[Under New Management] Interactive history explorer custom card

Override is not working, the pulldown menu has no selections for it. I have installed the updated .js, refreshed browser cache, restarted HA. Using Home Assistant 2022.11.2.
Otherwise custom history card works normally and I have used it before this.

Now it works. Iā€™m using manual installation and for some reason it was still using .31 version even after I removed the resource and deleted the file and replaced with new one. But when I renamed .32 version and added it as a new resource it started to work and use that version. There is a cache somewhereā€¦

This is soooooooooooooooo great. A pitty, that they did this disliked changes, but of course, your replacement is even better.

Three questions or FRs:

  1. What is wrong, that
        buttons: '#2e2e2e'

does not have a affect? Or not supported (yet)?

  1. Any chance to get the Show more link to the history on your replacement back again? Perhaps the whole line with title and link? To have the chance to jump and to have it consistent to old view and log. Perhaps as a yaml option to switch this on?



  1. The infoPanel-Customization seems to be deleted, if you go to another page with a history explorer chart, where this is not defined. Would be great if it stays as defined in (only) one card and switched on from there.

HI Alex,

as usual: thx!

was thinking, the one the thing I did like about the native more-info, was a Show more button, taking us to the full history state .

Would you be able to add that back to the new panel?

(edit, rereading other comments I now see exactly 1 post aboveā€¦ sorry @arganto ā€¦)

(struggling with an odd error after updating to HA 2022.11.2, so cant restart for the momentā€¦)

ok, fixed the above, so could restart, and seeing the options in the more-info now. cool.

however, I can not make the step to show:

even though I have:

- title: History
  icon: mdi:history
  path: history
  type: panel
    - type: custom:history-explorer-card
      showUnavailable: false
      recordedEntitiesOnly: true
      lineMode: stepped
        selector: top
        lineMode: stepped

on my main history-explorer panel view.

the stepped does work on that panel view itselfā€¦

does this option maybe not work across different dashboards? because my panel is in another dash than the entity I show above

See my investigations in the topic above as well. For me it is working, as long it is reset on another view. Hopefully a quick fix for the history explorer genius.

What do you think about an ability/button to copy the yaml of the current viewed graphs needed for the card?
This would be very helpful in configuring a view graphically

@arganto @Mariusthvdb, Iā€™ll see what happens with multiple cards when I get home tonight. It did work with multiple cards here, but not on different dashboards. Is it only the user config that isnā€™t correctly handled or does the override itself fail (ie. youā€™re seeing the original native HA panel) ? If the former, did you try to just copy the infoPanel section to the HE card on the other dashboard too ?

I guess. Where would it point to ? The original history sidebar ? Or maybe configurable URL ?

Re. button colors, probably not yet supported. I have to check the source tonight.

it is the user config, I do see the H-E- card more infoā€™s.

dont have that tbh, I only use HE as dedicated panel view in a dedicated dashboard, (hoping that setting would be used by all other more-infos in any dashboard.)

I just added this:

  - type: custom:history-explorer-card
    header: 3 Fase totaal
    lineMode: stepped
      - type: line
          - entity: sensor.calculated_totaal_l1_power
          - entity: sensor.calculated_totaal_l2_power
          - entity: sensor.calculated_totaal_l3_power
# globally used in more-info panels
      lineMode: stepped

as a placeholder for the

      lineMode: stepped

and that has the desired effect on the more info panels.

It does introduce another issue thoughā€¦: it also shows the entities I selected in my panel view below the entities in this config and the dropdown.

Clicking the X to delete them from this individual card, also deletes them from the larger panel view, where I had carefully selected some entities to track

It would be awesome if 2 types of settings could be available:

a panel view option, (as a replacement for the deceased core history panel), where we can select the entities interactively and semi-permanently with the current selectors (as is, really, its perfect)

a card view option, without the selectors, and only use a given set of (yaml) configured entities. Indecently from the panel view option, and not including those entities/selectors.
(without setting a cardName: history-card-5, this seems to no be seen as individualā€¦ which is suboptimal, and no auto-default is set apparently)

Having a globally valid more-info setting would additionally be the best of all!

We can fix all of the above using a rather extensive config like:

  - type: custom:history-explorer-card
    header: 3 Fase totaal
    cardName:  3-Fase-totaal
      toolbar: hide
      selector: hide
    lineMode: stepped
      - type: line
          - entity: sensor.calculated_totaal_l1_power
          - entity: sensor.calculated_totaal_l2_power
          - entity: sensor.calculated_totaal_l3_power
# globally used in more-info panels
      lineMode: stepped

to result in

so that is getting close. Though, the ā€˜hideā€™ would be better set to ā€˜noneā€™. and actually not use that space either

I donā€™t get the problem. Do you use cardName attribute as needed for different graphs?

The infoPanel should only be added to a random defined graph or a seperate one to define the infoPanel attributes. Here it does not anything with the existing cards.

I only defined it once in test panel. But if I navigate to another dashboard and back, after some time, it is not taken into account anymore. Nowhere. Only if I disable and enable again.

Yes. Standard history with entity as entity_id. Supergreat would be, if it is not replacing the local stored current entity list of history, but only appending the new one. Same as if you would go to history, see e.g. the 5 entities from last time and add another one. Then you have 6. But this is only a dream and most probably not possible.

Great! :slight_smile:

Another question. Is there (here in more info) or in general to disable the grouping in the view, e.g. to have another option in the drop down instead of only 10m, hourly, daily, monthly? It seems that for more-info it is default for increasing sensors, but sometimes, the increasing line is helpfull as well.

No I didnt before, and as I explained above, added that to the individual card now yes. Guess I didnt expect we need to actually set that explicitly. Will do on the panel view too, so thats always ok.
Maybe Alex can make it so the card always gets an individual ā€˜unique_idā€™

Understood. As it stands, that is per dashboard?
Honestly, I would find it more elegant, if that could be set as a true option in some Lovelace config somewhere, and not have it attached to a random card. Might get buried that way, and makes it harder to find when editing those options is required in the future

Hello Alex. Thank you so much for your work. I have recently wondered and searched for a better history card in the more-info-panel of entities, but hadnā€™t found anything. I had your card installed for a while, but never really used it much. Until I saw today, that you implemented a way to replace the build-in history charts by yours. Awesome!

You mentioned, that one should be able to specify entity options. So I added the history card to a new panel on my dashboard, enabled the replacment and added the following entity options.

type: custom:history-explorer-card
cardName: historycard-82784151
      ymin: 19
      ymax: 24
      ymin: 19
      ymax: 24

The goal was to have the same upper and lower limits for (all indoor) temperature values. Unfortunately, they donā€™t seem to get applied. Neither the sensor.example_temperature section or temperature section work standalone. If I add those entityOptions to the history card instance itself, instead of the infoPanel, it seems to work fine and the boundaries get applied.

Am I missing something?

Donā€™t think so. Should be for all - beside the reset error at the moment.

And agree, would be good to have it sperately defined somewhere. But I understood, that this is the currently work-arround to have a customizing possible at all from a plain frontend card. So I like to go through this work-around instead of havin no customizing. I added a pure config-card for this with a dummy entity in one of my development and test boards and gave it a fitting name.

ok, let me test some more. I do see it across dashboards now, but still see the core more-info too on certain entities.

How I wish the front-end would finally be ridden of this too btw:

entity not recorded, so why keep showing the logbookā€¦ and Show moreā€¦it is not there, never will be.
maybe thats something Alex can fix too :wink:

I like this a lot. Are there any plans to incorporate a secondary Y-axis?

one more thing I now notice on the more-info:

the vertical scale is way beyond anything this entity registers. Making it rather hard to read.
can this somehow be auto-resized to the max value?

Wow! Great Job!! This not only resolves a very common complaint with 2022.11, but adds a whole bunch of really useful functionality. Clearly this was written by someone who actually uses the system. That doesnā€™t always seem to be the case lately.

I assume the documentation will be updated to include this new option at some point. Iā€™d help with that but I havenā€™t really figured out all the things this custom card can do yet myself.

Hallo Alex, thank you for the fast answer, maybe I want too much :slight_smile: sorry, I understand that full customization is not possible and we can never meet the expetactions of all.
I did read the readme and tried the slim option for tooltip, what unfortunately doesnā€™t affect the horizontal bar charts anyhow positive in my case (the tooltip itself looks better so I will keep this option). Also tried changing the color, what of-course only forces to disapear the axes (but not remove the empty spaces around barcharts) - and there is even some small bug, since all axes (when color set to zero) blink for a shot time when hovering with mouse pointer in some particular pointsā€¦

I am trying the card mod indeed, considering this as probably the only way how to reduce some spaceā€¦ I would applreciate some hint, - could you plz. help - what ā€œkeysā€ shoul I modify in the card mod in order to reduce the space between horizontal bars? (I only can reduce the area below the graph or above, what is becoming slowly to apear closer to my wishesā€¦)

thank you
below the intermediate result:

Here it is autorezised even after scrolling, etc. Until now always and everywhere on every entity. Sure that you donā€™t have this set in your config by accident?

well, I think soā€¦ its not happening on all entities, but have a look t this:

when I click the days to 2:

really odd.

this is all I have set on the card that should steer the more-info panel now:

  - type: custom:history-explorer-card
    header: 3 Fase totaal
    cardName:  3-Fase-totaal
#       toolbar: hide
      selector: hide
    lineMode: stepped
      - type: line
          - entity: sensor.calculated_totaal_l1_power
          - entity: sensor.calculated_totaal_l2_power
          - entity: sensor.calculated_totaal_l3_power
# globally used in more-info panels
      lineMode: stepped