Update 2023.10.2 to 2023.10.3/4/5 not working

I’ve been trying to update 2023.10.2 to 2023.10.3 or 4 or 5. system does backup but that’s all.

anything in your logs?

I have a couple of the screen shots taken back in October last year.

I’m just getting back to this now as have had many other things to worry about. Anyway tries updating the system from 2023.10.2 to 2024.1.5, no luck. I can’t get into any of the logs nor HACS (to update there) nor ESPHome or Logviewer or Terminal. see screen shots attached

I getting to the stage I think that I may have to reinstall from the start?

Any help would be appreciated.

Some pointers towards possible network issues. How are you running HA?

Runs on Raspberry Pi 4 (rpi4-64) connected via ethernet cable

This is strange, when I went back to check what hardware I was using I see that I can now get to hACS hassio etc etc. Will try to run update again and see if i can get the log.

Okay, I managed to update the HACS integrations and HACS itself. Then tried again to update Core to 2025.1.5 this is the log report extract

found that my “file editor” had disappeared. tried to reload and came up against this

What does your supervisor status say? port 4357 instead of 8123. Also check your DNS settings.

These are the settings of your windows machine, you need to check on your home assistant installation.


I don’t see any reference to DNS on setting/system/network?

And please if at all possible paste the actual text in a preformatted code block. Do not paste screenshots of text.

On a mobile device they’re way too small to read.

Also I was able to read the log enough to identify it’s probably this issue:

But I don’t know if that issue was ever solved.