild”.

I hope this will fix the problem.