Update Limitlessled/Milight Component V6 Bridge (iBox)

Hello Justin,

I also have troubles configuring dual white bulbs. Where can I find the file you’ve edited to get it working?

Thanks in advance,

Hi HAppy,

The file I modified was -

class CommandSetWhiteV6(CommandSetV6):
“”" Command set for white led light connected to wifi bridge v6. “”"


def __init__(self, group_number):
    Initializes the command set.
    :param group_number: The group number.
    super().__init__(group_number, self.REMOTE_STYLE)

def on(self):
    Build command for turning the led on.
    :return: The command.
    return self._build_command(0x01, 0x07)

def off(self):
    Build command for turning the led off.
    :return: The command.
   return self._build_command(0x01, 0x08)

Hello @JustinP,

Thank you very much for your effort! This fix works great, you’ve saved me a lot of time.

Hello @JustinP,

I created an issue: https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/11360

Hopefully they can fix it in the main Home Assistant code.

Not sure if this is helps but I extracted some of the commands sent from the Dual White Remote to the v6 hub

31000001010800000001003c OFF
31000001010700000001003b ON
31000001010600000001003a Night Light
310000010102000000010036 Brightness Down
310000010102000000010036 Brightness Down
310000010101000000010035 Brightness Up
310000010103000000010037 Colour Warmer
310000010104000000010038 Colour Cooler

01 = Remote Style
0104 = Remote Command (Colour Cooler)

Not sure if it is possible to send a command that specifies particular brightness or colour setting to these lights.

My lights are intelligent led downlight DEL LED (CCT dual white Colour changing) (NOT RGB)

Happy to assist if I can, not a python coder although I can hack the code to make it sort of work.



Hi @JustinP,

I suggest you have a look at the ESP8266 MiLigh Hub project mentioned above instead of using Limitless component in HA and the iBox as hardware.

It has far superior functionality (HA communicates with the hub via MQTT which is much lighter than UDP used by iBox), (probably, there have been several protocol revisions) all current light bulbs or strip controllers are supported and one single hub on a NodeMCU can replace all iBox units in the house as it can emulate any number of iBox units.

With the MQTT json light component in HA and some scripting, most (if not all) of Hue’s goodies can be ported to MiLight.

Hi Petrica,

I have been play around with ESP8266 project as well, another great project. This was not working with my lights until recently, I think due to a checksum bug that has just been fixed.

Still testing it out.



Where can I get the latest firmware for the ibox? Limitlessled is gone and milight /easybulb doesnt seem to have it on their site?

1 Like

There is no way to update the firmware. You are stuck with what came on it.



don’t know if anyone could help me but im trying to get Mqtt setup for ESP8266 and openhab.

There are no great guides on the internet to know were to put the MQTT settings.

I have tried UDP but that just shows the bridge offline in openhab.

so that does not work unless I missing something.

any help would be much appreciated

thanks from Oliver



could you please help me on this

what do I putter in the server address

have you got any more pictures of what you have done and how this work to openhab.

hope to hear back

from Oliver

Hi Oliver,

I don’t know anything about openhab.
This is the home-assistant community forum, so maybe there is a better place to ask?