UniFi Integration - empty entity

So, I have an entity in my Unifi Integration and I have no idea what it is. Anyone care to guess or help tell me what to do with it?


Ignore it :sunglasses:

Yeah, I guess that’s about all I can do.
Lucky I don’t have OCD.

(I just have CDO. That way the letters are in the right order)

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I believe that is caused by you disabling an entity in the entity registry. I have a bunch of those and the only ones that aren’t empty like that are the entities i haven’t disabled.

So, yeah, as of right now the only thing you can do is ignore it/them.

Honestly the Unifi Integration is just straight up broken right now. I have 3 devices I want to track but instead I have hundreds of entities created by the Integration and now the RX and TX. It is pretty infuriating honestly.


And what’s worse is that even with all of that other bloat my unifi device tracker is completely unreliable. It doesn’t even track my 4 devices that i even care about almost at all.

I posted a thread about it asking for help figuring out why and I literally got not one single reply.

odd, it works great for me with ~10 wired clients, ~20 wireless clients, 2 network switches, 3 waps, and the gateway. What entities are not being tracked?

my and Android phone and my daughters iPhone.

My phone was home and connected to wifi all day yesterday but it only showed ‘home’ for 6 minutes in the last 24 hours in history.

My daughters phone was connected to the wifi for at least an hour yesterday around lunch time and it only showed ‘home’ for 7 minutes (not at the same time tho).

My wires iPhone was connected for most of the last 24 hours but it showed ‘home’ & ‘away’ randomly throughout the day.

and today my son’s phone is working fine but other times it doesn’t get tracked either. it’s just pretty hit or miss whether it will work. But it seems that with my phone it’s pretty much all miss.

It used to work fine when I switched from my Asus router to the unifi stuff but at some point it started to not work but I don’t really know when (because I use the Life360 integration and it works so well that I never realized my phone wasn’t being tracked) so I can’t really narrow it down to why it won’t work.

And I don’t even know a way to troubleshoot it. It’s kind of a black box at this point. There’s nothing in the log top indicate any issues. And the integration picks up new devices and adds them to the entity registry so I know that the comms to the controller are at least mostly working. It’s just the real-time connected/not connected that doesn’t seem to work.

Pretty sure it’s the phones themselves and not unify. Your old router may have masked the issue where unifi tells it like it is. iphones themselves go to sleep when not being used and connected to wifi. Check the forums about this, many people have this issue. I have 2 iphones, but I don’t track them through the connectivity on unifi. So at this point, I don’t care if they disconnect from my network.

I’d have to start tracking them to verify if this is the case.

Hell, you can verify this by looking at your phone in unifi. If it’s missing from clients but present in insites… then it’s not connected and HA will reflect that.

My phone is an Android and isn’t supposed to, and historically never has, suffered from the same behavior as an iphone.

And, my wifes iPhone had not shown very much of that behavior on my old router either. It was generally pretty accurate.

And my phone was perfectly accurate on my old router too (within a reasonable margin of error).

I’ve done that. And even if the phone shows up in the client list then HA still doesn’t show it as connected.

I can even be actively using the internet while connected to my wifi and it still shoes as “not_home”.

So I’m pretty sure it’s the HA unifi, not the phone.

Here are a few screenshots illustrating things:

I’m working nights this week so in these screenshots I’m home from around 9:30 am till 8:30 pm

Phone history from unifi:


and from life360:


There’s no way my phone never connected to the wifi at all during those 11 hours.

And if I look in the insights section of the Unifi Controller for my phone, it’s “last seen” time is at 8:40 pm today. So Unifi knew my phone was at least connected at some point and then up until that point in time. And that isn’t reflected at all in the history above.

As far as I know I don’t have any configuration differences between the phones that “work” with unifi (my son’s android), partially work (my wifes & daughters iPhones) or don’t work at all (my android).

Ill have to start monitoring mine too. I’ll get back to ya

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After not having any other possible solutions I decided to try to re-install my Unifi controller software.

I originally installed it in a Docker container on my HA machine using the jacobalberty image.

I thought maybe the image might be screwed up somehow so I tried to use the image from linuxserver.io but after I installed it I tried to restore a backup of my original controller and that one was using an older version of the Unifi software so I wasn’t able to do a restore from a newer version.

I had my old RPi laying around doing nothing so I decided to just install hassio on that and run the unifi-controller add-on from there. I was then able to run a restore from my backup.

So far everything seems to be working OK and my phone is being correctly tracked again…so far…

I have the same issue and I unchecked all the boxes in the integration. My logs are full with those RX TX entities.
Is this a known issue? @Robban
Did someone find a workaround for this?

I also have another issue:
I activated a random device of this integration and which worked. Unfortunately it looks like I cannot deactivate this device again, because it doesn’t show up in the entity registry any more. Looks like I can only see deactivated entities there (and activate them).

Default value to track bandwidth usage is “off”. So entries for the entity registry would be created but no entities should be part of the state machine.

If you activate it it should be possible to disable yet again. That is something part of Hass core and nothing the unified integration manages

And now even the newly installed hassio add-on is no longer tracking my phone at all or my wifes & daughters iPhone very consistently/reliably.

It sure would be nice to have some knowledgeable person give me some info on how to troubleshoot this… I don’t know if it’s HA, Unifi or something else so I don’t even know where to file a bug report.

I did not activate bandwidth usage, not that I know. How can I disable it using the Hass core?
@segfaultex did you activate it, you said you have the same issue.

Configuration -> integrations -> unifi -> press cog wheel configure

I already have all boxes unchecked

Still have dozens of those entities.

Well they should be disabled :man_shrugging:

Are you sure they’re enabled?

The thing is I had those boxes enabled and now after unchecking the boxes the entities still get updated. This means they are active, right?

I gues unchecking those boxes should deactivate those entities and maybe delete them. Looks like it doesn’t do that?
Do I have to disable every single entity?