I just updated my Unifi controller to 5.10.12 and it seems that now the device tracker with Unifi is broken. Can anyone else confirm? I am also seeing errors in the unifi log file:
[21:33:52,878] INFO api - [api] api.err.Invalid: /api/login
I just updated my Unifi controller to 5.10.12 and it seems that now the device tracker with Unifi is broken. Can anyone else confirm? I am also seeing errors in the unifi log file:
[21:33:52,878] INFO api - [api] api.err.Invalid: /api/login
Looks like there is a fix but it hasn’t made it into the Home Assistant release yet…
That fix was for 5.10.5 on HA 86.x . Haven’t upgraded my controller yet to 5.10.12 to see if I also get that issue. Can you confirm what version of HA you are using?
I am running HA 0.86.4. I tried loading in the unifi.py into the custom components but it didn’t seem to work, ie I’m not seeing my devices being tracked. However, I am no longer getting the api login errors on my unifi controller.
However, checking the logs on my unifi controller, I don’t see the unifi user logging in since I updated last night
Can confirm this is a bug - I’ve upgraded unifi and HASS won’t even start until I comment out the unifi section of my config.
I just updated the controller, I’m running docker 87.1 with 5.10.12 without any login issues. Can see the HA account logon in the event logs also. What installation method are you both running?
I’m running HassOS on a Raspberry Pi 3 running HA 0.87.1 as well.
My Unifi controller is running on Raspbian on another Pi 3.
v5.10.17 was released today. Might be worth a try.
I installed it this afternoon, no change…
Definitely seems like an issue with your hassOS install and the dependency not correctly using pyunifi 2.16. I suggest removing and updating that. No issues with .17 and latest uck firmware either.
Suggestions on how to update pyunifi on HASSos on a Pi?
This is also happening to me with Unifi controller versions 5.10.12, 5.10.17 and 5.10.19 but I’m using HA on a Windows box.
As with the OP I’m seeing successful logins from HA in the Unifi Controller event log but in HA was seeing " Failed to perform <function Controller._read at 0x08FCFED0> due to api.err.LoginRequired" every hour at 2 minutes past the hour followed by a sccessful login (according to the controller log) 10 minutes later which then correctly identifies my tracking status for the next hour.
My pyunifi version appears to be 2.16