I am a Home Assistant user for a very long time from the early days. In the years I have put it on different HW and the last 1,5 year running it on Oroid without any problems.
I am running the latest version and updates but due to some issue I noticed that last week after updates my Oroid became instable, lights did not function in the morning while going insider my living room or very slow.
I noticed when I pluged my Home Assistant device (Odroid) on a external little monitor that CLI prompt I was able to just type in a lets say 2 minutes commands and then after that not able to type anything on the prompt, after a while HA got reboot and this repeated the whole time.
For some reason with fast typing I managed last week to get my HA back with the webinterface because when started it was point out it was available on homeassistant.local but could not get access, for some reason after playing around on the CLI with different commands I managed an HA started.
Fast I went to backup/restore option and restored a previous version from my google drive and all came up without any problems. No errors anymore. So I thought I had fixed the issue, but this monday 20th of January same issues, no lights on in morning and complete not able to access HA anymore (CLI prompt freezes and HA reboots after a while).
So I thought well this is not good so I used my raspberry PI 5 that I order for some other purpose and put HA on this HW. – Did a restore from a few days ago and thought, wow I fixed this issue and I can now slowly look at my ODROID what is the problem, but also with this PI5 after the restore, all came up… but after a while complete freeze op everything. - So sounds its not the Adroid or the PI, there must be another issue what I do not understand.
What is causing this major issue now in my situation?
Never had these experiences before.
Thanks for your reply and I can tell you a few other things I have done in the meanwhile because I had to find a quick escape to my PI to keep the system running.
In the meanwhile I had contact with my local reseller of my Oroid N2+ device and they told me that they delivered the homeassistant preinstalled packages always to customers on a 64 Emmc module. But now with latest HA os versions they seem to have problems. Well I had from first delivery a few years ago the same Emcc module in my Odroid. So I asked them to please sent me a 256 Emmc module and there I restored my backup on.
All seem to work out fine until this sunday before we wanted to go away, same error what I get when I try to access HA with my mobilephone inside the home. You get a message , something like SSL error has occured and a secure connection to the server cannot be made.
This message I also had with the 64 Emmc module, so with the new module same issues. The strange this is that later that day almost in the evening we came back home, and due to my automation when we entered our home all the lights were on. So this feels a bit unstable. I have checked my ubiquiti network on the specific IP of the HA client, but nothing strange there to be seen.
It looks like HA had a freeze or on IP it was blocked with SSL and then after a certain while everything comes back online again. So I defenitely as you advised will check the HA logs of I can see something from this sunday what triggers this sort of freeze moment.
Mark just checked and found this in the logs of this sunday.
The system could not validate that the sqlite3 database at //config/home-assistant_v2.db was shutdown cleanly
That was around 10:30 our local time and we just left our home, until 10:31 messages where there and then new message from devices came in around 16:00 hours in the afternoon.
So i dont know why there was a hickup in the SQL db its running on new Emmc module, but could that be the case that for this reason HA was not available on its IP and has a freeze moment?
This error usually occurs on system startup - not while the system is running. Please check the other logs (numbers 5 & 6 in the Troubleshooting link I provided above).