[Under New Management] Interactive history explorer custom card

Hello everyone, unfortunately I could not find a way to define an action when clicking on a graph. I would like to have the behavior of the native history-graph card where clicking on the graph opens the more-info dialog.

Have I missed something or is it currently not possible to define a tap_action per graph?

Hi everyone,

I just found out about this great custom card, and it is amazing and I’m really glad it still lives!
I scrolled through most of the forums, but haven’t found the answer - is it possible to have two graphs of the same entity combined, from a different timeline? E.g. to compare today’s temperature with the previous day, or with the temperature same day last year?


Have a quick question for the group as I did not see an answer in this thread. I removed the old repository but did not remove the code from the previous Alex repo. Is it possible to just download the new fork and it will update the old version? It appears that the usage is the same. I just don’t want to put this in and have conflicts.

Thanks in advance.

You can do it with the Apex Charts custom card.

i did the same.

see here

it should just overwrite the old.

but back up first :slight_smile:

Hey guys,

Love this card, I don’t know why I’m not getting the controls of + / - etc when I click on a random entity like I used to before. Suddenly stopped working :man_shrugging:

you probably need to (re)enable the feature to overwrite the info-panel in HA…AFAIK it’s browser/device specific so you need to enable anywhere you access HA that you want to see this…
this post tells you how if not sure [Under New Management] Interactive history explorer custom card - #378 by HeyImAlex

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That did the trick, much appreciated!!!

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Is it possible to search entity by name instead of id?

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+1 for this feature request, this is the one thing that I am missing the most.

-1 for this. For me it would confuse in the list and secondly it is not unique.

It would be consistent with every other place in HA where one can filter a list of entities. I cannot see, how this would confuse anybody, quite the opposite: it is extremely confusing that this is currently the only place where one cannot find an entity without knowing its exact ID.

For example: I have a bunch of zigbee wall plug switches in use (and a few more lying around for spare) and occasionally I repurpose one of them or use some of them for temporary installations. These plugs are numbered and the same numbers are reflected in their entity-IDs. If I install or repurpose one of them I just change the Name (because always changing the ID (in HA and also in Conbee/Phoscon)) along with the name (also in both) has proven to be extremely cumbersome and sometimes even makes HA lose the connection to the conbee device and needs a restart, and it would also lose the association with the number I have physically written onto the device.

Now occasionally I want to do stuff like having a quick look at for example the power consumption of my washing machine and I know I currently have a zigbee plug connected to it, but I cannot remember was it plug_11 or plug_12, I need to search for the name somewhere else in HA, then remember the number and only then I can go back to the card and filter the list for the right plug. This is extremely annoying!

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TBH, the current state in HA is a mess. entity_id, unique_id, name, name overrides in GUI…
I believe it’s not so obvious for those of us who don’t use manual entity configuration, never seeing entity_id.
But for others, who not only define those entities manually but use them for programming purposes (I mean scripts, NodeRed etc), names are useless, and thus confusing.
AFAIK the built-in history is (or was) a leader in that: you search an entity, select it, from the drop list to see a completely different name compared to what was picked

But I’m not against making it an option. But search should be in correlation with what is displayed then.

BTW prof7bit shown valid usecase scenario. So seems that the request is valid for a group of users.
I use z2m so entities are named as I set them in z2m (based on their purpose).

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No no no no.
Since some HA version it started replacing absolutely clear and unique entity_ids with names.
There are issues/requests on GitHub about showing entity_ids - and they are ignored. And only in ONE place it was fixed - in Dev tools - Set state.
If “consistency” means “following sick trend” - OK then ))))


Regarding the feature of replacing the info-panel… is it technically possible to make it persistent for the whole installation?

While I’m aware of the need to set it per device/browser, I experience losing it frequently. Especially from the mobile HA app. But it did to me in Chrome on a single PC too.

I’m not sure what version of HA you are talking about, but with all versions I can remember it has (and still is) possible everywhere in HA to search for entites with name OR entity ID.

In the dropdown lists it will show names in bold and the ID in smaller font below it. So it is easy to search for example for “Waschmaschine Leistung” to find “sensor.plug_11_power” or the other way around.

I don’t understand what problem you are seeing with this additional feature. Currently in the history explorer card it is impossible to find an entity if you don’t know its ID. Maybe you could elaborate with an example what your exact problem would be with this ADDITIONAL search option.

As far as the history card is concerned, my suggestion would be this:

since each entity currently appears as one line in a combo box it should be possible to make it print the name in brackets behind the entity ID (or maybe even make it similar in appearance as the lists in HA with two lines per entity) and then (IMPORTANT) if you start typing filter the list such that it shows only entries for witch either the name or the id contains the typed letters. So in my case I could just start typing “wasch” and immediately I would be presented with a list of all entities that are related with my washing machine plug, even if I can’t remember whether it was plug 11 or 12 or 13.

This would make it consistent with all other places in HA where one can search for entities by name OR by ID and it would be immensely easier to quickly plot the history for something you only know the name and not the ID.

I will not repeat a content of issues on GitHub, you may find them and read.
Sorry, do not think that THIS thread is a right place to discuss it.
In short:

  1. Searching an entity sometimes gives unexpected results since it is too “fuzzy”. And particularly in Automations it is impossible to search by entity_id.
  2. The main problem (common for many many places) is that it impossible to guess which entity is selected (unless you see a generated yaml) since only a name is shown (not to mention that a dropdown does not have the selected entity highlighted).


The topic that was brought up yesterday was to be ABLE to SEARCH for entities not only by ID but also by name.

I gave +1 for this improved search, because this is what I could need very often too.

You and another user strongly objected (for reasons, difficult to understand) and argued about inconsistencies elsewhere in HA and mentioned unrelated github issues about completely other things!

I only wanted to express that this extended search feature for the history explorer card would not hurt anybody (because… how would it hurt?), and it would also not confuse anybody because people have been used to be able to search by ID or by name everywhere else anyway, therefore such an improved search facility would obviously improve consistency with the rest of HA.

I did not want to talk about other inconsistencies in completely unrelated parts of HA and I cannot understand why people have such extremely strong feelings and objections against such a simple feature request of improved search function while not being able to clearly express why such feature would be bad.

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As I said, not everywhere it is possible to search by “entity_id” - see my post pt.1 (hint - “Automations”).

Unrelated, unrelated…
Assume you have a list of entity_ids - as it is implemented now (but may be you desire to see a list of entity_ids & names? It is made like this in other parts of HA). And assume you managed to search by “name”.
Then tell me what do you want to see as a result? A name probably (since you wished to select “names”) - because otherwise you will say “it is ridiculous to see a gibberish ‘sensor.xxxx_54321_12345’ selected since I selected ‘my super sensor in Palazzo’”. Then again - see my post, pt. 2.

Imho, the best variant will be like:
– search by entity_id & name
– as a result - show BOTH entity_id & name
but this is NOT like it is made in all other standard places of HA((.


Where is the data stored for the graphs? If I zoom out 30 or 60 days the graph fills in, but if I go to export CSV then the file only gives me the last 10 days (which I believe is the HA Recorder default?) I would like to keep the database low, so somewhere there is another database that is holding all of the graph information…just don’t know where or how to access it.