Unifi Presence Detection for only a few devices?

I think I’ve found what you are looking for, but correct me if I am wrong.

When you go to settings -> integrations -> Unifi Controller click up in the upper right corner on the cogwheel in the message bubble. This will open a setting which let you disable the auto-add feature.
The other button (just the cog) has three settings which are a bit odd as the option to track wired clients is off at my site, but those clients do get detected.

After that you need to manually delete or hide all the already added entities.

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Any suggestion how to delete hundreds of devices? They were added by Unifi integration. I disabled auto add, but devices are still here.

same issue here, the default value should be disabled entity
and we can enable what we want instead of disabling 100s devices :frowning:

The unifi integration has become a very counter productive method of tracking devices

Why can’t we set it in the configurationm.yaml and set it to track specific IPs or mac addresses of those 2 devices (our phones) instead of adding ALL the devices then disabling then enabling etc…

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Just remove it from your config and move on. It appears the devs aren’t listening to the users, just not clear why.


To be honest I think the devs are listening, it just costs more time to prioritize all the changes and program them in their spare time then we users give them. The reason a dev isn’t reacting to every request with the line: yeah sure, i’ll build that tomorrow.
Is because first they have more things to do that program every feature request that comes across. Also, and more important, if they would build all features it would very soon become a very feature rich environment with so many configuration stuff that it’s not a nice platform to work with.
So, give them time to let it sink in and see for themselves what the importance of the feature is.
I too want this feature, but to be fair, am also happy with a good workaround. Since it’s possible to disable future discovery it is only necessary to use it at initial installation.

I do listen. This year has been overwhelming on the work front. Most of my hass time this year has been focused on improving unifi. And to my knowledge the main issue of this thread of not having all those entities created and being disabled has been improved?

Hi @Robban

Unfortunately it has not improved at all. I just done a fresh install and had to (very painfully) go to each device’s RX and TX sensors of over 50 devices and disable them one by one…

I really just can’t comprehend why this integration was modified from the old way where we could just specify the devices we wanted to track, in my case it was 2, not 50+.

To say its frustrating is an understatement.
We definitely appreciate all the hard work you guys put in for us to have this magical piece of software, but sometimes it’s best to remember the saying. Don’t fix what isn’t broken…

You can disable creation of rx/TX sensors in the options section in the integration. I will add an option to only track specific clients

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Thank you.

But I don’t see the option of not creating the rx/TX sensors, is it the bandwidth usage sensors?

I would like to request another feature.
In the unifi controller under each device there’s another metric called “activity” this is the data usage/data transfer rate, it would be great if we can set automations based on that.

For example, my new Samsung TV’s integration is terrible, I’d like HA to know when the streaming of Netflix or plex start (based on the TV’s data usage) and then dim the lights etc.

Is that possible?

That might be a new sensor in it self perhaps?

Is it not possible to include it in the integration like the rx/tx sensors?
Or perhaps as an attribute?

I must admit I too had an issue like this and the problem has two parts. 1. The toggles in the integration to turn this behavior off are very unclear. The descriptions are not clear enough to know exactly how to do it. Also there is no documentation I could find about the toggles in the settings.
2. it is only possible to turn the discovery off after installation and therefore the discovery is on by default for a short period which is enough to flood the entity list with the devices you don’t want to include.

So like I said before it would be very appreciated if the discovery would be turned off by default and if we could get a whitelist to insert Mac addresses for the devices we would like to use.

The workaround I used was to go in my unifi environment and temporary block all devices accept the ones I want to track. Then install integration and toggle the discovery off. After that I unblocked the devices in unifi. Too much of a hassle if you ask me.

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How would this be calculated, this is nothing that the Unifi controller provides in the api

I don’t know if unifi provides it in the api or not but this is what I’m talking about


It does not, so how should it be calculated?

Sorry I don’t know what you mean @Robban… All I want is to trigger an automation when the activity goes above say 1mbps…
You’re the guru here

Hi @Robban

Just setup the integration on the newest HA, I just wanted to confirm, I don’t think you’ve implemented the suggestion I made above about the “activity”?

Also I’m having problems with the wired clients not reporting RX or TX?

Another problem is when I disable the RX and TX sensor entities that I don’t need, they enable themselves 2 seconds later. I can’t keep them disabled…

Thank you

No I haven’t. Can you report your issues on GitHub?

Sure, I’m sorry but can you link me to where I should report the issues?

Thank you