Hello! Very nice work!!
I got here looking for a way to monitor the Parity Check process: status / last run date / speed / so on. Do you have any plans to add this information?
It wont be difficult to implement docker and plugin updates sensors.
It will be a challenge to implement the OS updates sensor as Unraid uses a new Update OS mechanism. Once you hit that Update OS button in Unraid it takes you to Unraid OS Updates for your server - Unraid.net Account.
@ruaandeysel so we should not expect the Unraid integration in HA to automatically check and prompt us to upgrade?
I do not see an update notice in HA…
If we uninstall the Unraid integration and reinstall it, will we lose all our settings, changes, and customizations that related to it?
I’m not seeing any notice of integration updates in HA. So based on your comment above, I went ahead and deleted the Unraid integration and re-added it.
However the version is the same 0.1.5
In the HA app, I deleted the integration again, went to HACS and did a ‘update information’ and then ‘redownload’ . Next I re-added the integration and it still shows the old version 0.1.5
Now I’m seeing a bunch of unraid integration entities no longer available.
They all state:
“This entity is no longer being provided by the unraid integration. If the entity is no longer in use, delete it in settings.”
Thanks! I have donation links on the unraid GitHub repo in readme.md at the bottom is PayPal link and you can also donate through GitHub Sponsor link on the repo