Universal Solar Inverter over Modbus RS485 / TCP custom_component (AlphaESS, Growatt, Sofar, SolaX, Solinteg, Solis, SRNE, Swatten, TIGO TSI & Qcells Q.Volt Hyb)

I think the pw is now the serial number of the pocket wifi so not so easy to hack into unless you read the sn off the device of course. I think you can also switch off the AP once connected to the router. but then if you change the router pw you are a bit stuck. there is a button on it maybe that does a factory reset? I must say I find the cloud app quite useful except it only gives todays view.

@Lad1: Maybe one day, solax will bring a firmware update that makes modbus tcp/502 available also when connected to the home network, but your experience shows that it is not yet the case. Thanks

The serial number of the Pocket Wifi is in its SSID name…

Mine doesn’t have a button… I seem to have bricked mine by having a password that was too complicated/long(?) on my WiFi. After that, the local SSID disappeared, and now it’s doing a fast-blink and that’s it. The serial number is no longer visible in the inverter menu either.

I also still wanted to use the cloud app, so I replaced mine with a Pocket LAN and put in on a special “IoT-Cloud” VLAN, which is only allowed to create outgoing connections through the main router.


Can I have one more question please? actually two.

  1. What is the difference between House Load and Inverter Power? show very similar values.

  2. “Today’s Solar Energy” and “Today’s Yield” parameters. Which is suitable to use for Energy management in Home Assistant? I believe “Today’s Solar Energy” but my total home consumption at 15kW per hour does not match the Solax mobile app. A difference of about 1kW per hour. HA shows more.

Thank you

They can be very Similar. Inverter Power is the power coming from Solar &/or Battery.
The House Load, could be higher that Inverter Power if it is also pulling from the Grid.

Solar Energy is just the Power generate from the PV.

Todays Yield is a combination of the Solar PV and Battery energy. The Battery could be from yesterday’s generation or Grid charging over night.

For the dashboard you want:

Grid consumption - SolaX Today’s Import Energy
Return to grid - SolaX Today’s Export Energy
Solar production - SolaX Today’s Solar Energy
Battery systems - SolaX Battery Output Energy Today & SolaX Battery Input Energy Today

Thank you for your response.

However, with this setting, the data of the mobile application with HA diverges. Is there any explanation? in the image HA says 8.8 mobile app at the same time 8.2. With more consumption, the difference is greater.

I will try to measure household consumption with another device soon. I have good experience with Shelly 3EM

One more thing please. There are changes going on in the device that I don’t make. Is it possible that HA would make these changes himself? I found out this morning that the battery drain had been turned off since midnight. I definitely didn’t set it up…

believe that these frequent changes are damaging the memory of the inverter. It is so?


There sometimes is a difference between what the Inverter physically reports and what the Cloud reports. I don’t know if there is some internal rounding going on in the Cloud or it’s down to the updating frequency?

They are not changes the Integration is making, the Integration can only change something if you ask it to change something.

It looks like you Inverter went to sleep at 23:59:10 I am guessing you ran out of available battery?

06:40:12 is where your Inverter started to wake up when there was enough available Sunlight.
Between 06:40:12 and 06:45:13 is where the Inverter goes through it’s check sequence. You would have heard the contactors clicking a few times as well, while it went through it’s sequence.


The battery was charged. I think the problem was elsewhere.

Are you sure? These entries all appeared after restarting the configuration in HA.

I believe that during a restart of HA, the state change logs may report state changes, but these log entries do not correspond to actual actions the integration writes to the inverter.
Our integration logs all inverter write actions with severity “info”. So your logging level is set to info (the default level) or higher, you should see all actual inverter writes in the system logs (not the state change logs). Please look in the full log , not the default error and warnings view.
Example of real write system log entries:


I must have set something wrong in the logger. I am not able to find similar entries in my log. If I open the supervisor log, HA freezes… :frowning:

Not sure what you mean by “supervisor” log. I referred to the logs found under
Settings → System → Logs and then on the bottom of the list, the button ‘load full logs’
Then you can search entries with Solax in the name

Not too long after a HA restart, these logs still have a reasonable size, so it should not take too long to load


Unfortunately I didn’t find anything in settings/system/logs… it’s empty. However, I found some entries directly in the home-assistant.log file. Please are the lines in red the actual write to the device? Thank you very much.

Here is my log (settings/system/log). There is only this and nothing more (after pressing the button).

The HA freeze comes after switching to supervisor in the upper right corner.

yes, these are write actions on solax register 103 and 97
Register 103 (0x67) is BackupDischargeMinSoC
Register 97 (0x61) is SelfUseDischargeMinSoc

Hope this helps

PS: no idea why your show full log button down the page does not show this. Loading the full logs can take some time …


I just want to reiterate that our Integration does not make any changes to your Inverter by itself.

Good day.

I’m sure you’re right. I just needed to rule out that possibility. I suspect the company that installed the solar power plant. I believe they are playing with it (it is a young company and maybe they are seeing how it works).

Good day.

very useful. Thank you.

Maybe yes. However, I believe I have a problem with the SSD drive. Specifically, UAS
very similar behavior is described here

If that’s the case remove the Pocket WiFi and chuck it in the bin!

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Yes, I intend to disconnect the wi-fi module when the installation of the device is complete. We are still not done with the installation of the power plant. That’s why I’m watching the changelog in your integration. It is very useful in this regard.