Unkown tuya chip

please share a photo how you made the replacement. :slight_smile: for now im waiting for the software specs from china that might tell how to write and replace firmware.


A quick and dirty one…


Onto other challenges and tinkers…


it’s spreading…
tried to tuya-convert these plugs:

after many failures decided to open them up and was greeted with the same module inside :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

organ transplant was successful:

this one was super tight, barely closed.

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As Merlin would say…“Looking Good, Eggsy”
“Feeling good, Merlin”
Love the small pleasures of life! Great job mate!

Hi Seth,
I also modified new MS-104B module to work with tasmota and local control. It is working different that previous version in the way is receiving local on/off command . It is receiving in gpio input a zero voltage pulse of 100 ms when switch is operated. I modified the original tasmota template with counters which use scripts to get it working. It is much simpler now. I will attach details for this modifications.

Template that I use is {“NAME”:“Generic”,“GPIO”:[0,0,0,0,22,21,0,0,91,0,90,0,0],“FLAG”:0,“BASE”:1}
I have to mention that in your picture pin VCC is reversed with GND.
Best regards

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Would you want to share details about your improvements?

I’m about to modify my Moes MS-104 Relay which has the external switch sense feature. I assume that feature is what you improved the MS-104B modification on, correct? And the scripts you’re referring to are those mentioned on the MS-104B template page.

You could also add your detailed description directly to the MS-104 template page.

Thank you!

Hi Ribo,
I am new on this community and I cannot attach more than one picture/post. The internal hardware (not only wifi chip) of the new model is different and the script from MS-104B tasmota template page will not work . The best and easy to make the job done is to use gpio counter inputs from old template to act like buttons (Button1n and Button2n). 100ms voltage drop on gpio input is enough to be sensed like input state change. I use ESP-12E with gpio14 as button1n input, gpio12 as button2n input, gpio5 as relay1 and gpio4 as relay2. I moved and laid flat the 220 microF capacitor to eliberate the space for placing inside enclosure ESP-12E chip.Wiring configuration below

Hi StefanD,
Thank you.

I got a MS-104 Relay here, single relay but with input sense. So I’d need to adapt your solution slightly. It is a good idea to use the sense as button input, makes sense (pun intended ;).

Was there a change in code? I’m new to the Tasmota templates.

The WA2 got a 10 pin connector soldered to the riser board. Still wondering what all those pins are used for. Vcc, GND, relay1, sense. Makes four pins, what about the remaining six pins? Buzzer, ok. Still five left.

I’d be interested in any code changes you had to make for the double relay device to work with sense input. Thanks!


I don’t have in hand any MS-104 relay module to be able to answer to your question regarding the WA2 pins so you have to figure that yourself. Probably some of them are Rx and Tx , En ,etc For double relay module MS-104B there are no modifications in code to be performed. Just copy and paste the template I posted previously. There is a small delay of aprox 1s between the gpio input change and acting of the output relay( probably the delay for button type cycle ) and time response can be improved in rules or in tasmota code in the future.

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Might be late but here is the manufacturer. I flashed it successfully with TUA Convert.

this is the wifi chip for old model of MS-104B based on ESP 8285 and we know that is possible to convert. The new models are based on WA2 chip which, for the moment it is not possible to convert.
Best regards

Thank you. Will mod the MS-104 relay when time allows and report back.

Hi Ribo,
as a hint to discover the gpio pin for output relay, should be connected trough a resistor marked 107 to the base of one transistor. The output of the transistor is connected to the relay coil. Default state for this gpio pin is zero level. For button gpio input default voltage level is 3.3V, so you can check which pin is at 3.3V level other than voltage supply for wifi chip.


Hello everyone.

It would be great if Tasmota or something similar existed for this component.
I have searched and found information about this:



I hope it can be customized in the future.


Hi friends, I have this some problem with WIFI+RF switch just like in a photo.
This stuff based on WA2 chip, not good for me, for us.

I found this module on Tuay develop page, it names - WB2S, https://docs.tuya.com/en/iot/device-development/module/wifibt-dual-mode-module/wb2s-module-datasheet?id=K9ghecl7kc479
It is not ESP compatible platform. Only one method to transfer module to Home Assistant is change module, the best for one to one - tywe2s or with external wired to small esp like M1 or M3 module from Ali.

I think TYWE2S is 100% compatible with WB2S, but no one sell it on Ali.

I suggest to watch for other WIFI+BT or WIFI Tuya Module, on Tuya web page, they support many different ARM platform, NOT ONLY ESP8265/66 :frowning:

I think we will have a growing problem with the compatibility of Chinese devices with ESP, everyone wants to earn more, and ESP is not the cheapest.


Hello all

I ordered 20 of these, hoping it was ESP based as the B-Model, but…
Well, not being a fan of cloud (and even less chinese clouds) I chose to mod the pieces using esp12e modules. To me the information here was rather incomplete or even confusing, but I got through. To make things easier for others, I assembled the following step-by-step guide here.
In the end, the result is satisfactory (but no buzzer anymore :wink: )

So this is what I received from Ali, and it looks exactly the same after the modifcations described here:

(well, great, as a new user I cannot post more pictures in a post)

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Inside, it looks like this:


First step is to remove the Beken module. I cut off the front of the module, where the contacts are, close to the card, using a Dremel kind of tool:

(and great again… cannot post more than this…
well @admin, I think I will keep the rest of the story for myself, sorry)