Unable to receive messages using Signal Messenger addon [From APP Signal phone to HA] integration

Hello all,
i have been solved the first part:
Communication and send messages from homeassistant to App Signal (phone recipients/receive)
More configuration details here: Unable to receive messages using Signal Messenger addon / Node-Red integration

Now i’d like to do the communication in the other direction
From APP Signal (phone recipients/receive) to HA.

  • What i see at the moment is not entry logs.
    For that at the moment i don’t know, how will work and how can see the receive message to phone-sender.

I try that this CURL command with following issue.

curl -X GET -H “Content-Type: application/json” --data ‘{“use_voice”: false}’ ‘
Bad Request
{“error”:“websocket: the client is not using the websocket protocol: ‘upgrade’ token not found in ‘Connection’ header”}

curl --include --no-buffer --header “Connection: Upgrade” --header “Upgrade: websocket” --header “Sec-WebSocket-Key: SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==” --header “Sec-WebSocket-Version:
13” -X GET -H “Content-Type: application/json” --data ‘{“use_voice”: false}’ ‘http://1315902c-signal-messenger:8080/v1/receive/+4915566671213
curl: (52) Empty reply from server
Error in logs:

From the websock message, i activate my Node-Red again and configure for “Signal Receive” → ws://1315902c-signal-messenger:8080/v1/receive/+4915566671213

Now i can see my messages from [APP Signal - phone receive/recipients]

Maybe anyone has an idea/suggestion.

  • About the issue / solution, anyone has other solution path?
  • How better proceed for communication between:
    From APP Signal (phone recipients/receive) to HA.

Thank und regards

Take a look at this post.

Dear Mikefila,
Yes this is mine too.

My new question is the other direccion.
From Phone-receive (send a message) to HA
How can i see the message in HA that sent phone-receive to HA.
I tried now with node-red and work.

Maybe there is other better option.

Thank you for your suggestion

I see, this all seems to stem from this guide posted to the forum. When questions arise from a guide, those questions should be posted within the guide.

Hello Mikefila,
when we talk about the topic send/receive messages with Signal Messenger, everything has to do with Signal Messenger, now here it is clarified and helped with suggestions for the direction from HA to phone-receive.

My question is the other direction from phone-receive to HA, which is why I opened this new post.

Hello All,
i’d like share that i have and work fine now.

It is working with Signal - (tested) Mode : native

Now i need to recognize my work from my Phone - App - Signal to HomeAssistant and execute any automation/Logic.

For that we need to add in configuration.yaml.
This information i copied of other thread.

Then i am working the Logic in file:
For recognize the words/command and executed anything. [NOT COMPLETED, IN PROCESS]
But a part you can see here:
For example start or stop a sensor from PHONE with Signal-Messenger

Now, i will close the thread and again Big thank you to all person that support me with his/her comments