Unkown tuya chip

Unfortunately not, the IC is not compatible with Tasmota or anything to my knowledge.
As you said it’s a really useful product with two type of RF, but I think it has to stay Tuya integrated

Yes, thus I was thinking of replacing that chip with an ESP12.
But couldn’t find much of the topic, on any device.

Further up this thread, swapping in the older TYWES2 module is discussed:

Hi all, I’ve just designed an adapter for ESP-07/12. If someone is interrested, we can share the mfg costs or I can sell complete programmed modules.


@danman would you share the project and gerber files? That would be great. :slight_smile:

Here you go:

But note it has not been tested yet. There might be mistakes.

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Perfect! Thank you. Nice job!

Many thanks for sharing the design files!! Worked like a charm, filed off a small piece of the ESP PCB (corner on the antenna side) and clipping off the pin of th push button allowed to position the ESP/adapter board to minimuze overhang further.
I have 11 PCBs left and live in the UK. if anyone has use for them, you can have them for free.

did you ever find anything about the WB2L Chipset? can it be flashed?

any WBx chipset from Tuya has a non ESP chip inside and cannot the flashed with Tasmota or esphome

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I did see somewhere on the internet there was a project to develop an opensource firmware for these chips, but damned if I can find it again.

WT-01N is a new pin compatible module for TYWE2S, WR2, WR2E, WB2S replacement


So my adapters arrived today.

I have made a programming adapter 2.54 to 2mm pitch:

To program, I use esptool.py and short the PROG pins before connecting the adapter.
Physically, they are longer than the original module:

But they fit - first I inserted it and fixed with hot glue and then soldered the pins.

Now I only need to find out the correct tasmota configuration.
I have 10 more adapters, if you are interested, send me a PM.


So, this config is correct but I have swapped TX and RX in the design :man_facepalming: which means the button is not working. Dirty fix is to bridge them with a blob of solder and the button works again :tada:.

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Is it fixed now in the new pcb?

Yes, the latest commit has it fixed:

commit 031c61bf6d1d21104408cedd763a9be0f04462ce (HEAD -> master, origin/master)
Author: Daniel Kucera
Date:   Thu Sep 9 01:48:02 2021 +0200

    fix TX RX swap

you can order them directly at PCBWay, there is already the correct thickness (0,8mm) set.

I’m also trying to look into that @echojjj , let me know if you find out anything. As far as I can see it, probably needs to be an esp32 because it’s pure PWM pins, and ESP32 seems to have that in HW.

The dirty fix has some quirks so I removed the solder blob and rather changed the configuration to following.

Now I am totally happy with it.

not esp but a drop-in replacement: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_A1eqWi