UNRAID Integration

This looks like something I have been looking for.

Main question I have - can I monitor for updates required?

  • Notification of new Unraid version
  • Notification of new plugin / Docker / App version


Very VERY nice looking work.

Am bringing online a second Unraid box in my house so being able to monitor/control them both from HA is really useful.


@IvanDobsky at the moment, the integration does not support checking for new versions and updates of unraid, docker and plugins.

Can you please log it as a feature request here and I’ll look into it?

Issues and Feature Requests

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Hello! Very nice work!! :clap: :clap:
I got here looking for a way to monitor the Parity Check process: status / last run date / speed / so on. Do you have any plans to add this information?

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@adyannu Thanks for mentioning it.

Can you please log it as a feature request here and I’ll look into it?

Issues and Feature Requests

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My HA integration is still at version 0.1.5, how do I upgrade to your new code to take advantage of new features?

Sorry, don’t have a github account. I’ll likely install this anyway and watch it evolve.

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It wont be difficult to implement docker and plugin updates sensors.

It will be a challenge to implement the OS updates sensor as Unraid uses a new Update OS mechanism. Once you hit that Update OS button in Unraid it takes you to Unraid OS Updates for your server - Unraid.net Account.

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New version released. Have fun!

Release 2024.11.15

:mag: Overview

This update introduces significant improvements and new features for the Unraid integration, enhancing functionality and usability.

:sparkles: New Features

  • Configurable Update Intervals:

    • General sensors (CPU, Motherboard) now have adjustable update intervals during setup, ranging from 1 to 60 minutes.
    • Disk sensors update intervals are configurable during setup, ranging from 1 to 24 hours.
  • UPS Power Monitoring:

    • New sensors added to track UPS metrics such as current power, energy consumption, and load percentage.
  • Network Traffic Monitoring:

    • Added sensors to monitor inbound and outbound network traffic.
  • Parity Check Sensor:

    • Monitor array parity checks directly in Home Assistant.
  • Disk Health Monitoring:

    • New sensors track drive temperatures and health statuses.
  • Diagnostics Enhancement:

    • UPS status information has been relocated to the diagnostics section for better organization.

:bug: Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues with executing service commands.
  • Improved support for CPU and Motherboard sensors across a broader range of systems.
  • Removed automatic UPS detection; UPS sensors must now be explicitly enabled.
  • Enhanced UPS sensor functionality to gracefully handle systems without a connected UPS.
  • Better handling of VMs with special characters.

:hammer_and_wrench: Other Improvements

  • Refined naming conventions and formatting for better consistency.
  • Updated versioning style to align with Home Assistant standards.

:memo: Notes

  • Important: Due to the scope of these updates, you may need to reinstall the integration and clear your browser cache for everything to work smoothly.

:raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands:
Thank you very much for you hard work!

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@ruaandeysel so we should not expect the Unraid integration in HA to automatically check and prompt us to upgrade?
I do not see an update notice in HA…
If we uninstall the Unraid integration and reinstall it, will we lose all our settings, changes, and customizations that related to it?

You are a legend. This integration has been amazing so far.

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I’m not seeing any notice of integration updates in HA. So based on your comment above, I went ahead and deleted the Unraid integration and re-added it.
However the version is the same 0.1.5

Please advise…?

Looks fine to me

Screenshot 2024-11-16 at 11.25.30 am

Screenshot 2024-11-16 at 11.28.05 am

You can force and Update Information or Redownload to see if that helps
Screenshot 2024-11-16 at 11.25.54 am

Clear your browser cache and home assistant mobile app cache as sometimes it holds onto old integration data.

Also check Home Assistant’s Config\custom_components directory for Unraid integration and delete pycache

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In the HA app, I deleted the integration again, went to HACS and did a ‘update information’ and then ‘redownload’ . Next I re-added the integration and it still shows the old version 0.1.5

I then noticed a prompt to restart HA.

Then I received an automation error I ignored.

I went back to the integration and I now see the updated version and it is a beautiful thing! :raised_hands::heart:

Where can I donate to all your hard work?

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Now I’m seeing a bunch of unraid integration entities no longer available.
They all state:
“This entity is no longer being provided by the unraid integration. If the entity is no longer in use, delete it in settings.”

Please Lmk if I’m doing anything wrong.

The sensors you see are not valid anymore and can be removed. This is because of code updates I made.

Things like the fan binary sensor was not working correctly so I removed it until I find a proper way of detecting DC and PWM fans.

UPS Status is moved to Diagnostics and UPS Power Management is under Sensors.

All Docker and VM controls are the same. Improvements were made to better handle VM names with special characters

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Thanks! I have donation links on the unraid GitHub repo in readme.md at the bottom is PayPal link and you can also donate through GitHub Sponsor link on the repo :blush:

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I have multiple cache pools, is there a way to get sensor entities for these?

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I’ll look into adding support for more cache disk sensors in future update