[Under New Management] Interactive history explorer custom card

I changed the width to 2 and the streaks were gone
same when I removed the width setting all together


width: 1.001

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With width: 1.001 - they disappear

width: 1.01 - Don’t see them
width: 1.1 - Don’t see them
width: 1.0 - Streaking effect
width: 0.1 - Streaking effect
width: 0.01 - Less streaking
width: 0.001 - No visible streaking effect

Probably some form of floating point instability around 1.0. It only happens on Chrome. No big deal, just keep it at 1.001 for now. Visually it should be the same as 1.

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Need some feedback on an idea I have been playing around with for a while now. You know these history graphs that open when you click an entity on your dashboard ? They’re very convenient - but extremely limited. I understand that they’re going to change them somewhat in 2022.12. Edit: with what they did in 2022.11, I’m definitely adding this to the card.

Anyway, I played around with overriding their code from within the history explorer card and automatically replacing them all with the respective slim versions of the history explorer. Which you can swipe, zoom, etc, just as with the normal HE card. It also combines history and statistics, like the latest version of the normal HE card does.


Is this something you guys would be interested in ? I mean, I’ll probably going to do it anyway for myself, but it could move up priorities if lots of people want that.


V1.0.31 can now export long term statistics as a CSV, can zoom out way more (up to 6 months and you can scroll through almost a year worth of history) and has more performance improvements !



I have loaded your awesome looking graphing tool into hacs:

I can’t see the card appear in the Dashboard editor. Do I need to add something to my config yaml file to allow this please?


If it’s loaded ok, it should automatically add a resource record. You can check that in edit dashboard mode by clicking on the three dots top right and choosing manage resources.

If it’s there, you probably just need to refresh your browser a few times, or clear the cache.

Clearing the cash solved the problem thank you.

that would really be awesome yes!

Had been thinking of a generic browser-mod popup (would have been my first need for that…)

what you show is even better. much better.
So yes please, happy to test run if you need volunteers :wink:

Alright, first test version for the entity info panel override is up ! You will need to install it manually for now, it’s not (yet) on HACS.

New: V1.0.32 with the new info panels is now up on HACS ! See my post below for more info.

You don’t need the latest version of HA installed, it also works fine on older versions.




How is it activated?

is there a config option to set or will it automatically start working just by installing the new card?

There’s no switch, it will automatically work as soon as you install the dev version of the card. You don’t need to have an actual history explorer custom card on your dashboard either (but I’d suggest trying it out nonetheless :slight_smile:). Make sure to install the dev version though, the one on HACS (V1.0.31) is the normal, stable release and will not activate the experimental override feature. If unsure, check the browser console, it should say Version 1.0.32-dev. If you had the normal version of the history explorer card installed previously, you need to uninstall it first.

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Just got it installed and restarted HA (added another custom integration at the same time).

I’ll let you know how it works. :slightly_smiling_face:

Looks good so far.

thanks for the update.

It’s sad we keep needing to rely more and more on custom stuff to fix issues that are introduced by poor architectural/design decisions for built-in stuff.

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I have a very “strange” error and my Y minimal value would be zero (because it’s an electric consumption) but in the “history explorer graph” is -1000. Why?

My card configuration is:
type: custom:history-explorer-card
cardName: historycard-67119468
header: hide
  toolbar: top
  selector: bottom
combineSameUnits: true
showUnavailable: false

but in HA the same chart is:

Apologies if it had mentioned above, but I’m on my mobile and can’t read the full thread… the history explorer card is great, but when using the HA app the card is blank (android). I’m guessing in not the only one with this problem?

The card adds a margin to the yaxis (both upwards and downwards) to give the visualization some headroom in case it over or undershoots. You can turn it off using the axisAddMarginMin and axisAddMarginMax settings. See here.

Alternatively you can also force ymin to 0 for energy sensors. See here.

I’m not aware of any issues with the companion app, it works fine on my test setup. Make sure your Android and Webview version is not too much out of date.

I just tried to add a new entity on the phone and that worked, it just does not bring across the entities I have added on my HA dashboard on my other computer. Its like it is 2 different views.