[Under New Management] Interactive history explorer custom card

I’d just like to clear the air here. Alex is trying to paint the picture like I’m singling him out when I am not. Historically, Alex and I have not gotten along. We do not align on any views regarding… software in general. This of course causes problems because I am a moderator, he is not. I generally try not reply to any of his posts because of our historical disagreements.

Our last interaction, I proposed a question to a few users involving a problem which Alex was not involved in. Alex replied to my question, and I responded with a snippy remark. This lead to an additional 6 inappropriate back and forth messages between Alex and I. During these messages back and forth, both Alex and myself were not only off topic, but mean spirited. I shouldn’t have done that, neither should he have. So, I removed the 6 posts.

Alex took the removal of these messages as “You’re abusing your moderator powers to hide your own technical incompetence.”. I admit, the solution he offered was something I have never used. I even went back and edited my snarky remark, claiming his proposal was a good path forward. Somewhere in the middle of this, Alex took it upon himself to let me know his feelings through a direct message. This message was one of the worse personal message I’ve ever received from an individual on these forums. In the moment, I responded with an equally inappropriate message.

I then took this message to other moderators simply because Alex and I do not get along. Unfortunately, a knee jerk suspension was performed by a 3rd party moderator. Alex was suspended for roughly 10 minutes before I removed the suspension and got different moderator involved. I chose a moderator who I thought would be more impartial to the situation. At that point, the matter was resolved. Alex received a warning about the personal message.

This interaction could have been handled better by myself and by the moderator who hastily suspended Alex. I can’t speak for the other moderators actions, but for my actions, I apologize. As for Alex’s decision to leave, that is his own decision. I do feel that he is being harsh and not taking responsibility for his own actions and laying the blame solely on me. I do not think that is a fair assessment.

Anyways, I wish Alex the best of luck on his future smart home endevours.

If you have any questions about the situation, please contact @TheFes, the impartial moderator that was involved in the situation.


Hi Alex

Thanks for you efforts creating this really nice card. It provides a great chart of what I’m missing in the official history card.
Although deprecation of this card is a pity, your bad experiences are energy draining and a good reason to stop.
I also share your frustrations on the high maintenance aspect of HA. Repairs are indeed a monthly burden. Where the migration from configurations in yaml to the UI would be fine if all options where included. But that is not always the case.
I wish you the best in life and programming your home.



Hi Alex,

I cannot find somethingh for horizontal bars for different (Energy) Sensors.
On each day I check several sets of sensors but I cannot see the values from the day before or 2 days before or 1 week before…
I need this for 16 or 32 or 48 Sensors or for the whole page… please see the picture:

Is there a possibility to solve this? Maybe similar to this:
Energy Sensors Date


Not possible/not in scope with this card.

Hi Alex,

this is really sad, as your work and support are stellar. You gave me some very competent and helpful help/advice. The quality of your work speaks for itself, sure hope this project lives on. This is so much better than what HA has to offer.

All the best for you in the future, maybe this can be resolved somehow to your satisfaction. I believe you leaving, is a huge loss to this community.

All the best from Germany,



Hy Community,
Is it possible to combine 2 different units in only one graph (line).

type: custom:history-explorer-card
cardName: historycard-14420595
defaultTimeRange: 5d
combineSameUnits: true
  toolbar: show
  selector: hide
header: []
    color: blue
    color: green

Sorry, if I missed a comment.


Hello Maijo. You should read the first post. I don’t think this is the place where you can get help.

Hey Alex. I’m a heavy user of the card, and am sorry to see you go. Thanks for all the work done. I’ll keep using your card for as long as it works

Thanks Petro for the clarifications. Takes some guts to recognize that you’ve been acting less than optimal.

I was not aware of this feud, since I don’t follow forums. Typically because of this kind of flame wars that always seem to happen some times, and where people leave because they just don’t feel at home anymore (and probably never will again). (Side-story: I have two friends that won’t talk to one another anymore, and hate each other’s guts. Before that, they shared a common passion for 10 years, and talked and joked in-person at the forum get-together each year. All this because they started talking politics over a forum :confused: And I’m not talking teenagers, they’re both in their fifties)

Alex, I wish you good luck in your future endeavors, and thanks a million again for this very useful card.

Hi all,

I was wondering of there is enough enthusiasm to revive this great card. There are places like this one GitHub - rejuvenate/rejuvenate: Dead Repositories Revived by the Community, where abounded projects are given a second life.

I’m not knowledgable to code myself, but willing to moderate and help testing. Bottom line reviving needs enough members motivated to contribute to the card.

So if you would like to contribute, let me know. This great card deserves a chance :grinning:


I wonder if it is possible to use any int values for a “defaultTimeRange” option?

type: custom:history-explorer-card
cardName: abcdef
  - type: timeline
      - entity: sun.sun
defaultTimeRange: 20h


In my tests only some values were really accepted.
For instance:

no way this is 20 hrs, more likely ~48 hrs. (sorry - 24 hrs probably)

Hacked it by forced calling “setTimeRangeMinutes” in “setTimeRangeFromString”.

Should work. Is this the only graph you are using? And did you reload?

Only, others are commented. Besides, it has a unique “cardName”.
So, I believe this make the card independent.

Reload (menu), refresh (F5) - nothing helps.

I suspected that inputted value of “defaultTimeRange” is kind of filtered.
Check this code with my comments:

    setTimeRangeFromString(range, update = false, t_center = null)
        # t = minutes from "range"
        const h = Math.floor(t / 60);  # h = hours

        if( h > 0 )
            this.setTimeRange(this.validateRange(h, true), update, t_center);
            this.setTimeRangeMinutes(t, update, t_center);

and “validateRange” using some “ranges” array.
I had only a quick glance, not a proper analysis - and I made a suggestion that the “validateRange” does a filtering.
At least after removing 3 lines starting from “if” I gained a desired output ))).

Deleted for the moment. Did it wrong.

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History-explorer-card is the only card I know which allows to show a timeline (a horizontal bar-like graph) with a possibility to hide time scale (a picture of a stock history-graph is below):


Lines & text may be made transparent by card-mod; but the text causes a timeline bar to have different margins dependently on:

  • available width;
  • current time;
  • hours_to_show.

As for my hacky “fix” of the history-explorer-card: excluding the “validateRange” function from “setTimeRangeFromString” only allows to bypass that “filtering” for the “defaultTimeRange” option; for other use-cases like “period selected by a magnifier” the “filtering” still works, it’s OK.

Hello, anyone familiar with this problem and especially how to solve it. this is the same sensor above and below.
the red value is consumption, the green value is generation. the value of the generation is correct, and if there is no generation the red value is also correct.
In the Home assistant graph the values are always correct.

Which entity from the 2nd card is shown on the 1st card with a standard history-graph?

The red one, (look at the yellow arrow in the yaml)

I asked because different names are displayed on these cards.

Yes, that’s right, I changed the name in the bottom graph to a more friendly name

So, an entity with this entity_id

has this friendly name, right?

Just to be 100% sure that these are same entity.

Shame, it’s not maintained anymore. Is there any active fork or alternative? The only I can find is Plotly and Apex, but it’s more general purpose charts, not dedicated for history data.