Probably some longterm stats (LTS) sensors. In other words, entities with a state class. Yes, it goes to separate tables and aren’t affected by your recorder’s settings.
Found it, if I choose Export Statistics, then I get the hourly history for up to a year…
Exporting data doesn’t remove it.
The LTS data is quite compact.
Right, what I meant was if I expanded the Recorder days, that would increase the backup size. I can still get the same stats from LTS, but not have to blow up my backup size by increasing the recorder days to keep
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Does anyone have issues exporting as CSV?
Soon as I click export, I get the spinny gif, but nothing ever happens, and the log says:
2024-10-01 00:47:41.716 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.modern.202409091] Uncaught error from Chrome on Windows 10
ReferenceError: moment is not defined
o.exportFile (/hacsfiles/history-explorer-card/history-explorer-card.js:17:65198)
L.exportFile (/hacsfiles/history-explorer-card/history-explorer-card.js:93:7543)
Doesn’t matter what browser I use. Cleared cache, restarted.